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QUOTE (soxfan49 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 01:16 AM)
Spezza is not great. He hasn't had more than 80 points since 2009. If Spezza needs Ales f***ing Hemsky to make him feel better, he's a pu**y.


Klingberg is a great offensive defenseman. If he can improve defensively, that's a great move by Nill.


Bowman has 3 Cups. While Tallon did a lot of the 2010 work, he also f***ed Bowman over with the Barker and Byfuglien deals. Bowman's signings of Hossa and Campbell those years put them over the top.


The Seguin trade was a great one, there is no doubting that. I also wouldn't compare him to Toews.


It's not an excuse. It was a bigger game for the Stars. Face it. Do I think Dallas is really good? Yeah obviously, but I'm not going to bet the Stars if they meet in the playoffs.


first bold, i really didn't think that tallon went out to screw with stan. if i remember correctly, wasn't he remove and i took it as a surprise on his side. if so, he still thought he was still going to be the gm. the salary cap is a hard cap and no loop holes. i see where teams need to swallow mistakes and have to find a way around them.... just like bickell.


second.... as i said last week, playoff time is an all different animal and the hawks have yrs of game experience in the playoff. i too will not bet against them.

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QUOTE (soxfan49 @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 06:16 PM)
Spezza is not great. He hasn't had more than 80 points since 2009. If Spezza needs Ales f***ing Hemsky to make him feel better, he's a pu**y.


Klingberg is a great offensive defenseman. If he can improve defensively, that's a great move by Nill.


Bowman has 3 Cups. While Tallon did a lot of the 2010 work, he also f***ed Bowman over with the Barker and Byfuglien deals. Bowman's signings of Hossa and Campbell those years put them over the top.


The Seguin trade was a great one, there is no doubting that. I also wouldn't compare him to Toews.


It's not an excuse. It was a bigger game for the Stars. Face it. Do I think Dallas is really good? Yeah obviously, but I'm not going to bet the Stars if they meet in the playoffs.

Wasn't Tallon still the GM when Campbell and Hossa signed? Wasn't the rumor back then that it actually was Mc Cub who signed Campbell?

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 05:46 PM)
they i will address you to the beginning of this discussion. #2661 post and where i stated of what my belief of the reason for sharp being traded.


can of corn came in on #2666 and etc.....


so in ref to rumors and innuendo i too but if i am wrong, i will come back and say i was wrong, not once as any mods and admin have done that, and if i or anyone defends themselves, that is when the .... so called ranting starts, and you are just as guilty. every one is. but you won't admit it.


Again, it is OK for you to state your opinion, but no one else. Got it.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 05:53 PM)
again cherry picking little excerpts of a conversation to prove a point. i love when some one can come in an prove a point without getting personal stick to the facts and be reasonable open for a different point of view that may be going against their opinions.... and most of all not being subjective against it.


Getting personal like accusing all of the admins and mods of ganging up against you? Again, only you get to argue.

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I will make one more post about this LDF. Where in the PHT forum do we ever state rumors as fact? There are rumors Gordon may sign with the Sox. Do we say Sox have signed Gordon based on something some website has stated even If its not reputable just because the Internet said it? No, everyone including you would demand a valid source. Why do you think you can come in this thread and play by different rules operating under your "for the sake of discussion" agenda that you always hide behind?

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QUOTE (shipps @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 01:55 AM)
I will make one more post about this LDF. Where in the PHT forum do we ever state rumors as fact? There are rumors Gordon may sign with the Sox. Do we say Sox have signed Gordon based on something some website has stated even If its not reputable just because the Internet said it? No, everyone including you would demand a valid source. Why do you think you can come in this thread and play by different rules operating under your "for the sake of discussion" agenda that you always hide behind?


and i have done so, i have always maintain that it is rumors that i have been saying, there are times that i did take liberty in failing to say that it was a rumor and that was on first response to a poster who stated something along the line of his trade and his lack of scoring from the previous yr. i said it was b/c of other incidents and keith. now, no one will be able to disprove what i said was wrong, and i will not disprove that there were other reason. i supplied those links from what i read back in feb.... then the question of whether those links are valid.... how can i know if they are... there were no retraction, no lawsuites.... for defamation of character.... i am more than sure there would have been a law suite.


again, this is what you can not seem to understand and those who posted on this thread, posters.... have ..... a ..... right .... to .... their ..... opinion. whether it is right or wrong.


no where does it says, every thing has to be in agreement.


and then there were the other things..... see i have no problem being wrong, but it appears some poster do.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 01:48 AM)
Getting personal like accusing all of the admins and mods of ganging up against you? Again, only you get to argue.


again i will submit to you to provide the exact post that i said ganging up.... don't take liberties with saying that i accuse anyone of this.


and the word of ALL., where did i say that word when describing this so call ganging up????

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 01:47 AM)
Again, it is OK for you to state your opinion, but no one else. Got it.


it is really nice to exaggerate the truth .....


so all these post i have always posted, i must be soo angry, and let me get this right, b/c they do not agree with me.....

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:20 PM)
and i have done so, i have always maintain that it is rumors that i have been saying, there are times that i did take liberty in failing to say that it was a rumor and that was on first response to a poster who stated something along the line of his trade and his lack of scoring from the previous yr. i said it was b/c of other incidents and keith. now, no one will be able to disprove what i said was wrong, and i will not disprove that there were other reason. i supplied those links from what i read back in feb.... then the question of whether those links are valid.... how can i know if they are... there were no retraction, no lawsuites.... for defamation of character.... i am more than sure there would have been a law suite.


again, this is what you can not seem to understand and those who posted on this thread, posters.... have ..... a ..... right .... to .... their ..... opinion. whether it is right or wrong.


no where does it says, every thing has to be in agreement.


and then there were the other things..... see i have no problem being wrong, but it appears some poster do.


Fine. At the end of the day you are able to throw out rumors that claim Sharp is a married man who sleeps with other players Wifes and whoever else then go ahead. Because.... Well it's on the Internet it must be true! LDF can't bother to check if it's a reliable source or not! That would be unresonable!


But the admins and mods have no class.



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QUOTE (shipps @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 02:27 AM)
Fine. At the end of the day you are able to throw out rumors that claim Sharp is a married man who sleeps with other players Wifes and whoever else then go ahead. Because.... Well it's on the Internet it must be true! LDF can't bother to check if it's a reliable source or not! That would be unresonable!


But the admins and mods have no class.



btw, when did i accuse of all admin and mods????


again, just acting out....


but again on the flip side, just b/c they don't tell the truth, not is ever right, b/c all rumors are wrong and without contents.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:33 PM)
btw, when did i accuse of all admin and mods????


again, just acting out....


but again on the flip side, just b/c they don't tell the truth, not is ever right, b/c all rumors are wrong and without contents.


Okay so you are accusing myself of having no class because of what I am not sure.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 02:32 AM)
Still waiting on that report of reporters being asked to leave the locker room because of a fight, like you claimed.....Where is that link? The link you read that reporters saw the fight and were asked to leave the locker room...


and i am still saying that i posted the link of what was said.... if those links or some don't have the exact words you require... well just too bad.


you took all this time to build up some guts to say this, even when i was on the site with you before.... ohhhh i see you need some reinforcement to add that little support. i get it.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:36 PM)
then no need to bring it up.... since you seems to forget....

If it's because I clapped then you are just taking the fact you were proven wrong personal. If you are wrong why don't you just admit it? I do all the time. In fact, I done so a couple times today already.


I'm done with you dude. I'm not going to get involved in your many great "devils advocate" discussions anymore.

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QUOTE (shipps @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:27 PM)
Fine. At the end of the day you are able to throw out rumors that claim Sharp is a married man who sleeps with other players Wifes and whoever else then go ahead. Because.... Well it's on the Internet it must be true! LDF can't bother to check if it's a reliable source or not! That would be unresonable!


But the admins and mods have no class.




And don't you dare ask for proof because discussions.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 03:39 AM)
I didn't say that, you did. I'm asking you, for like the eight time, where you saw the report that journalists were asked to leave the locker room. Why are you having such a hard time answering that?


you also said that that incident never happen and then that incident was never the cause of sharp getting traded. you have the tendency to keep moving the goalpost to suite you opinions.


again, i said that i posted the rumor of the incident and you said that it was not a valid group.


i will also say this now, i can't find the statement that i posted back in the draft link. i found where i said it was a TSN link but i could not find that link.


so there is nothing i can do about it.


but i still am saying and i posted the links you wanted.... but of course, it does not fit your narrative of what you want.... moving the goalpost. .


btw, i thought you made this gander post of not responding anymore..... :lol:

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:23 PM)
again i will submit to you to provide the exact post that i said ganging up.... don't take liberties with saying that i accuse anyone of this.


and the word of ALL., where did i say that word when describing this so call ganging up????



QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:35 PM)
and i am still saying that i posted the link of what was said.... if those links or some don't have the exact words you require... well just too bad.


you took all this time to build up some guts to say this, even when i was on the site with you before.... ohhhh i see you need some reinforcement to add that little support. i get it.


Yep, only you get to give your opinions, because that is a discussion. If anyone else does, it is ganging up.


Nothing to see here, just LDF giving his opinion that no one else can disagree with, or everyone else is picking on him.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 03:44 AM)
And don't you dare ask for proof because discussions.


esp when someone fabricate things.... oh god forbid. pls don't do that.


ummm you should talk to tony.... a strange inconsistency here.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 08:33 PM)
btw, when did i accuse of all admin and mods????


again, just acting out....


but again on the flip side, just b/c they don't tell the truth, not is ever right, b/c all rumors are wrong and without contents.




QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 04:52 PM)
nice high standards that admin and mods have to show the class they have.





QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 05:06 PM)
sure, a lot of players or people will admit that happen. if it didn't how come the players are not suing those who were quoted for defamation of character. there are a lot of proof that this reporter or that reporter are saying this.


any way, why do i need to keep score if i proved my point to sway other posters.... what will that get me???


but being classy and neutral in all things, is what a admin and mod have... or to up hold a class act.... which i am not seeing in well i will leave it here. you can answer this any way you want.


where there is smoke there is fire.



QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 23, 2015 -> 06:19 PM)
ok, all that was a statement that i did provided and yes is it concrete evidence that it was the case, beyond a shadow of a doubt.... no, and so any other posters is correct on that scope. no one knows, only the powers to be will know the truth.


i heard of the trade or rumor attempt for a possible trade at the trade deadline. yes i read the sports link, did i totally believe in it, no, but it can not be denied that there may.... may be an element of truth. unless you, i or anyone else were there to see it.


now, everyone will need to acknowledge that spin doctoring does happen, and that if for pr reasons if anything else.


all i am saying and have said, there was or capable of being other reasons..... again this goes back to feb and a sports link, i do not know it that, that was being reported was true. if it wasn't true, then why no retractions?????


your statement was at first the trade was b/c of salary cap reasons and no other reasons.... and you wanted to prove that point.


after a while you wanted the proof of what i saying or links.... i did, now you were questioning the integrity of it. how am i or anyone prove the integrity of any story..... but there was and have never been any lawsuite or retractions.


you and other admins and mods needs to be proven that you were right, then have some really classy other response... from adults to act like that.


if the fact of a statement is in question, people has to understand, there might be 2 pov and one may never prove or convince the other to chg, but it is their right to have that pov.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2015 -> 03:46 AM)
Yep, only you get to give your opinions, because that is a discussion. If anyone else does, it is ganging up.

Nothing to see here, just LDF giving his opinion that no one else can disagree with, or everyone else is picking on him.


and you taking a post meant for someone else to try to prove a point....


i should just do as you, and mention you.... i can take liberties and say it is the truth, b/c ss2k5 does it with out submitting the proof.


yup that is it.

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1. I never said it didn't happen. I agree 100% with you that you can choose to believe either side. I choose to side with facts when possible, and when it pertains to a possible fight in the locker room, all we have is two tweets. One from Dan Bernstein, and one from Dave Diehl. Two people you admitted to having NO IDEA who they were.


and i do not know who they were and you guys from chi told me... should i know who they are if i do not live in chi now there are fights all the time that is part of the contact sports and temper. i too agree with that. i am saying what i read and posted it was a rumor


2. So you can't find any links or stories relating to what you said about media being escorted out of the locker room. I searched "Blackhawk locker room fight" and found many articles all linking back to the same two tweets in different stories, and not one mention of anything about media being escorted out of the locker room.


and that is what was said back in feb and tsn i believe mention it again at the day before the draft. that is all i have and i have said so...


3. The point of all this, of course, is that people seem to be "ganging up on you" because you are choosing to base your opinion on information that simply doesn't exist, and/or was created by "sources" that have been proven to have no credibility. We all agree the purpose of a message board is to have open discussion and debate. But when one side is simply based on bad conjecture and misrepresentation of what is fact, expect to hear feedback from the other side.



for starters i never used the word ganging up on me, in any way nor implied it in any contents. i have kept each post separate from all the other .... except for this last one on ss2k5. but i did it, b/c each one had a different subject in some respect, even thou they are in some way linked. and when i ask to be proven wrong, i wish to be proven wrong and i will be the first to admit it.... now can any other .... ummm posters here same the same???


fact... or fact of where the info comes from, which i have done and provided to support my statement. however there is a caveat to that. i can not control their accuracy. and i will like to add that disclaimer at that time, which i have. when i stated it was a rumor being posted.



edit.... without coming across and i am afraid that many will think i am trying to kiss your ass. i am not. but this was a great post. clean, factual and straight to the point. nice and neat.

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