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2015-16 NHL thread

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ok, i am now owning up to my opinion.


i tried really hard to maintain that sentence of innocent until proven guilty.....


most of the time i was successful. but somettime i let my thoughts of the day take over.


where there is smoke there is fire. that was i was convince on and that Kane was in some way guilty or something.


well i am really wrong and it appears that he is really, realy in a huge way, may be innocents.


i am also glad the Hawks rolled the dice with him and stuck by him, thru all this.

good job on the hawks.


Kane is or many will say he is guilty of being a partier, but is that a crime.


so i was wrong and i am happy to admit it on kane.


go hawks.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 10:16 AM)
Id say its looking more and more like he didnt do anything wrong and he isnt going to get in trouble. So what exactly is the problem?


He went out with friends, didnt drive drunk, and for all we know he didnt hurt anyone. This was all during the offseason as well.


So far they have no DNA implying rape, the accusers family has more or less been caught fabricating evidence somehow leading to their lawyer to quit and now the accusers friends/witnesses dont want to testify. Unless something changes why the hell should the Hakws or Kane have to do anything?

Yeah the Hawks/NHL should not do anything if this continues to play out like it's looking. He's a famous dude and shouldn't be blamed for false accusations sent his way. He wants to go out and get blacked out drunk in the off-season who cares? Hes 26. As long as he's not doing anything illegal it's not a big deal.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 10:35 AM)
Someone making fraudulent claims about someone isnt trouble following them around though. Should he just never leave his house now because trouble might be following him? He hasnt gotten in any trouble in 5 years...


There's a lot of room between "never leave your house" to "going to scuzzy buffalo night club to get laid in offseason"


It's a space many, many athletes navigate quite easily.

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QUOTE (Knuckles @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 09:34 AM)

Source says rape kit exam of Kane accuser was cut short because of problems with equipment. Could explain lack of DNA.





This chick has had it out for Kane from the get go.


Also tweeted that the semen collected could of been from 5 years ago, saying that this girl was "active" at the age of 16.


Really embarrassing and disgusting reporting.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:14 AM)
There's a lot of room between "never leave your house" to "going to scuzzy buffalo night club to get laid in offseason"


It's a space many, many athletes navigate quite easily.

Well considering its not really a "scuzzy" night club and you have no idea what his intentions were for going out Id say Kane has been doing well enough navigating that space for the last 5 years at least.


Maybe Kane is an easier target because of his past troubles but as far as this case goes there doesnt appear to be any credibility to the accusations against him so why should he HAVE to change anything? I think everyone would agree it would make his life easier if he toned it down, but its his life and unless something changes in the next few days he hasnt broken any laws.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:27 AM)
Well considering its not really a "scuzzy" night club and you have no idea what his intentions were for going out Id say Kane has been doing well enough navigating that space for the last 5 years at least.


Maybe Kane is an easier target because of his past troubles but as far as this case goes there doesnt appear to be any credibility to the accusations against him so why should he HAVE to change anything? I think everyone would agree it would make his life easier if he toned it down, but its his life and unless something changes in the next few days he hasnt broken any laws.


Ah yes, this had no effect at all on the organization he works for, his family, or fiance. Why's everybody just out to get Kane? All he wants to do is be a huge irresponsible drunk asshole.

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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:16 AM)
This chick has had it out for Kane from the get go.


Also tweeted that the semen collected could of been from 5 years ago, saying that this girl was "active" at the age of 16.


Really embarrassing and disgusting reporting.


There is some embarrassing and disgusting reporting here, and I'm not sure you've identified the correct source.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:03 AM)
figure it out yourself.


i am done


You are never done, but you always say that. Its hard to figure out because Drunkbomber wasnt being petty and there was nothing semantic about what he was talking about

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:33 AM)
Ah yes, this had no effect at all on the organization he works for, his family, or fiance. Why's everybody just out to get Kane? All he wants to do is be a huge irresponsible drunk asshole.

lol First all he did was go to scuzzy bars and try to get laid and now all he is is an irresponsible drunk asshole. You sure seem to know a lot about exactly what Kane is thinking and doing. As of now any effect this has had on anyone is the accuser and her familys fault. If you dont like Kane, thats fine. If you think he should drink less, thats fine. But its looking more and more like he didnt do anything criminal in this situation.

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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:16 AM)
This chick has had it out for Kane from the get go.


Also tweeted that the semen collected could of been from 5 years ago, saying that this girl was "active" at the age of 16.


Really embarrassing and disgusting reporting.



No she hasnt, I listen to her every day and read her tweets. She reports what she is given


Where is the tweet suggesting she was sexually active at 16? Looking through her timeline I cant find it



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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:35 AM)
There is some embarrassing and disgusting reporting here, and I'm not sure you've identified the correct source.

Using 1 anonymous source with a break that would change the case completely and posting it to twitter with no follow-up or explanation is indeed embarrassing and terrible reporting.

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:42 AM)
lol First all he did was go to scuzzy bars and try to get laid and now all he is is an irresponsible drunk asshole. You sure seem to know a lot about exactly what Kane is thinking and doing. As of now any effect this has had on anyone is the accuser and her familys fault. If you dont like Kane, thats fine. If you think he should drink less, thats fine. But its looking more and more like he didnt do anything criminal in this situation.

"lol First all he did was go to scuzzy bars and try to get laid and now all he is is an irresponsible drunk asshole. "


No those all go together. People can also be disappointed and angry at Kane, and also acknowledge he may not have done anything criminal. I've not tried to play detective like some here, I'm not interested, but I've said from the beginning that regardless of what happened, Kane has proven himself an asshole and an idiot.


Isn't it amazing this stuff only seems to happen to assholes who think it can't happen to them?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:47 AM)
"lol First all he did was go to scuzzy bars and try to get laid and now all he is is an irresponsible drunk asshole. "


No those all go together. People can also be disappointed and angry at Kane, and also acknowledge he may not have done anything criminal. I've not tried to play detective like some here, I'm not interested, but I've said from the beginning that regardless of what happened, Kane has proven himself an asshole and an idiot.


Isn't it amazing this stuff only seems to happen to assholes who think it can't happen to them?

You literally are using the "well what kind of clothes was she wearing" argument here. So because Kane has gotten in trouble in the past or because he drinks its ok to accuse him of rape? Sounds like victim blaming. Hopefully Kane sues the s*** out of this family.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:44 AM)
Using 1 anonymous source with a break that would change the case completely and posting it to twitter with no follow-up or explanation is indeed embarrassing and terrible reporting.


And you followed that up with a random tweet about how the accuser was "active" since 16 (which is wholly irrelevant and the single most awful case of sex shaming in this thread) and that the DNA could have been from 5 years ago (so what? unless it's Kanes, and in that case he slept with a 16 year old when he was 21. Congrats Kane! You did nothing legally wrong in New York, and since that isn't criminal you are morally fantastic.)

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