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2015-16 NHL thread

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:54 AM)
You literally are using the "well what kind of clothes was she wearing" argument here. So because Kane has gotten in trouble in the past or because he drinks its ok to accuse him of rape? Sounds like victim blaming. Hopefully Kane sues the s*** out of this family.


I think we all need to admit that none of us know what happened that night, and we are all projecting based on what little facts we know.


What we DO know, is that bad things have happened multiple times when Kane got wasted. He needs to figure that out

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:58 AM)
And you followed that up with a random tweet about how the accuser was "active" since 16 (which is wholly irrelevant and the single most awful case of sex shaming in this thread) and that the DNA could have been from 5 years ago (so what? unless it's Kanes, and in that case he slept with a 16 year old when he was 21. Congrats Kane! You did nothing legally wrong in New York, and since that isn't criminal you are morally fantastic.)



I didn't follow anything up. The defective rape kit s*** was just unquestionably awful reporting.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:57 AM)
I don't like kane or the blackhawks for that matter but yeah he is getting a s*** ton of victim blaming if he is indeed innocent.

Seriously, this is absurd. If he is innocent he is absolutely a victim. Being falsely accused of basically the worst thing you can do to another person from someone trying to get cash is awful.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:54 AM)
You literally are using the "well what kind of clothes was she wearing" argument here. So because Kane has gotten in trouble in the past or because he drinks its ok to accuse him of rape? Sounds like victim blaming. Hopefully Kane sues the s*** out of this family.


No, it is not okay to accuse him of rape. It is okay to criticize him for his actions.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:58 AM)
I think we all need to admit that none of us know what happened that night, and we are all projecting based on what little facts we know.


What we DO know, is that bad things have happened multiple times when Kane got wasted. He needs to figure that out

Ya I do agree with that Hopefully this is a wake up call and Kane is more careful from now on.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 12:01 PM)
No, it is not okay to accuse him of rape. It is okay to criticize him for his actions.

His actions in general or his actions that night? If you just mean in general then I agree he should absolutely try to put himself in better situations in general, but Im also not going to judge him for liking to party in his early to mid 20s. As far as the night in question goes Im not going to say he should have had to do anything differently because I dont know exactly what he did but it doesnt appear to have been anything illegal. You still tried to justify criticizing him for this because of his past and if anyone would have done that in any other context you and some others would have been all over it crying victim shaming.



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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:16 AM)
This chick has had it out for Kane from the get go.


Also tweeted that the semen collected could of been from 5 years ago, saying that this girl was "active" at the age of 16.


Really embarrassing and disgusting reporting.

She's also "staying home from work" because of supposed death threats over twitter. Every piece of information her "source" has given her has been incorrect.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 11:58 AM)
I think we all need to admit that none of us know what happened that night, and we are all projecting based on what little facts we know.


What we DO know, is that bad things have happened multiple times when Kane got wasted. He needs to figure that out

We literally dont know if he was "wasted." All we know is he was with friends, they took two girls back to his house, one had a great time and didnt want to leave and the other left claiming to be raped. There is reportedly no evidence she even had sex or did anything with Kane. He could have been asleep for all we know.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 12:08 PM)
His actions in general or his actions that night? If you just mean in general then I agree he should absolutely try to put himself in better situations in general, but Im also not going to judge him for liking to party in his early to mid 20s. As far as the night in question goes Im not going to say he should have had to do anything differently because I dont know exactly what he did but it doesnt appear to have been anything illegal. You still tried to justify criticizing him for this because of his past and if anyone would have done that in any other context you and some others would have been all over it crying victim shaming.


No. The key difference is there is nothing wrong with a woman having sex in her life. There clearly has been something wrong with Kane's alcohol abuse. And this time it led to him, at the least, publicly cheating on his fiance.



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I will be interested in hearing what our good buddy bernstein has to say about this. He had Kane guilty from day one.


I am not a real big fan of Kane but he seemed to do the things necessary to protect himself in that he hired a handler/driver/bodyguard to make certain some of the things he had done previously were not going to happen again.


I think there are plenty of worse people in the NHL. The fact Kane gets to win cups and promote his debauchery via the parades seems to be the biggest issue with him.



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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 12:49 PM)
No. The key difference is there is nothing wrong with a woman having sex in her life. There clearly has been something wrong with Kane's alcohol abuse. And this time it led to him, at the least, publicly cheating on his fiance.


How did he cheat on her? There is no proof of that although I am not naive enough to think anything less than 90% of professional athletes cheat on their significant others.

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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 12:55 PM)
How did he cheat on her? There is no proof of that although I am not naive enough to think anything less than 90% of professional athletes cheat on their significant others.


Picking up a chick from a bar and taking them home for sex isn't cheating?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 12:49 PM)
No. The key difference is there is nothing wrong with a woman having sex in her life. There clearly has been something wrong with Kane's alcohol abuse. And this time it led to him, at the least, publicly cheating on his fiance.

Wow, Im not even sure how to respond to this. First of all, who has said there is anything wrong with a woman having sex? Seriously, where did that even come from? His alcohol abuse led him to publicly cheating cheating on fiance? When did this happen? Did I miss either Kane claiming he slept with this girl or any evidence that it occurred?

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QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 05:53 PM)
I will be interested in hearing what our good buddy bernstein has to say about this. He had Kane guilty from day one.


I am not a real big fan of Kane but he seemed to do the things necessary to protect himself in that he hired a handler/driver/bodyguard to make certain some of the things he had done previously were not going to happen again.


I think there are plenty of worse people in the NHL. The fact Kane gets to win cups and promote his debauchery via the parades seems to be the biggest issue with him.


he did.... he had an off duty cop / friend as driver and bodyguard. he would hire a friend or an acquaintance. he keeps the money within the family so to speak. all this happen in the privacy of his house. a he said she said situation. however he rpt it and well....... we all know what happen.


this is a young man who was having fun.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 05:49 PM)
No. The key difference is there is nothing wrong with a woman having sex in her life. There clearly has been something wrong with Kane's alcohol abuse. And this time it led to him, at the least, publicly cheating on his fiance.


a very good point, even the sportscasters whether it was radio or other wise have said the same thing.


his so called going out an having fun will be address later within his circle of legal group, family and i am sure the hawks org. all done behind the scene.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 01:12 PM)
If it comes out that the DNA on her shoulders nad fingernails did not actually exist, or whatever, then fine. I would withdraw my judgment.

Could she have gotten that DNA there by hanging out with him in the bar or in the limo? We don't know that was sexual.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 06:09 PM)
How do we know he did that? He had friends with him, could those girls have been for his boys?


she was escorted to his room .... however this was release earlier by unknown sources.... so i am putting that disclaimer.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 01:13 PM)
Could she have gotten that DNA there by hanging out with him in the bar or in the limo? We don't know that was sexual.


I actually, have no idea.


I still claim the right to call any night club in buffalo area scuzzy.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 01:12 PM)
If it comes out that the DNA on her shoulders nad fingernails did not actually exist, or whatever, then fine. I would withdraw my judgment.

She could come up to him at the bar and run her fingers thru his hair and get DNA in both those places, with nothing nefarious on his part.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 25, 2015 -> 01:18 PM)
pretty much everything we "know" has come from reports relying on anonymous sources, right?

His lawyer has stated repeatedly that the DNA evidence shows Kane is innocent. So he's at least supported the report that there was no DNA below the waist.

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