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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 01:00 AM)
What it all goes back to is that Patrick Kane is an idiot who hasn't learned his lessons, despite multiple embarrassing stories... at best.


I still wouldn't be surprised to see Kane dealt next off season.


you may be right and i really don't want to disagree with you.


i just like to add my slant on this.


1. he was going out with friends....

2. they may have thought of a possible drinking of someone

3. they had a designated driver

4. he is how old and with raging hormones

5. in spite of that, no proof of any physical contact with this person

6.. out of the clear, he is accuse of rape and who know what he was thinking, esp since he is innocent.

7. he needs new friends and needs to rethink of his position in life.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 06:00 PM)
What it all goes back to is that Patrick Kane is an idiot who hasn't learned his lessons, despite multiple embarrassing stories... at best.


I still wouldn't be surprised to see Kane dealt next off season.

So what was the lesson to learn here? Don't go out and do nothing wrong whatsoever?

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 04:11 PM)
I don't think it has really followed Kobe much. Big Ben yes, but it wasn't ben's first instance. With Kobe, it was very clear what it was (cash play) and other then being a perceived ass on the court, their have never been any off the court issues with him. Kane has had previous off the court issues (of course none to the extent of this one) and Big Ben is a guy I truly believe the accusations made. Wasn't it 3 separate potential cases with Ben. Ben is a total slimeball scumbag in my eyes.

Both of those guys actually had sex with their accusers. Not really comparable to Kane.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 07:45 PM)
So what was the lesson to learn here? Don't go out and do nothing wrong whatsoever?

Well, he certainly shouldn't be putting himself in situations where things like this can happen. Just because he's "young and full of hormones" doesn't mean he can't be responsible. For $84 million, it's not too much to ask of him.

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QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 07:50 PM)
Well, he certainly shouldn't be putting himself in situations where things like this can happen. Just because he's "young and full of hormones" doesn't mean he can't be responsible. For $84 million, it's not too much to ask of him.

He's not nearly the worst on the team at going out and being with women. I know quite a few players first hand that are much worse including drug use.


I don't see anything wrong in what he did other than horrible luck. Maybe next time his friends want to hook up he has girls sign a document stating they aren't with him.

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QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 02:50 AM)
Well, he certainly shouldn't be putting himself in situations where things like this can happen. Just because he's "young and full of hormones" doesn't mean he can't be responsible. For $84 million, it's not too much to ask of him.

cmon, this was a nite and fun, innocent and parting. they were being responsible by having a driver to make sure not only kane but any of the others will not be driving.


this was, and i hate to say this without proof, but according to the action by the lady a setup on her side. how can you avoid that???


if the answer is to not to put one self in that situation, then, do expect him to be a monk???

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QUOTE (LDF @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 08:26 PM)
cmon, this was a nite and fun, innocent and parting. they were being responsible by having a driver to make sure not only kane but any of the others will not be driving.


this was, and i hate to say this without proof, but according to the action by the lady a setup on her side. how can you avoid that???


if the answer is to not to put one self in that situation, then, do expect him to be a monk???

For all we know he went to bed while everyone else partied. I guess he should literally stay locked up in his house every night.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 03:32 AM)
For all we know he went to bed while everyone else partied. I guess he should literally stay locked up in his house every night.


well RR, that is funny.


what blows me away, we are usually on the opposite side of a discussion when it is happening. now we are on the same side.


wow. i like it. :lol:


now back to hockey.


what also is blowing me away is the goal scoring on the hawks. i just, for S and G's decided to look at the goals from the hawks.


AA and Tevo each has 5 and 4 goals. my rhetorical question is when did they score those goals. those may have been the quietest goal scored.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 03:32 AM)
For all we know he went to bed while everyone else partied. I guess he should literally stay locked up in his house every night.


you know, thinking about it, there was NO DNA evidence what so ever of Kane on her, her cloths or anything.


so who did she hooked up with????


where was kane and i wouldn't put it past RR point. sleeping......

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QUOTE (LDF @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 08:42 PM)
you know, thinking about it, there was NO DNA evidence what so ever of Kane on her, her cloths or anything.


so who did she hooked up with????


where was kane and i wouldn't put it past RR point. sleeping......

Also "witness account" including her friend was contrary to her account. Pretty sure she hooked up with one of his friends thinking it was him.

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QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Nov 5, 2015 -> 07:50 PM)
Well, he certainly shouldn't be putting himself in situations where things like this can happen. Just because he's "young and full of hormones" doesn't mean he can't be responsible. For $84 million, it's not too much to ask of him.


In Kane's case, it apparently is.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 01:49 PM)
How about Don't Repeatedly Embarass your Employer on National Television?


that is kool, you made a statement. i will respect it.


but some have lousy luck, he did everything the right way, diver, going home, having fun and yet something happen and he was not at fault. he may have been the intended victim and he escaped with good luck. not falling for those ragging hormones that would have most assuredly into a huge vat of trouble.

Edited by LDF
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QUOTE (LDF @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 07:03 AM)
that is kool, you made a statement. i will respect it.


but some have lousy luck, he did everything the right way, diver, going home, having fun and yet something happen and he was not at fault. he may have been the intended victim and he got escape with good luck. not falling for those ragging hormones that would have most assuredly into a huge vat of trouble.


You missed the REPEATEDLY part.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 04:04 AM)
Also "witness account" including her friend was contrary to her account. Pretty sure she hooked up with one of his friends thinking it was him.


disclaimer.... this is my last statement on Kane and his legal trouble. for me, it has come to a conclusion. unless something else happens.


but lets say, for this discussion, she was assaulted. she went to the hospital and all that dna and stuff. but all this time she was under the impression it was kane, but it wasn't. so she was wrong. again lets assume it was someone else.


she was still victimize wouldn't the DA still pursued this as a case..... regardless if it was not kane???


so was she accosted or not ???


for me, now back to real hockey news


btw again good point

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 02:10 PM)
You missed the REPEATEDLY part.


not really i understood your post. i am just saying, this wasn't an idea of going out and not be responsible. this was totally a bad incident that kane was the victim .

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 09:54 AM)
I know it is because all accounts here point to Kane as the victim, I'm still waiting on the evidence you had that suggested that there was "something there".


"here" being the key word. But again, he put himself into position to embarrass his employer on national television AGAIN. Pretending this is the only incident is disingenuous at best. I don't buy into the frat boy mentality of boys being boys when it passes the line and repeatedly becomes national news. Even if you are totally right and this was a pure set up from the very beginning, it doesn't excuse the other incidents, and the fact that this has been a pattern of behavior for Patrick Kane to put himself into stupid situations.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 10:22 AM)
"here" being the key word. But again, he put himself into position to embarrass his employer on national television AGAIN. Pretending this is the only incident is disingenuous at best. I don't buy into the frat boy mentality of boys being boys when it passes the line and repeatedly becomes national news. Even if you are totally right and this was a pure set up from the very beginning, it doesn't excuse the other incidents, and the fact that this has been a pattern of behavior for Patrick Kane to put himself into stupid situations.

Specifically what did he do to put himself in this situation? All we know is he went out (we do not know if he was drunk), he had a driver take him, his friends and two girls back to his house. One girl claimed he had sex with her, her friend and actual DNA testing both contradict her account. There are more than one witness that contradict her claims as well as hard evidence.


So based on those pieces of facts that we have, your stance is he should never leave his house or have people over otherwise he is putting himself in a position to embarrass his employer?

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 6, 2015 -> 09:54 AM)
I know it is because all accounts here point to Kane as the victim, I'm still waiting on the evidence you had that suggested that there was "something there".

Don't confuse "not being charged" with "being the victim". In cases of sexual assault, the tables don't turn like that. If that girl did feel threatened, she was still the victim.


Unless you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the plaintiff knowingly and maliciously lied about her situation, you cannot call Patrick Kane the victim.

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