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Hawk and the Umps

Al Lopez Ghost (old)

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I believe in the old cliche that the umpiring evens itself out in the long run.

Harrellson was a liitle snippy about the umps.

I remember that after the first base ump missed the call on PK ( when he kept his foot on the bag on Graff's throw but the ump said he was drawn off ), the third out of the inning was a fairly routine groundout. When the throw got to PK, Hawk said something like "well, he got that one right and the inning is over".


You come off as a bit of a crybaby when you don't let it go, I think, especially because Harrellson wouldn't be so upset if a bad call allowed the Sox to score a couple runs.

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:huh: I don't see the big deal with what Hawk did. I mean he put a lot more emphasis on that call than he has in the past on blown calls, but I think that was a big turning point in the game. I agree he seemed to go on and on about it, but hey it's biased coverage...that's what they're suppose to do. He points out when the sox get a break...he doesn't belabor the point like he did liast night, but it's usually noted.


Anyway....Loaiza on the bump!!! Lets take 3 - 4!!!

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I believe in the old cliche that the umpiring evens itself out in the long run.

Harrellson was a liitle snippy about the umps.

I remember that after the first base ump missed the call on PK ( when he kept his foot on the bag on Graff's throw but the ump said he was drawn off ), the third out of the inning was a fairly routine groundout. When the throw got to PK, Hawk said something like "well, he got that one right and the inning is over".


You come off as a bit of a crybaby when you don't let it go, I think, especially because Harrellson wouldn't be so upset if a bad call allowed the Sox to score a couple runs.

He also said, " And two gift runs gives the Twins a 2-0 lead."



I agree. Grow up, Hawk. Let it go.

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Is is me, or does it seem like the umpires are missing a lot of calls on the bases this year? It seems there's a blown call every game. The thing that sucks is everytime an umpire blows a call against the Sox, that gift runner is almost guaranteed to score. I was at the games, and didn't see the replay but it seemed to me on Tuesday when Sandy threw down to 3rd on a bunt, the runner looked awfully safe. He was called out. Obviously the call at first last night was horrible, and the pickoff at 2nd was at least, debatable. It usually evens out in the end.

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I believe in the old cliche that the umpiring evens itself out in the long run.

Harrellson was a liitle snippy about the umps.

I remember that after the first base ump missed the call on PK ( when he kept his foot on the bag on Graff's throw but the ump said he was drawn off ), the third out of the inning was a fairly routine groundout. When the throw got to PK, Hawk said something like "well, he got that one right and the inning is over".


You come off as a bit of a crybaby when you don't let it go, I think, especially because Harrellson wouldn't be so upset if a bad call allowed the Sox to score a couple runs.

He also said, " And two gift runs gives the Twins a 2-0 lead."



I agree. Grow up, Hawk. Let it go.

First people b**** that he doesn't say enough, now he says something and people b****. Lincoln was right, you can only please some of the people some of the time (or something like that!). :D


And no, I am not speaking directly at anyone, just making an observation.

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I hope everyone here realizes that the White Sox have been on the receiving end of more bad calls by the umps than good calls. Considering Hawk views all 162 White Sox games from the press box, and considering he's called on JM to argue many of the bad calls when JM just sits there and tinkers, you gotta figure that the bad calls are getting to Hawk.


I don't have a problem with Hawk harping on bad calls when the calls cost us runs.

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First people b**** that he doesn't say enough, now he says something and people b****.  Lincoln was right, you can only please some of the people some of the time (or something like that!).  :D


And no, I am not speaking directly at anyone, just making an observation.

FO14, just speaking for myself, I have never enjoyed it when broadcasters continually bring up the bad calls by the umpires. I didnt like it when Piersall did it, and I don't like it now.


If you grumble a little bit when it happens, that's human.

If you keep on grumbling for the entire half-inning and beyond, it becomes unprofessional, in my opinion.


...unless it's Sox And Roll, of course!!!

Professionalism does not darken the doorstep of the SnR studios....EVER!!!!

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The only problem I have with the broadcasters calling out the umps on a bad call is that the team seems to get punished for this. I vaguely recall something a few seasons ago where Hawk called out an ump and either he or the team were fined and I seem to recall the umps being a little less than fair to the Sox for a little while after that as well.

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Hawk's announcing has really grown old on me this season.


For many reasons, inlcuding a lot of complaining, I usually put the game on TV and tune into Rooney and Farmer on the radio. They're a lot more fun to listen to than Hawk and DJ.


Even Roons has a better home run call than the overused, you can put it on the board.


There's nothing like "A swing and a long one for Mags" coming from Roons himself. Put that on the board, hawkaroo.

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