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Ahmed: Child inventor or part of hoax?


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:36 PM)
The kid didn't claim to have invented the idea of a digital clock or manufactured the circuit boards from raw materials.


I do like the attempt to make the hypothetical "fear of islamophobia" the bad guy here instead of the actual case of real islamophobia.

I believe almost every story I read said the kid was showing off his 'invention', as if it were his own. And you explain any other reason that all sorts of people are jumping up to offer him things? Free s*** from Microsoft? Really? For what?

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 09:29 PM)
There's been plenty of people supporting what greg is saying, even powerful people on the left. Don't get the need to attack him.


I don't think he should have been cuffed though. He disassembled a clock. While I don't get the celebration of his "genius", I don't think it should have ended with cuffs either.


In case anybody missed this post I posted it in support of myself. Thank u Buehrle/Wood. This isn't me creating a story on my own. Read my initial post. I posted a fair representation of this issue. I challenge the media to keep covering this and I think you are going to find out there are 2 sides to every story. This got turned into a superhero kid story IMMEDIATELY when PERHAPS that should NOT be the case.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:39 PM)
I believe almost every story I read said the kid was showing off his 'invention', as if it were his own. And you explain any other reason that all sorts of people are jumping up to offer him things? Free s*** from Microsoft? Really? For what?


For being treated like a criminal for showing interest in engineering/science.


That's definitely what people should be upset about, stuff from Microsoft and a trip to the WH. Not a 14 year old being suspended from school and arrested for having a clock.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:41 PM)
For being treated like a criminal for showing interest in engineering/science.


That's definitely what people should be upset about, stuff from Microsoft and a trip to the WH. Not a 14 year old being suspended from school and arrested for having a clock.

I'm not excusing the overreaction by the admins all up the line, but the over reaction by others after the fact to try and compensate.

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So you think that this family and 14 year old kid knew that they were going to get media attention for this? They knew he'd get arrested and handcuffed? They knew that a majority of the social media world as well as the freaking president of the United States, MIT, and numerous Silicon Valley CEOs would invite him on tours? If that's really the case, can they tell me what the winning lotto numbers are for tomorrow or what the optimal Fanduel lineup is for next weekend? They must be able to see the f***ing future.


School officials and local police screwed up. And had they not have screwed up, this wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:51 PM)
So you think that this family and 14 year old kid knew that they were going to get media attention for this? They knew he'd get arrested and handcuffed? They knew that a majority of the social media world as well as the freaking president of the United States, MIT, and numerous Silicon Valley CEOs would invite him on tours? If that's really the case, can they tell me what the winning lotto numbers are for tomorrow or what the optimal Fanduel lineup is for next weekend? They must be able to see the f***ing future.


School officials and local police screwed up. And had they not have screwed up, this wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.

Hell, they could have just been hoping he got thrown out of school or something so they could sue and/or cause a disturbance. That they hit the bonanza of stupid school admins was a bonus.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 08:51 PM)


LOL. Took the kid all of one minute to probably make his clock. I just challenge the media to keep covering this and if the police ever get to interview the dad that that is made public as well. This was a rush to judgment story and Obama, Hillary and Microsoft should not have overreacted without letting the story play out. Of course nobody wants the story to play out any more cause of media bias.


The media wanted this story to be: Genius student of color very very proud of clock he made. Big bad school officials think it's a bomb and call cops. Cops handcuff kid (I'm not backing cops 100 percent on this; very stupid; they fell for the alleged trap right there and I am against any police brutality especially of an unarmed 14 year old for goshsakes), no charges filed, kid gets put into the 20 minutes of fame cooker where President, Hilly, all the morning shows want him on now til that 20 minutes of fame runs out.

Update the story when he gets scholarship to Yale. Update the story 10 years after that when he's a success in life.

The story just might not fit that agenda, but too late ... media already made up its mind how the story will play out. Takes a cool guy like Bill Maher to say ... WAIT!

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 04:02 PM)
LOL. Took the kid all of one minute to probably make his clock. I just challenge the media to keep covering this and if the police ever get to interview the dad that that is made public as well. This was a rush to judgment story and Obama, Hillary and Microsoft should not have overreacted without letting the story play out. Of course nobody wants the story to play out any more cause of media bias.


The media wanted this story to be: Genius student of color very very proud of clock he made. Big bad school officials think it's a bomb and call cops. Cops handcuff kid (I'm not backing cops 100 percent on this; very stupid; they fell for the alleged trap right there), no charges filed, kid gets put into the 20 minutes of fame cooker where President, Hilly, all the morning shows want him on now til that 20 minutes of fame runs out.

Update the story when he gets scholarship to Yale. Update the story 10 years after that when he's a success in life.

The story just might not fit that agenda, but too late ... media already made up its mind how the story will play out. Takes a cool guy like Bill Maher to say ... WAIT!


This kid must really be a genius after all...


And you realize Bill Maher is an atheist who will take any opportunity to s*** on Muslims, Christians, Jews, and any religion in general right? He surely doesn't have an agenda here...

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Trying to imagine the situation where the people who overzealously jailed an innocent minor for bringing a clock to school are not the issue, but those who overzealously praised a student whose clock was not actually that impressive.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 04:08 PM)
Trying to imagine the situation where the people who overzealously jailed an innocent minor for bringing a clock to school are not the issue, but those who overzealously praised a student whose clock was not actually that impressive.

There can be two issues, unless you are too simple to handle two issues.


edit. I didn't mean that to come across as a personal insult. Meaning you in the generic sense.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 09:16 PM)
There are not two issues. They are the same.

No, because I think most reasonable people would say the police should not have cuffed the youngster, SHOULD NOT ever have cuffed the youngster. The kid was unarmed and not a threat and he's a kid and a human being for goshsakes police! All schools have policies, however, and teachers can back me up on this ... aren't you required to send the kid to the principal's office if he has a weird clock that's ticking like that?? Couldn't you get reprimanded if you don't send the kid to principal?


And yet other reasonable people would agree there's no reason to make the kid a national hero without letting the story play out a bit and search for some facts. One reporter said the timing of Obama's tweet indicates he hadn't even seen a picture of the weird "clock" just yet. Not saying it's true or not.


How can any of you smart people disagree with what I posted about how the media saw this story and how people like Hilly saw this story? They classified it one way and quickly thrust the young-un into the heroic 20 minutes of fame cycle prematurely. Please disagree with me on that. People that despise me often overlook some things I say. Like my initial post was very reasonable (on both sides) and yet I was attacked pretty quickly so I fought back rather harshly myself.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 04:08 PM)
Trying to imagine the situation where the people who overzealously jailed an innocent minor for bringing a clock to school are not the issue, but those who overzealously praised a student whose clock was not actually that impressive.


These people think that if the clock wasn't his invention and that he just stuck it in a briefcase, then he didn't really put much effort into the project; therefore he must have an intent to alarm teachers at the school that he had a bomb, leading him to be arrested and lauded over social media like some sort of wiz kid.


So here's the problem with this theory:

1. If the family set all of this up, then they're putting their child and themselves at risk of possible arrest (that was the point of this hypothetical situation, right?). Not to mention their kid not being able to go to the school again, possible suspension, expulsion, them having to uproot the entire family, etc. There's a lot of risks there, it just so happened that things went well for him.

2. There were so many things out of his control: teacher becoming alarmed, school officials calling the police, police handcuffing and arresting him.

3. In a country where certain people fear Muslims and Islam in general, especially in the state of Texas, do you really think this family knew that they were going to get support from a vast majority of the country? How could they have they possibly predicted that they would get gifts from Silicon Valley CEOs, tours to MIT, and an invitation to the White House? In the world view of a Muslim American citizen, I'm willing to bet their view of American media is not overwhelmingly favorable to them.


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But he wasn't sent to the principals office. He was arrested. A kid was arrested at school for, in his spare time, tinkering with a clock to show his teacher.


The problem you are not seeing, is that is not just a mistake in handling, that absolutely should not happen. Kids in school who outside of school are continuing to do educational activities should not be punished. They should be encouraged.


Hence the response to encourage a kid who had been discouraged in the harshest way possible (outside of shooting him).


You are seeing a kid who had been jailed and automatically assuming there is a reason for it, and that he is a threat. He could have been obnoxious, and he could be arrogant. That's part of being a teenager. He should not have been jailed. But he was. That's a fact you can't wash over. People see a wrong like that and they want to try and make it right in a cosmetic way. You see a wrong and think, well maybe they were right.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 04:04 PM)
This kid must really be a genius after all...


And you realize Bill Maher is an atheist who will take any opportunity to s*** on Muslims, Christians, Jews, and any religion in general right? He surely doesn't have an agenda here...

Bill Maher is a jackass, and he particularly targets Islam for criticism (similar to Dawkins or Sam Harris).

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 09:32 PM)
But he wasn't sent to the principals office. He was arrested. A kid was arrested at school for, in his spare time, tinkering with a clock to show his teacher.


The problem you are not seeing, is that is not just a mistake in handling, that absolutely should not happen. Kids in school who outside of school are continuing to do educational activities should not be punished. They should be encouraged.


Hence the response to encourage a kid who had been discouraged in the harshest way possible (outside of shooting him).


You are seeing a kid who had been jailed and automatically assuming there is a reason for it, and that he is a threat. He could have been obnoxious, and he could be arrogant. That's part of being a teenager. He should not have been jailed. But he was. That's a fact you can't wash over. People see a wrong like that and they want to try and make it right in a cosmetic way. You see a wrong and think, well maybe they were right.


I want more facts but my position is the cops over-reacted in cuffing him. The facts are blurry. One report I saw said the initial teacher the kid was trying to impress told him it was a nice job but don't bring the clock around the school or people might think it's a bomb. The kid did anyway. My point is I think there's a real possibility daddy set this all up.

As far as kids and educational activities outside of school ... did you see Alpha's video of how it probably took the kid about 30 seconds to make the clock? He definitely showed no innovation in building his clock. It's rather deceptive actually and arguably worthy of detention if he was passing that clock off as something he made, not ripped off Radio Shack.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 04:38 PM)
I want more facts but my position is the cops over-reacted in cuffing him. The facts are blurry. One report I saw said the initial teacher the kid was trying to impress told him it was a nice job but don't bring the clock around the school or people might think it's a bomb. The kid did anyway. My point is I think there's a real possibility daddy set this all up.


Again, is it possible he was just being a kid?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 09:37 PM)
Bill Maher is a jackass, and he particularly targets Islam for criticism (similar to Dawkins or Sam Harris).

He targets all religions. I'm Catholic and more amused than offended by his not accepting there is a God. I think he's a star in this situation. It's easy to take the "cops are bad; teachers are prejudiced" angle on this one. Bill had questions. Mark Cuban has questions. I'm very disappointed the media is not interested in flushing out a good accurate story here. If Ahmad is a fake that's not good copy; it's going after a minority copy.

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