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Sn Report: Sox Turn Attention To Ritchie


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Guest hotsoxchick1

its been official since about 430 pm today.... hes already signed but i didnt get the amount.........somewhere around what he was originaly signed for though.....not too far off that figure.........

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Thats what they are supposedly working on.  So far I don't think its official.


The price is the questionmark. It will be at least 3 million and I assume more like $3.25 mill.


I didn't know s*** cost that much. I have Fort Knox in my ass and I didn't even know it. :puke Todd Ritchie

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well there ya have it folks.. theres your #2 in a nut shell......may i present to you todd ritchie.................we are so f***ed this season ..............

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Well, I think we all knew Rithchie would be back. Now it comes down to Rauch, Wright and Garland to grow a lot and Buerhle continuing his growth as the staff ace.


Its still a decent rotation, just not as good as one with Ortiz or Colon.


This rotatoin is better than last years as the younger players are maturing more and I do think Ritchie will produce.

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Jas...I could produce at the big league level. Doesn't mean it would be good production.


I'll give Ritchie this...if he starts throwing the curve more often this next year, then he might put up decent numbers...maybe 10 or 12 wins with an ERA in the low to mid 4.00s...that is probably the best he will do though. I expect him to be about 10-10 with a 4.50 ERA or so.


Those are good numbers....for a #4 pitcher...who makes $1.5 million. Not for a pitcher who will make $3 million or even more.


But I gotta question to ask...why would they give Ritchie a raise after the year he had(5-16, 6.00+ ERA) and then take away from Buehrle's salary last year(took off the $15,000 he wanted)? Is it because Ritchie is one of KW's boys? If Buehrle doesn't make more money than Todd Ritchie next year, I think I am going to personally b****slap Kenny Williams.

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Am I the only one that thinks Ritchie will do good? Ritchie does need to mix up his pitches some more, because he seems to get into trouble when he relies strictly on his powerful fastball and his slider. He's more of a power pitcher that likes to stick to those two pitches and challenge hitters. His curveball is decent, but could use some polishing, and his splitfinger is pretty good. Neither of those pitches will matter too much if he doesn't use them more. He needs to start being a thinking man's pitcher, instead of acting like an invincible rookie. I think if Ritchie learns to utilize all his tools, he will be successful.

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I still don't see what everyone has against Osuna. He pitched real good, and was able to go multiple innings out of the pen.


He also did this in his first year back from an injury. His velocity was coming back later in the year, and he should only be better this year. If Osuna is healthy him and Marte comprise of one of the best 7th and 8th inning duo's in baseball, with Koch getting the 9th.


Glover is another guy I think is a damn good set up man. I do agree though, Ritchie has the stuff to be a damn good reliever.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

wsfan35 there was a day when i did think the addition of ritchie was a good one.... then that day came and went and i had crow for dinner many nites.....now with full belly i no longer am in the catagory of ritchie is good..... i have crossed over to the sensible crowd and think that ritchie will stink up the joint much like last year.... if he makes more money than they offer mark it will make matters worse.......

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