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Illinois fires AD Mike Thomas

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Illinois has released the full investigation that got former coach Tim Beckman fired before the season, and it has backed up many of the claims made by former Illinois football player Simon Cvijanovic, who said Beckman forced him to play injured.


The full investigation found more troubling notes about Beckman that were previously unknown.


Beckman said he "does not believe in hamstring injuries."

Beckman would call a player "p****," "sissy" or "soft" when they left to get injury assistance from trainers.

Beckman pressured trainers to prematurely clear players from injuries.

On one occasion, Beckman said, "I don't care if you're hurt, everyone is practicing when we get back. No one cares if you're hurt, I don't care. Your family may care. Northwestern doesn't care."

Beckman got in the way of a potential life-threatening injury: "Two physicians confronted coach Beckman during the 2012 season after a player went down with a potential spinal injury. The sports medicine staff evaluating the player report that they did not want the player to move as they were stabilizing his spine and holding the player's head still, but coach Beckman reportedly inserted himself to tell the player to turn his head to look at coach Beckman so that he could tell the player that he was going to be fine."

Beckman also disregarded concussion protocol: "A team physician recalled taking a player for evaluation who was stumbling around and confused after a big hit in a game, and coach Beckman interjecting before the evaluation was complete stating to the player "hey, you're ready to play, you're okay."



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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 11, 2015 -> 11:47 AM)
He's basically the coach from Varsity Blues without the winning.


Pretty much. The crazy part is, most coaches would be fired for this regardless of record. Our lack of success (and concurrent big news) have somewhat lessened the importance of this.


Replace Tim Beckman with Les Miles and it's the scandal of the year.

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