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White Privilege?


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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 9, 2016 -> 11:51 PM)

Why do you assume I'm racist because I disagree with your views on this? When I see a person I do not see skin color. I just don't.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 10, 2016 -> 01:54 AM)
Why do you assume I'm racist because I disagree with your views on this? When I see a person I do not see skin color. I just don't.

I don’t see race! is usually their next tactic, followed by I am colorblind, though they never give credit to Stephen Colbert. By “colorblind” they don’t actually mean that they can’t see green or red; rather, they are suggesting that they can’t ever be racist, because they don’t register skin color at all.


This ideology is very popular – like a racial utopic version of the Golden Rule – but it’s actually quite racist. “Colorblindness” doesn’t acknowledge the very real ways in which racism has existed and continues to exist, both in individuals and systemically. By professing not to see race, you’re just ignoring racism, not solving it.


Read this Greg, and open your eyes.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 09:01 AM)

Now you are getting all literal with his color bind statement. he probably meant that race doesn't factor into whether he likes or dislikes someone, if you are a good person, you are a good person. Likewise, if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, doesn't matter your skin color. I have been accused of being racist before because I didn't hire a black guy for a press job I had. Even when i pointed out to the guy that he f*cked up the delivery feed on my press during his tryout, costing me almost $100 to fix, he still insisted I didn't hire him because of his color. Stupid. I also don't give a s***. If you can make me money, I will hire you. If you are a nice person, I will be your friend. if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, no race or color descriptor is needed.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 10, 2016 -> 12:03 PM)
Now you are getting all literal with his color bind statement. he probably meant that race doesn't factor into whether he likes or dislikes someone, if you are a good person, you are a good person. Likewise, if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, doesn't matter your skin color. I have been accused of being racist before because I didn't hire a black guy for a press job I had. Even when i pointed out to the guy that he f*cked up the delivery feed on my press during his tryout, costing me almost $100 to fix, he still insisted I didn't hire him because of his color. Stupid. I also don't give a s***. If you can make me money, I will hire you. If you are a nice person, I will be your friend. if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, no race or color descriptor is needed.

I've seen people use the race card, it's not right because it undermines when racism is truly present, which I've also witnessed first hand.


But posting that article, that perspective for Greg is not to tell him that he's racist, just like most people don't actually mean you're racist when they say "check your privileges". What they are really trying to say is open your eyes and realize there's probably more to the story. They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that. It's not saying you should be stripped of what you earned, just be cognizant that your path may have been different and therefore you shouldn't expect everyone to have the same success with the same obstacles you overcame.


When I say recognize color I mean appreciate that people have these different backgrounds, different obstacles, different traditions. Recognize that, recognize the positives they bring, the negatives they've endured, and I hope they do the same to you as well.


It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them.

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I stopped reading at the first paragraph. It was ...


"People love to tell me that they often forget that I’m black. They say this with a sort of “a-ha!” look on their faces, as if their dawning ability to see my blackness was a gift to us both."


I call bulls***. Nobody says that to the writer. Who the f*** would say that? Some of the Black Lives Matter people just make s*** up. If I say I don't see race I don't see race. I see a friend when I see a black friend walking up to me whether any of you believe it or not. I could give a rat's ass if you believe me.



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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 05:41 PM)
I've seen people use the race card, it's not right because it undermines when racism is truly present, which I've also witnessed first hand.


But posting that article, that perspective for Greg is not to tell him that he's racist, just like most people don't actually mean you're racist when they say "check your privileges". What they are really trying to say is open your eyes and realize there's probably more to the story. They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that. It's not saying you should be stripped of what you earned, just be cognizant that your path may have been different and therefore you shouldn't expect everyone to have the same success with the same obstacles you overcame.


When I say recognize color I mean appreciate that people have these different backgrounds, different obstacles, different traditions. Recognize that, recognize the positives they bring, the negatives they've endured, and I hope they do the same to you as well.


It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them.


If someone tells me to "check my priveleges" that's the day I get murdered by them I guess. there's no way in f*** I'm going to do that. Why?? Cause it's fricking rude of them to say that to me. Rude people piss me off and aren't getting me to do anything even if they yell at me or take a hammer to my head.

If a group of angry people approach me in the libary yelling at me to check my privileges I'll tell them to set a time to meet with me in the library meeting room to discuss the matter and I'm sure we have some common ground. But you f***ing tell me to check my privileges? Check my privileges and yell it in my face rudely? Go f*** yourself.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 05:41 PM)
I've seen people use the race card, it's not right because it undermines when racism is truly present, which I've also witnessed first hand.


But posting that article, that perspective for Greg is not to tell him that he's racist, just like most people don't actually mean you're racist when they say "check your privileges". What they are really trying to say is open your eyes and realize there's probably more to the story. They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that. It's not saying you should be stripped of what you earned, just be cognizant that your path may have been different and therefore you shouldn't expect everyone to have the same success with the same obstacles you overcame.


When I say recognize color I mean appreciate that people have these different backgrounds, different obstacles, different traditions. Recognize that, recognize the positives they bring, the negatives they've endured, and I hope they do the same to you as well.


It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them.


You said: "They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that."


Are you fricking serious? So that gives you the right to come up to me in a public place and yell "check your privileges" And I thought they were also saying "check your white privileges." How the hell does this group of people know that I don't accept the fact I've had less obstacles to overcome??? I might be totally that way. You don't know that when you approach me? But I sure as hell disagree with you screaming that in my face! How the hell do the Black Lives Matter group know that the people they are yelling at aren't fully cognizant of the fact they have had less obstacles. Yes it is VERY RUDE of that group to act in a mean manner to white people just trying to sit in a library. You said you've "got to this point for a reason?" What reason ... that person in the library for all you know is Mother Theresa II and does more things for black people than anybody in the last 100 years.


You said: "It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them."


OMG. You did not get to this point for a reason, because AGAIN, the person you are telling to check their privileges may have done that many times. You don't know their position. Do you want the people in the library to fill out a form expressing their positions before you yell at them??

I was reading that some people who were marching on campus with the angry group of Black Lives Matter people came back to study later and got yelled at anyway!! After marching on campus. I am talking about rude behavior. You have NO RIGHT to invade my space and tell me to check my privileges and act rudely to me. Again how do you know I am not a sympathizer. You go up to the wrong person and you get a knuckle sandwich.


Now can you respond to my response? Why do you feel you have the right to go up to innocent people whom you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT and ask them to check their privileges. How bout an answer of "I'll check them later; I'm here to study for my Calculus test motherf***er."

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 10, 2016 -> 03:29 PM)
You said: "They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that."


Are you fricking serious? So that gives you the right to come up to me in a public place and yell "check your privileges" And I thought they were also saying "check your white privileges." How the hell does this group of people know that I don't accept the fact I've had less obstacles to overcome??? I might be totally that way. You don't know that when you approach me? But I sure as hell disagree with you screaming that in my face! How the hell do the Black Lives Matter group know that the people they are yelling at aren't fully cognizant of the fact they have had less obstacles. Yes it is VERY RUDE of that group to act in a mean manner to white people just trying to sit in a library. You said you've "got to this point for a reason?" What reason ... that person in the library for all you know is Mother Theresa II and does more things for black people than anybody in the last 100 years.


You said: "It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them."


OMG. You did not get to this point for a reason, because AGAIN, the person you are telling to check their privileges may have done that many times. You don't know their position. Do you want the people in the library to fill out a form expressing their positions before you yell at them??

I was reading that some people who were marching on campus with the angry group of Black Lives Matter people came back to study later and got yelled at anyway!! After marching on campus. I am talking about rude behavior. You have NO RIGHT to invade my space and tell me to check my privileges and act rudely to me. Again how do you know I am not a sympathizer. You go up to the wrong person and you get a knuckle sandwich.


Now can you respond to my response? Why do you feel you have the right to go up to innocent people whom you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT and ask them to check their privileges. How bout an answer of "I'll check them later; I'm here to study for my Calculus test motherf***er."



I have yet to see anyone in this thread say that what happened in that library 6 months ago was ok.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 10, 2016 -> 03:29 PM)
You said: "They don't mean you didn't earn what you have, just that you may have had less obstacles to get to it and you shouldn't ignore that. Just realize that there are a lot of things out there that you didn't have to deal with, and just be aware of that."


Are you fricking serious? So that gives you the right to come up to me in a public place and yell "check your privileges" And I thought they were also saying "check your white privileges." How the hell does this group of people know that I don't accept the fact I've had less obstacles to overcome??? I might be totally that way. You don't know that when you approach me? But I sure as hell disagree with you screaming that in my face! How the hell do the Black Lives Matter group know that the people they are yelling at aren't fully cognizant of the fact they have had less obstacles. Yes it is VERY RUDE of that group to act in a mean manner to white people just trying to sit in a library. You said you've "got to this point for a reason?" What reason ... that person in the library for all you know is Mother Theresa II and does more things for black people than anybody in the last 100 years.


You said: "It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason, because so many people have never given that any thought and can't understand that someone may have had different experiences than them."


OMG. You did not get to this point for a reason, because AGAIN, the person you are telling to check their privileges may have done that many times. You don't know their position. Do you want the people in the library to fill out a form expressing their positions before you yell at them??

I was reading that some people who were marching on campus with the angry group of Black Lives Matter people came back to study later and got yelled at anyway!! After marching on campus. I am talking about rude behavior. You have NO RIGHT to invade my space and tell me to check my privileges and act rudely to me. Again how do you know I am not a sympathizer. You go up to the wrong person and you get a knuckle sandwich.


Now can you respond to my response? Why do you feel you have the right to go up to innocent people whom you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT and ask them to check their privileges. How bout an answer of "I'll check them later; I'm here to study for my Calculus test motherf***er."

I never condoned that.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 10:13 PM)
I never condoned that.

Then what does this sentence of yours mean: " "It's complete s*** that we've gotten to the point that people feel compelled to say "check your privileges", but we've gotten to this point for a reason."

So are you saying it's only OK to say "check your priviliges" to whites in a protest like setting, like marching down the streets of campus chanting, "Check your privileges" If so, that's fine, but I've never seen that listed as the only place blacks are condoning saying "check your privileges." I thought it also was an individual on individual thing: You ordering me one on one to check my privileges or asking me if I would check my privileges. I'm OK with it if it's chanted in a demonstration that is properly signed up for.

Like I'm being accused of, you didn't respond to much in my post.

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I meant that it's ridiculous that we live in a world that people feel compelled to say something like that to others, but we got to this point because so many people couldn't recognize their own privileges and that others may deal with s*** on a daily basis that that person couldn't comprehend but doesn't bother to.


Essentially, it boils down to a bunch of people, mostly straight white males, who think they are attacked constantly by gays, minorities, etc because those people are asking for equal rights or just an even playing field. That's what upsets me so f***ing much, that people can't fathom that there's s*** in the world that they've never gone through and therefore discredit it all and meanwhile say everything is f***ing honkey dorey when it f***ing isn't.


Do I condone people coming up to strangers who are just walking by and yelling in their face? No, definitely not. Those people are angry and lashing out in the absolute wrong way. But I understand where that anger has come from.



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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 11:08 PM)
I meant that it's ridiculous that we live in a world that people feel compelled to say something like that to others, but we got to this point because so many people couldn't recognize their own privileges and that others may deal with s*** on a daily basis that that person couldn't comprehend but doesn't bother to.


Essentially, it boils down to a bunch of people, mostly straight white males, who think they are attacked constantly by gays, minorities, etc because those people are asking for equal rights or just an even playing field. That's what upsets me so f***ing much, that people can't fathom that there's s*** in the world that they've never gone through and therefore discredit it all and meanwhile say everything is f***ing honkey dorey when it f***ing isn't.


Do I condone people coming up to strangers who are just walking by and yelling in their face? No, definitely not. Those people are angry and lashing out in the absolute wrong way. But I understand where that anger has come from.

That's cool you don't condone the yelling in the face incidents. I applaud you enthusiastically for that.

You said: "Essentially, it boils down to a bunch of people, mostly straight white males, who think they are attacked constantly by gays, minorities, etc because those people are asking for equal rights or just an even playing field."

I don't know what to think about that sentence. Rather than try to interpret what you mean I'd ask for further clarification. I guess I feel "attacked" by the transgender bathroom issue because I don't think it's an equal rights issue. If you have a dick you go in the male bathroom is all I'm saying there. As far as race, I think most white males if confronted in a reasonable manner, say at a debate, would have to agree that yes, there is proof that whites indeed have had privilege and as you said many "have never gone through" some things that blacks have gone through. But it is a very complicated issue and the whole admit your privilege thing is not productive to inducing positive change.


I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but not everything is cut and dried in life to where a gang of people should think telling people to "admit your provilege" is a good idea. It more often than not would get the response, f*** You.

Just thinking out loud, but would it be OK to yell admit your privilege to Obama's two kids? What about second generation of a black surgeon? What about the children of Michael Jordan? This is very complicated. It may all boil down to "are you racist or not? Are you prejudiced or not?" I wish everybody could get along.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 11, 2016 -> 02:42 PM)
More on political correctness crap. George Carlin, then Dennis Miller/Bill Maher. Nice.

"They are pampered little pricks," is how Maher referred to college kids. "Who did not slap these little assholes when they were young."





Yes. Child abuse is great.


And if you think George Carlin would have a stance backing discrimination, then man, we both remember him very differently.


He'd be calling out people that demand to check white privilege, but he'd be ragging on the white people so hellbent on denying that racism exists.

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Oh man, don't ever put Carlin and Maher in the same category again, that's just insulting to Carlin in so many ways. Carlin was definitely not an apologist for any form of oppression, though. If that's what you got from him then he went over your head. His thing was standing up to it and giving it the finger, not dismissing people or denying it was a thing.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 11, 2016 -> 06:31 PM)
Oh man, don't ever put Carlin and Maher in the same category again, that's just insulting to Carlin in so many ways. Carlin was definitely not an apologist for any form of oppression, though. If that's what you got from him then he went over your head. His thing was standing up to it and giving it the finger, not dismissing people or denying it was a thing.


Fer realz. George Carlin really was an island in a sea of non-intelligent humor in his day.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2016 -> 01:56 AM)
Fer realz. George Carlin really was an island in a sea of non-intelligent humor in his day.

I saw him in concert in Vegas and was f***ing amazed. Brilliant man. Funny as well. Many in the audience were leaving as he buried everybody in his show. He was my idol.

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It looks like Missouri had to close four dorms and make a lot of cuts because so many kids have bailed on the university cause of the Black Lives Matter aggression. Enrollment will be down drastically so I guess if their goal was to wreck a fine university, that's what is happened from the rich kid staging a starvation protest.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 02:10 AM)
It looks like Missouri had to close four dorms and make a lot of cuts because so many kids have bailed on the university cause of the Black Lives Matter aggression. Enrollment will be down drastically so I guess if their goal was to wreck a fine university, that's what is happened from the rich kid staging a starvation protest.


As an Illini grad, I love to dig on Mizzou as much as the next guy, but damn kick them while they are down, why don't you? That's been known for months and posted earlier in this thread. The hate in Lawrence is still strong.

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