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Given it is the off-season, does it make sense to close Diamond Club


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And open up PHT to really all kinds of baseball activity. I ask because their often is a lot of overlap between what is posted their regarding player movements vs. here and part of the depends on who different posters perceive are potential candidates for the Sox? We could also, I suppose, just have a separate off-season forum (kind of like we do at the trade deadline), however, purpose of that is more of during the season you can separate trade discussion vs. actual in season / team performance, but in the off-season that becomes a moot point.


Unlike catch-all, where I am selfish to my own interests, I am curious what people think with this and am open to whatever the masses prefer.

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It's a good question. I think it comes down to whether or not you're comfortable with topic overlap between the two forums. For example, I don't think anyone gives a s*** that Marco Estrada just agreed to a two-year deal with the Blue Jays, so no one would open up a thread in PHT about it, but I would think that a Matt Weiters thread about the QO should/would show up in both places, but that the PHT thread about it would get the most activity.


How clean do you want/need it to be?

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I'd like to see the forums stay the same, but allow leniency in regards to subjects. IE: Team A is considering trading player B, should White Sox pursue player B?


Perhaps include the entire MLB forum as a subforum of Pale Hose as well, similar to trade winds.


The best thing that has happened to this forum was to get rid of most catch - all threads. To put it simply, I am much happier looking over a few threads of minor significance to me to find something that I'm interested in discussing, then to wade through countless posts in a catch-all to find something that I'm interested in discussing. The worst is when you're reading old catch-alls and miss an entire conversation that you would have jumped in on.


I'd even take it a step further and get rid of catch-alls for NHL/Blackhawks, NBA/Bulls and NFL/Bears. It's kind of annoying to read somebody talking about the Packers when I want to read about the Bears. The entire Patrick Kane legal case could have been a separate thread entirely instead of inside a catch-all where poster A says "Hawks win!", poster B says "The Central is stacked", and poster C says "Kane must be innocent." Those could all be their own threads. Also, I noticed a long, long time ago that there were even game threads for each separate Hawks, Bulls and Bears game. Why did that stop?

Edited by South Sider
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