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QUOTE (Tony @ Dec 19, 2016 -> 08:41 PM)
I read they had to score the movie in about 3 weeks?


Yeah the reshoots were so extensive that the previous score no longer worked and they had to hire a new composer and he only had a few weeks to write, compose and produce everything

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QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Dec 20, 2016 -> 10:15 AM)
Yeah the reshoots were so extensive that the previous score no longer worked and they had to hire a new composer and he only had a few weeks to write, compose and produce everything

Having been around the music industry on the legit side long ago, I want to point out how incredibly difficult it would be in 3 weeks to write substantial chunks of orchestral score and get it recorded and synced correctly. That is asking for poor product.


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 18, 2016 -> 09:23 AM)
As a personal preference, I like/d Felicity Jones more than Daisy Ridley, but that's a minor quibble.

Agreed. She was a more believable character in this universe.


I'm apparently in the minority, but the

Vader scene didn't blow me away. Not that it wasn't cool, it's just hard for me to see that character and think he's just a whiny teenager who is kind of a b****.


I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. Force Awakens was more fun at the time because it was a new Star Wars movie and we hadn't had that in a long time, but ultimately it's not very good. Despite the fact that you know major points of the story of Rogue One going in, it still had much more substance to it. I won't put it ahead of A New Hope at all (I actually had to watch it again after getting back from the theater), but it's much, much better than Force Awakens.


As for the

CGI, Tarken looked fine until he talked. His mouth didn't move right. Too fast I think. I think it was necessary with Leia because it was brief and important.

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There was an urgency to Rogue One that elevated it. TFA was a long opening episode that didn't really tell a story. Once you removed the delight of seeing the band back together it did not hold up well.


The cutting from location to location was really Bourne esque though. Was a bit too much in first 25 minutes.

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I like R1 but I wouldn't say its better than TFA.


The characters in R1 outside of Jyn had no motivation, the dialogue was really bad. While the third act is great, its basically a montage of people trying to flip switches.

Well they blew up one dudes holy city, and his best friend decided to tag along.

The defector obviously had a guilty conscious and was seeking moral redemption with the Rebellion.

The spy was a True Believer, and had grown up as a part of the Rebellion losing (its implied) his family in the war.

Saw Gerrera got his entire body wrecked by some sort of Imperial cruelty and became an absolute fanatic as a result

K2SO is a droid who can be programmed to do stuff


I dont know where the "no motivation" complaint is coming from. Is nuking someone's home not motivation enough for people??

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 18, 2016 -> 09:15 PM)
I like that Rogue One improves A New Hope by

explaining why the Death Star has that stupid vent pipe vulnerability



Yep, this was easily the best thing to come out of the movie and can finally end the 40 year criticism of why they would ever design it like that.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 19, 2016 -> 10:06 AM)

Well, I mean, you could also tell from context... Peter Cushing has been dead for 20 years. When he first popped up, I figured they were just going to show him for a couple seconds, or only from behind. I was surprised Tarkin had so much screentime and I found it a little distracting. Hit the uncanny valley for me.


Very distracting for me. Not because it was done poorly, because it was probably the best work I've ever seen, but because I kept staring at his mouth and judging how well it looked. Was not paying attention to a single thing he was actually saying.

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QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Dec 20, 2016 -> 09:19 PM)
Yep, this was easily the best thing to come out of the movie and can finally end the 40 year criticism of why they would ever design it like that.



Doesn't it undercut the latest installment though? This was their THIRD attempt, and it was just as easy to destroy.

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Saw a link to some plot holes in the new movie. Some of them are dumb and not really worth criticizing, but a couple were good..


"In the beginning of Episode 4, R2D2 just met C3PO. So why are they palling around on Yavin acting all buddy-buddy days before they officially meet. Sloppy screenwriting."





"Princess Leia makes a cameo at the end of Rogue One which makes absolutely NO sense and threw me in to a nerd rage so great I had to be escorted out of the theater.


For some stupid reason her ship, the Tantive IV, is docked on a Rebel battleship that is assaulting the an imperial base.


Why would you bring Princess Leia, an extremely valuable target for the empire, along to an extremely dangerous battle, just so she can sit around in her quarters and do nothing.


And then at the end of the movie Darth Vader almost makes his way into her ship when chasing fleeing rebels with the Death Star plans. Vader sees her ship take off from the Rebel battleship.


So that makes her lines at the beginning of Episode 4 make NO sense. Why would she even bother to tell Vader she was just on a diplomatic mission when he clearly saw her and her ship fleeing from a massive battle between the Empire and the Rebellion. One where the Rebellion attacked the Empire unprovoked and killed hundreds if not thousands."

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TFA was just a way to reintroduce the universe without f***ing it up. Episodes 8 and 9 will define the new trilogy. Sure, it was disappointing, but understandable.


Re: the character motivations in the new film, they're pretty obvious. It's a war movie. What motivates any guerilla army? It's the fight against oppression. I really liked Cassian's character. He showed a gray area not seen before in Star Wars. Lucas wanted to do it with Han, but we all know how that went.

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QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Dec 21, 2016 -> 03:04 PM)
Saw a link to some plot holes in the new movie. Some of them are dumb and not really worth criticizing, but a couple were good..


"In the beginning of Episode 4, R2D2 just met C3PO. So why are they palling around on Yavin acting all buddy-buddy days before they officially meet. Sloppy screenwriting."





"Princess Leia makes a cameo at the end of Rogue One which makes absolutely NO sense and threw me in to a nerd rage so great I had to be escorted out of the theater.


For some stupid reason her ship, the Tantive IV, is docked on a Rebel battleship that is assaulting the an imperial base.


Why would you bring Princess Leia, an extremely valuable target for the empire, along to an extremely dangerous battle, just so she can sit around in her quarters and do nothing.


And then at the end of the movie Darth Vader almost makes his way into her ship when chasing fleeing rebels with the Death Star plans. Vader sees her ship take off from the Rebel battleship.


So that makes her lines at the beginning of Episode 4 make NO sense. Why would she even bother to tell Vader she was just on a diplomatic mission when he clearly saw her and her ship fleeing from a massive battle between the Empire and the Rebellion. One where the Rebellion attacked the Empire unprovoked and killed hundreds if not thousands."


Thats an easy one. She was there to take the plans to Obi-Wan. This was established when Bail and Mon Mothma had the conversation about his Jedi friend. Bail specifically said he'd use his daughter to get to him. It was heavily implied anyway.


Its unfortunate we live in a world where people can't enjoy a film without looking for reasons to criticize it. It's led to really bland, poor movies. Pretty much every action film and Marvel film is a rehash of something else. Marvel films are incredibly guilty of it. TFA was guilty of it. Blockbusters can't afford to break the meta.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 21, 2016 -> 01:36 PM)
Doesn't it undercut the latest installment though? This was their THIRD attempt, and it was just as easy to destroy.

"Everything about Starkiller Base makes a lot of sense given how DS 1 and DS 2 went down. You have a much more protected cooling shaft, the weapon is in a planet to prevent Falcons from flying in, plus the shield generator is on that planet and under the shield and it doesn't keep the power in a core, but rather sucks up a star, so it's only vulnerable to a cascade explosion when it's about to fire.

But they found a way anyway because the Skywalker family and friends are having none of your bulls***."


From Reddit

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 21, 2016 -> 03:23 PM)
"Everything about Starkiller Base makes a lot of sense given how DS 1 and DS 2 went down. You have a much more protected cooling shaft, the weapon is in a planet to prevent Falcons from flying in, plus the shield generator is on that planet and under the shield and it doesn't keep the power in a core, but rather sucks up a star, so it's only vulnerable to a cascade explosion when it's about to fire.

But they found a way anyway because the Skywalker family and friends are having none of your bulls***."


From Reddit


You know, that may be but it really loses its luster when they hand-wave it away to say "There's always a way to blow it up"

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 21, 2016 -> 03:23 PM)
"Everything about Starkiller Base makes a lot of sense given how DS 1 and DS 2 went down. You have a much more protected cooling shaft, the weapon is in a planet to prevent Falcons from flying in, plus the shield generator is on that planet and under the shield and it doesn't keep the power in a core, but rather sucks up a star, so it's only vulnerable to a cascade explosion when it's about to fire.

But they found a way anyway because the Skywalker family and friends are having none of your bulls***."


From Reddit

It was a base that sucked up a star to form a weapon that could then be directed at a target. But yeah, let's worry about explaining how they blew it up.

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When you think about it, starkiller base didn't even need to expel that sun energy towards a planet and blow it up. It basically destroyed that solar system just by killing the sun.


I just put reality on pause for the most part watching these movies lol, no reason to think about the reality of what's happening

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QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Dec 22, 2016 -> 11:19 PM)
I really don't remember, but did they ever show R2-D2 at the end of the movie on the same ship as Leia? Maybe he was standing right next to her, I don't remember. Because obviously he has to be on the ship.


It was a pretty quick shot, but don't recall either of the droids being next to her...

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QUOTE (Tony @ Dec 17, 2016 -> 02:25 PM)
Was reading some stuff on Reddit, and I saw multiple comments o

f "The small cameo's of C-3PO and R2D2 were just not needed

, it's just fan service...."




The whole point of the movie was the cast advancing through the plot to get the plans to them. Why wouldn't they be in the movie at some point?

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