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Diamond Club is Temporarily Closing


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Goal here is to mitigate duplicative posts and ensure the most possible baseball and white sox dialogue. This really is a test so if people ultimately don't like this, we can always revert back. We could also create a secondary sub-forum that is basically all hot-stove discussion while the main PHT thread is non hot-stove Sox news. That said, my thoughts are that their is just so little non hot stove news this time of the year that it makes sense for everything to be in one place.

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 09:37 AM)
Can you please open up the offseason plan thread again while you're at it?

No I will not. Catch all's are not tolerated on this site. They are a detriment to healthy discussion and make it more difficult for people to read the site.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 11:40 AM)
No I will not. Catch all's are not tolerated on this site. They are a detriment to healthy discussion and make it more difficult for people to read the site.



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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 11:40 AM)
No I will not. Catch all's are not tolerated on this site. They are a detriment to healthy discussion and make it more difficult for people to read the site.


It wasn't really a catch all. We were developing plans on what we thought best fit the Sox and had discussions over that.

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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 11:44 AM)
It wasn't really a catch all. We were developing plans on what we thought best fit the Sox and had discussions over that.


It was absolutely a catch all. And I dont mind them, but lets call a spade a spade here

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QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 09:44 AM)
It wasn't really a catch all. We were developing plans on what we thought best fit the Sox and had discussions over that.

And when a bunch of actual news got posted and discussion was all jumbled with a ton of different topics, it became a catch-all and was closed. I realize their is a vocal minority who likes the catch-all, but historically I have received far more outpouring against the catch-all than for the catch-all. And I've also indicated my own personal hatred of them. Plus, I am adamant that it is best for the health of the site.

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 10:05 AM)
I'm sorry for offending you. I apologize.

On a sidnote...no need to apologize. I am not offended and encourage any and all feedback when it comes to how this site is ran. I may or may not always agree with the feedback but the history of this site and how it has been ran has always been to make it as good of a place for all the members to discuss White Sox baseball and when people have feedback / ways to make it better, I'm always open to the idea (might not always agree but always open to hearing and never take offense).

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 12:40 PM)
No I will not. Catch all's are not tolerated on this site. They are a detriment to healthy discussion and make it more difficult for people to read the site.


Honestly, closing the diamond club forum is a detriment to reading the site. Especially since you refuse catch-alls. I want to come in here and see what's going on with the White Sox. I don't want to come in here and have to sift through tons of posts about the Red Sox signing so and so and someone else is rumored to be in trade talks with another team not involving us or what will almost assuredly be way too many posts on what the Cubs are doing. This is a White Sox board. White Sox talk should be separate from the rest and not cluttered with everything else.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 01:49 PM)
Honestly, closing the diamond club forum is a detriment to reading the site. Especially since you refuse catch-alls. I want to come in here and see what's going on with the White Sox. I don't want to come in here and have to sift through tons of posts about the Red Sox signing so and so and someone else is rumored to be in trade talks with another team not involving us or what will almost assuredly be way too many posts on what the Cubs are doing. This is a White Sox board. White Sox talk should be separate from the rest and not cluttered with everything else.

Sonix, I appreciate the feedback. The struggle I have with the diamond club and PHT is that the off-season in baseball is not a vacuum, so many things that happen outside of the White Sox impact the White Sox or vice versa. Makes it extremely difficult when you have multiple topics in multiple areas (in addition to confusing). When a team makes a signing, it might not even be a guy the Sox are interested in, rather a position they are interesting and thus the impact of that move shrinks the market for the guy the Sox are looking at (having its own repercussions) or could fill a void of a potential trade partner.


Look at David Price...at one point their were, I think 4 separate David Price threads. With discussion from impacts to the Red Sox to impacts to the White Sox (what does it mean for Sale / Q's market to how much would Sale get on the open market). Again, Sox were never interested in Price but the conversation that spurred from the discussion was very much White Sox related (and to be frank whenever a really impactful player signs, the signing impacts anyone in the free agent space, imo, as it gives further clarity towards the overall market).


That said, I am openly considering a catch-all related to confirmed, non White Sox signings (which have limited to any impact on the Sox) that could be pinned. It would have to be tightly moderated, but it is something I am considering as a happy medium. Would be curious to hear other people's feedback regarding the above. And as I've also said, this is an experiment in and of itself.


And again, appreciate the feedback.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 05:46 PM)
That said, I am openly considering a catch-all related to confirmed, non White Sox signings (which have limited to any impact on the Sox) that could be pinned. It would have to be tightly moderated, but it is something I am considering as a happy medium. Would be curious to hear other people's feedback regarding the above. And as I've also said, this is an experiment in and of itself.


And again, appreciate the feedback.


I think that would be good to have one non-White Sox related and one that was just Cubs related. I may be in the minority here but I hate seeing so many threads when I'm only interested in specific things. I'm not saying this negatively about anyone, but there are some people here that start new topics for pretty mundane things. My participation here has declined over the years due to life but part of it is also that there are now so many individual threads and topics that there is no way I have time to keep up. It's hard enough participating in one thread let alone 5 or 6 that all seem to end up with similar arguments. Like I said, I could be in the minority but I like keeping things separate. Those kind of catch-alls would help IMO.

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QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Dec 4, 2015 -> 06:40 PM)
Not going to lie, I am not a fan of having other teams signings in the White Sox part of the website. I would much rather have them separate like they were before.



That would be great if they all stayed there. It's annoying when people post the same comments and links (not just other team news) in multiple threads.

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I like having the MLB discussions in PHT. I spend a good amount on Soxtalk, and I could count on one hand the number of times I've looked at the Diamond Club or whatever it is called. I would enjoy to discuss those topics, but obviously come to Soxtalk first and foremost to read/chat about the Sox. But I don't mind seeing the other news, even thought it probably isn't something I haven't already heard. I looked at MLBTR probably 10x a day. But I just have never really cared to go to a separate part of the site to look for general MLB discussion. I think its great to have it all in grouping during the offseason.


In other news, BRING BACK THE CATCHALLS! The Offseason Plans thread was great. Catch alls are fun, and I feel not having them does the exact opposite of what you think you're accomplishing. You're always going to have people who don't like things one way or another, and as the owner of the site do whatever you please, but I will continue to voice my opinion on the matter when it is brought up. BRING BACK THE CATCH ALLS!

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QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Dec 4, 2015 -> 08:25 PM)
I like having the MLB discussions in PHT. I spend a good amount on Soxtalk, and I could count on one hand the number of times I've looked at the Diamond Club or whatever it is called. I would enjoy to discuss those topics, but obviously come to Soxtalk first and foremost to read/chat about the Sox. But I don't mind seeing the other news, even thought it probably isn't something I haven't already heard. I looked at MLBTR probably 10x a day. But I just have never really cared to go to a separate part of the site to look for general MLB discussion. I think its great to have it all in grouping during the offseason.


In other news, BRING BACK THE CATCHALLS! The Offseason Plans thread was great. Catch alls are fun, and I feel not having them does the exact opposite of what you think you're accomplishing. You're always going to have people who don't like things one way or another, and as the owner of the site do whatever you please, but I will continue to voice my opinion on the matter when it is brought up. BRING BACK THE CATCH ALLS!


I don't mind catch alls, but when every thread becomes one it's really annoying.

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