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Cespedes Re-signs with the Mets


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I hate waiting as much as anyone, but this could be a blessing in disguise for the Sox. The longer these guys wait, the lower their asking price becomes. Hence, when the Sox sign one of them later this offseason, they'll have paid them less than they would've if they signed them now. The extra money saved could then be used to grab another starter for depth purposes.



Think positive. I'm pretty sure Hahn knows what he's doing and that we'll get something out of this.

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Ya I'm going to sit back and relax. After this weekend I expect these guys to sign next week.


I really like our chances. Rosenthal expects us to land one of the two and now Mr. ChiSox Nightengale echoes that sentiment. Good enough for me right now. Waiting game now.

Edited by SouthSideSale
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I just have a really hard time believing that the Sox won't do anything else now considering that they've already acquired Frazier and Lawrie.


Those trades are meaningless and pointless if the Sox don't add anyone else. Why upgrade two positions when at least one more substantial upgrade is necessary to turn the team from a "wildcard hopeful" into a "legit contender"?


The bottom line, in my opinion, is that Hahn is not done making moves and something else will be done.

Edited by ChiSoxFanMike
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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 06:36 PM)
I just have a really hard time believing that the Sox won't do anything else now considering that they've already acquired Frazier and Lawrie.


Those trades and meaningless and pointless if the Sox don't add anyone else. Why upgrade two positions when at least one more substantial upgrade is necessary to turn the team from a "wildcard hopeful" into a "legit contender".


The bottom line, in my opinion, is that Hahn is not done making moves and something else will be done.


Right now I'm just cautiously optimistic about this team. A bit skeptical. But adding another bat would really make me enthused.

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 04:36 PM)
I just have a really hard time believing that the Sox won't do anything else now considering that they've already acquired Frazier and Lawrie.


Those trades and meaningless and pointless if the Sox don't add anyone else. Why upgrade two positions when at least one more substantial upgrade is necessary to turn the team from a "wildcard hopeful" into a "legit contender".


The bottom line, in my opinion, is that Hahn is not done making moves and something else will be done.


Which is basically what Daryl touched on today in his article. I do think they end up with one of the top 3 but even if they don't I think they'll grab a guy like Fowler, etc. Even a 2nd tier guy would be an upgrade & makes this team sizably better.


Sox are looking to upgrade & I have faith they get it done. Remember, last year they were "done" & they signed Melky. They'll get someone & it'll be an upgrade.

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QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 04:30 PM)
Lol wut?


OK geez some of you guys... His "see you next year "comment doesn't mean he thinks what Nightengale said is contradictory . It means see you next year ,like in a few days is next year guys. They aren't close to signing anyone so give it a few more days.. next year, get it ?

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QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 06:44 PM)
OK geez some of you guys... His "see you next year "comment doesn't mean he thinks what Nightengale said is contradictory . It means see you next year ,like in a few days is next year guys. They aren't close to signing anyone so give it a few more days.. next year, get it ?


I don't think anyone is referring to that part. The first part where he says Nightengale predicts one of the big 3 to sign with Sox but that they aren't even close. And then goes "ok" like he's annoyed or saying whatever. And someone making a prediction and deals not even being close aren't related really.


Like all he had to say was: "Nightengale says they aren't close on anyone. See you next year." But the part before it makes it seem like he's looking at it contradictory.

Edited by soxfan2014
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"Hearing talks broke down because Yoenis Cespedes wants a 6-year deal, while White Sox only want to offer 5. Upton out of picture. (Pt. 1)."


"White Sox still prefer Cespedes, may circle back to Alex Gordon if K.C. offer is low. White Sox willing to add 5th year to Gordon contract."


...So, I think that says all it does needs to about that whole saga in terms of his tweets last night.

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QUOTE (SoCalSox @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:07 PM)


"Hearing talks broke down because Yoenis Cespedes wants a 6-year deal, while White Sox only want to offer 5. Upton out of picture. (Pt. 1)."


"White Sox still prefer Cespedes, may circle back to Alex Gordon if K.C. offer is low. White Sox willing to add 5th year to Gordon contract."


...So, I think that says all it does needs to about that whole saga in terms of his tweets last night.


I think he's just going off of ideas after new stuff came out from National writers

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QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 05:08 PM)
I think he's just going off of ideas after new stuff came out from National writers


Very evident he's either BS'ing period or not confident in his report anymore.


A "done deal" doesn't fall through like that.

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QUOTE (SoCalSox @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:07 PM)


"Hearing talks broke down because Yoenis Cespedes wants a 6-year deal, while White Sox only want to offer 5. Upton out of picture. (Pt. 1)."


"White Sox still prefer Cespedes, may circle back to Alex Gordon if K.C. offer is low. White Sox willing to add 5th year to Gordon contract."


...So, I think that says all it does needs to about that whole saga in terms of his tweets last night.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd much rather give Cespedes 6 years than give Gordon 5.

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QUOTE (SoCalSox @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:07 PM)


"Hearing talks broke down because Yoenis Cespedes wants a 6-year deal, while White Sox only want to offer 5. Upton out of picture. (Pt. 1)."


"White Sox still prefer Cespedes, may circle back to Alex Gordon if K.C. offer is low. White Sox willing to add 5th year to Gordon contract."


...So, I think that says all it does needs to about that whole saga in terms of his tweets last night.

Totally contradicts what he said was agreed upon yesterday. Are there people that will actually believe what he says?

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QUOTE (SoCalSox @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:12 PM)
I think all this did was confirm most people's suspicions.

Why wouldn't the idiot just delete his old tweets? White Sox and Cespedes agree to 6 year deal worth $125-135 million. Just be patient, to talks break down because Ceapedes wants 6 years Sox offering 5.



If there are people as dumb as him who think at least someone will buy what he is saying and still think he is all sourced up, I suppose there must be someone dumb enough to make that a reality.

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QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:18 PM)
I think if it was truly close a major writer would've picked up on it.

Things can happen quickly. I personally believe their offers are lower than they were projected. Heyward got his money, but like with Abreu, most of the big spenders are not shopping in this aisle. I think they are hoping someone suddenly has a need and offers a boatload.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 05:21 PM)
"Close" is a pretty vague concept


FWIW he said it was done, not close.


Exact tweet: "Per source within the White Sox organization; team will ink Yoenis Cespedes to a 6-year deal. Dollar amount pegged at $125-135 million."

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 30, 2015 -> 07:11 PM)
Totally contradicts what he said was agreed upon yesterday. Are there people that will actually believe what he says?

I don't see a reason to think this guy is being malicious or outright lying. He definitely seems guilty of jumping the gun, but that's not the same as misleading intentionally. It's plausible that his tweets just read like someone who is getting 2nd hand info from a source somewhat on the inside, and passing it along. I mean, did anyone really think he was going to be the ultimate insider and break the news? No, we're just all collectively hoping that he was onto something.


If he was outright full of s*** I would expect him to drop an initial message with no follow up--like that fake jimslattery twitter douche.

Edited by blackmooncreeping
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