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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2016 -> 05:09 PM)
From Clinton's letter:

"Second, we need real consequences when firms on Wall Street break the law. This past week, we learned that one of the Wells Fargo executives that oversaw the division that ripped off its customers left the bank – not with a pink slip, but with a $125 million payout. It’s hard to imagine that top executives were unaware of a problem that involved thousands of the firm’s employees. After all, they imposed sales targets and compensation incentives in ways that led to this behavior. And it’s frustrating that a bank can simply pay a fine and keep doing business as usual – with massive compensation for the executives responsible. That compensation should be clawed back.


I’ve put forward an agenda to enhance accountability on Wall Street. Executives should be held individually accountable when rampant illegal activity happens on their watch. Their compensation should take a hit if their companies pay major fines. And they must face appropriate legal consequences if they break the law."


Wall street shill!




Edit: added URL.


Yeah, she still didn't name the guy directly. She's talking in generalities. "Executives." To the author's point, why is she doing this? Why is she afraid to go after a specific enemy or name specific people?

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Color me skeptical that supporting the CFPB and calling for individual accountability is code word for "do nothing". CFPB has been a huge bogeyman on the right, and this election decides it's fate. This was a huge accomplishment for them.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 22, 2016 -> 12:28 PM)
No matter what people may think of Bush's choices as President, I feel comfortable saying:


1) I dont think Bush is a bad person. Whatever choices he made, I truly believe he made them because he thought they were the best for the majority, not because they were in some way the best for him.


2) If I had the choice of Bush or Trump, I would pick Bush. Even if Bush is likely more conservative, I still would trust him a million times more.


3) Post Presidency Bush has been nothing but a good model for America, which kind of carries on the tradition of other Presidents.


Now I may disagree with a lot of things that happened, but its easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize. Plus, I think a lot of people misunderstood his humor. When I read that "Now watch this drive", it makes me laugh. When all you hear is doom/gloom, maybe its good that you have a guy in power who enjoys the little things.

I agree with everything you say here.


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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 22, 2016 -> 05:09 PM)
From Clinton's letter:

"Second, we need real consequences when firms on Wall Street break the law. This past week, we learned that one of the Wells Fargo executives that oversaw the division that ripped off its customers left the bank – not with a pink slip, but with a $125 million payout. It’s hard to imagine that top executives were unaware of a problem that involved thousands of the firm’s employees. After all, they imposed sales targets and compensation incentives in ways that led to this behavior. And it’s frustrating that a bank can simply pay a fine and keep doing business as usual – with massive compensation for the executives responsible. That compensation should be clawed back.


I’ve put forward an agenda to enhance accountability on Wall Street. Executives should be held individually accountable when rampant illegal activity happens on their watch. Their compensation should take a hit if their companies pay major fines. And they must face appropriate legal consequences if they break the law."


Wall street shill!




Edit: added URL.


So should Obama be fired for the EPA screw up?

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It's telling that the majority of those losing their jobs at Wells-Fargo were in the $30-65,000 average salary range.


What was the golden parachute for the 2nd in charge, that was leaving the company...not only wasn't she fired, but she's STILL getting something like $120-150 million when's she's the officer MOST DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE.


As someone mentioned, this is where she has to line up behind Warren and basically pillory the CEO and take a stand that if that golden parachute stands, she's going to make it her personal business as president to make life for that company like being on J. Edgar Hoover's hit list. Hillary always has the talking points, the messaging team, the appropriate twitter lines (except for her deplorables, off the cuff speech) but you never really quite believe she actually is going to do anything about it, to really FIGHT for that legislation and put the full weight of her political power behind it when in office.



I don't know if Clinton doesn't want to directly assault Manchin (the parallel Epipen controversy) because she's a Democratic senator's daughter, but that's another opportunity to fight for the middle class and poor and stake out her position very clearly. I wouldn't be surprised if even Trump found Mylan's actions beyond the pale, especially when you look closely into their executive compensation and incentives for driving up profit regardless of the "real life" health consequences, which is often life or death with the Epipen. It's one thing to profit off the iphone like Apple, but nobody's going to die if they charged $3500-4000 for an iphone 7. Not to mention they're basically protected from any price competition, so you essentially have a monopoly on the product, with Congress going out of their way to protect one of their own and make generic knock-offs impossible to reach the market.

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I was just joking about the last remark. At least I think so.


Disinterest? Lack of any type of economic plan other than trickle down? He was staunchly for compassionate conservatism, and there were some tangible effects (good and bad) in the non-profit/charity sector.


Also, giving away that Medicare B entitlement helped to blow yet another hole in the budget. Bush was good if you could care less about responsible government and ethical decision-making in foreign policy.


Jeopardizing thousands of lives because your father was almost assassinated in that region...petty.

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I'll put this in the Democrat thread cause we know who is gonna be deemed winner of the debates.

Damn ... debate season is upon us. This is going to be so depressing. Hillary, or Lying Hillary or Crooked Hillary as we Hillary haters tend to call her, is going to be deemed runaway winner of the first debate and it will bother me. This is part of what I've been talking about. The media rally around the Democratic candidate when it matters -- i.e. determining winner of debates. Hillary needs to humble Trump and win and the media will make sure she is deemed knockout winner.


Get ready folks, cause it's coming. Coronation talk. They will say Hillary was logical, laid out more specific plans than Trump, finally showed her sweet, caring side, yet showed she can be tough in talking about Putin. Meanwhile Trump will be reamed for trying to be a bully and failing. Hillary appearing "presidential" will be a common phrase while Trump will be called a loudmouth bully fit for corrupt business meetings but not the Presidency.


All I would ask is a fair shake from the debate graders, but that will not happen. Trump should never have agreed to a debate with Hillary when all the media want Hillary.


Tell me I'm wrong ... who out there would possibly give Trump a fair shake in a head to head debate battle against beloved Democrat Hillary?


the result of all this? Just like after the convention, she gets a huge jump in the polls. Remember after the conventions Trump was so far behind. Now he's caught up again. But after this barrage of positive press, it's all gonna be over. Hillary, the debate winner, is your next runaway winner of the Presidency of the United States.

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The ONLY thing that makes sense is guys like Cruz and Ricketts think there's a decent chance Trump wins and don't want to have their lack of support on the record...if he wins. Hedging their bets.


If nothing else, they can argue it was supporting a conservative SC or fighting the onerous death/estate tax penalties.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 23, 2016 -> 08:55 PM)
The ONLY thing that makes sense is guys like Cruz and Ricketts think there's a decent chance Trump wins and don't want to have their lack of support on the record...if he wins. Hedging their bets.


If nothing else, they can argue it was supporting a conservative SC or fighting the onerous death/estate tax penalties.


For Crux, its more along the lines of not wanting a primary challenger in 2018. Why Ricketts has decided to support Trump? That might be thinking that there's a chance of him to win.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 23, 2016 -> 07:15 PM)
For Crux, its more along the lines of not wanting a primary challenger in 2018. Why Ricketts has decided to support Trump? That might be thinking that there's a chance of him to win.


There's just no way someone with his brand of non-inclusive Republicanism can win the Republican nomination...and his appeal to the young, moderates/independents and non-Hispanic minorities is basically zero.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 23, 2016 -> 09:20 PM)
There's just no way someone with his brand of non-inclusive Republicanism can win the Republican nomination...and his appeal to the young, moderates/independents and non-Hispanic minorities is basically zero.


He's as concerned with reelection to the Senate as the Presidency.

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The average payout to 9/11 families has been around $3 million already.


In the end, it's going to make life more dangerous for American servicemen, CIA, contractors stationed abroad, and there's that slippery slope of how many assassinations/drone strikes/terroristic actions are we going to be opened up to in terms of lawsuits brought by foreign countries when we accidentally bomb them?


Should American leaders also face a trial of their own in a foreign country for deliberately misleading the Congress and country, leading to a war in Iraq that made the region even more unstable and actually created a safe haven for terrorism? Shouldn't Chile, the Congo and Cuba be suing over Black Ops assasinations of their leaders as documented by the Church Committee? Can Obama be sued by the Philippines when an American soldier rapes a Filipina or Japanese girl at Subic Bay or Okinawa?




Bringing a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia is like suing the Germans for World War I and II...it will only lead to a fraying of alliances and more conflict in the future. It's not like they can recover the money from the bin Laden Construction Group anyway.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 24, 2016 -> 07:05 PM)
How Trump is lowering the debate expectations




Short of physically assaulting her, he'll probably be declared the winner. Similar to the first debate last time where Obama was caught off guard by Romney just lying constantly ands inventing new policy positions on the fly.

No way. There will not be one news organization declaring Donald the winner. Maybe Hannity.

Did you read the NY Times embarrassing endorsement today? They are all coming. This news organization should be ashamed of itself making her look so Presidential. Cmon. We have two horrendous choices and the NY Times saying Hillary deserves this job is sad. Don't pretend we have a good candidate this year. Trump is a Chump, no doubt. No question. Of course he is. But Hillary is a proven fibber (I won't call her a liar) and one who stretches the truth; also a very very horrible speaker/leader and as elitist as Mr. Trump. And yet the NY Times endorses her in a glowing piece? Sad.



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I'm about ready to start cheering for Trump so as NOT to have to hear complaints from Greg, Drunk Bomber and Rabbit for the next 4-8 years.


Then, whenever there's a problem anywhere in the US and world, we can say "told you so" just like so many Americans the last eight years have conveniently blamed Obama and never given him credit for anything.


Trump can then be the reason why the American Dream is dead, Millennials suck and those US factory jobs are only returning for the highest skilled/educated/trained, not the 75-85% who are still underqualified and haven't been able to upgrade their skills.


Plus Hillary will probably push the estate tax threshold down to $1.125 million from its current $5.45 million...one thing you can guarantee Trump will never do.

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