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QUOTE (Deadpool @ May 16, 2016 -> 08:46 AM)
This one is particularly contentious on the Dem side. I think Bernie is a decent man, but his followers are desperate now that he won't be the candidate. I am seriously tired about hearing how crooked the DNC or Hillary is.


I could say the same thing about Hillary supporters and then post 5 links to awful stories about Hillary supporters doing something stupid. Then someone could counter with a Bernie supporter doing some awful. Around and round we go.


Just being proving my point.

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Trump did what he had to do get the nomination, he just came clean how most Republican voters think. Now he'll shift his agenda so that he can actually try to obtain some minority and women votes.


Damage is done if you ask me but it is what it is. Vegas has Hillary at -200 to become the next president. Everyone just go make an easy $100.

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That's fine with me.


Would you be okay with Bill Clinton running again, Greg? The Democrats could actually use that as an opportunity to run Warren (with Sanders as VP) together, or bring in someone like Julian Castro.


There are SOME good Democratic candidates who've been denied the chance to shine and develop simply because of the "Clinton Machine." (Of course, this process on the other side proved that having 17 doesn't accomplish anything if none of them are talented enough to figure out a way to beat Trump.)


That said, Bill vs. Trump would be some great theater. But even without Bill, Hillary vs. Trump will at least be interesting because the dynamic is totally different in a one v. one format.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 16, 2016 -> 01:49 PM)
Read some encouraging stuff about the FBI investigation, that they want Hillary prosecuted and will make a stink if Obama doesn't allow it to happen.


Where? Limbaugh's website?

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 16, 2016 -> 10:13 PM)
That's fine with me.


Would you be okay with Bill Clinton running again, Greg?


That said, Bill vs. Trump would be some great theater. But even without Bill, Hillary vs. Trump will at least be interesting because the dynamic is totally different in a one v. one format.

Sure. Bill, as reported by the same people who say Hillary is the meanest witch you could ever meet, have nothing but good things to say about Bill. If I consider Hillary as annoying as Gilbert Gottfried on steroids, I consider Bill as likeable as the late Andy Griffith.

It will be entertaining as you say when Trump in the debates turns to Hillary and says, "Nobody likes you." Then to the audience, "Nobody likes her," as well as the other insults he'll come up with. Whether it flusters Hillary ... whether it backfires on America seeing how rude Donald can be, ... we shall see.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 16, 2016 -> 07:28 PM)
Sure. Bill, as reported by the same people who say Hillary is the meanest witch you could ever meet, have nothing but good things to say about Bill. If I consider Hillary as annoying as Gilbert Gottfried on steroids, I consider Bill as likeable as the late Andy Griffith.

It will be entertaining as you say when Trump in the debates turns to Hillary and says, "Nobody likes you." Then to the audience, "Nobody likes her," as well as the other insults he'll come up with. Whether it flusters Hillary ... whether it backfires on America seeing how rude Donald can be, ... we shall see.


And you wonder why we call your posts sexist...

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QUOTE (Reddy @ May 17, 2016 -> 04:26 AM)
And you wonder why we call your posts sexist...

I've never seen a place where more people are Hillary fans than this board. I don't get this board sometimes. It's very liberal and very Democrat. Yet the Democrats on this board don't seem to like Bernie. I don't get the Hillary craze on this board. I'm the bad guy for bashing Hillary. My faves get bashed for superficial things, too. It's not a sexist thing. Why in the world does the country want to reward Hillary? For what?? Of course I like Bill. He produced.

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Greg, everyone probably "likes" or sympathizes (on the DEM side) with Sanders and what he's trying to accomplish, and what he represents.


We also know realistically he's not well-equipped to be president because of his lack of foreign policy expertise (or interest)...and the fact that he doesn't have the first idea how he'd actually take power away from banks, as it's a complicated process involving Congress, the Constitution, the Federal Reserve and too many other entities to count.


He also wants to give away too many free things (sure, free university sounds great until someone has to pay for it and students have to deal with the dilution in the quality of education)...but he hasn't proposed any method to pay for it.


Nobody wants to touch the idea of reforming entitlements, privatization (because of all the stock market disasters over the last 30 years) and especially any type of tax hikes on those not in the Top 1%.


As soon as leaders threaten to make American companies pay more in corporate taxes (or prevent off-shore havens), those companies will bluff about taking all their business out of the US...so they cave and give them TIF and every other public financing benefit to keep those jobs in their states/districts.



I also don't believe he's open to negotiation or compromise on many of these issues, and that's just a reasonable stance to take politically if your goal is ever to accomplish anything.


Finally, he went on his honeymoon in Russia in the heart of the Cold War. That will always be used or held against him.




So, you're confusing Bernie "bashing" and Hillary "love" because neither one really exists. The majority of Democrats are not left-wing lunatics who want to burn down or destroy the country and its economic fabric. We wish Hillary would be more progressive and less "reactive." In the end, her prescriptions for change will also be small, bite-size ones that have 2/3rd's+ support but don't really lead to a change in the status quo or the fixing of our numerous infrastructure problems.


I'm also pretty sure that a lot of Sanders supporters themselves would tell you they have no idea how he would maintain security in the world...other than some vague idea of the US not being the world's policeman and pulling back from lots of their military commitments/spending and being more isolationist (which is also more or less what Trump's been arguing, "prosperity at home (first)!")

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 17, 2016 -> 05:57 AM)
Greg, everyone probably "likes" or sympathizes (on the DEM side) with Sanders and what he's trying to accomplish, and what he represents.


We also know realistically he's not well-equipped to be president because of his lack of foreign policy expertise (or interest)...and the fact that he doesn't have the first idea how he'd actually take power away from banks, as it's a complicated process involving Congress, the Constitution, the Federal Reserve and too many other entities to count.


He also wants to give away too many free things (sure, free university sounds great until someone has to pay for it and students have to deal with the dilution in the quality of education)...but he hasn't proposed any method to pay for it.


Nobody wants to touch the idea of reforming entitlements, privatization (because of all the stock market disasters over the last 30 years) and especially any type of tax hikes on those not in the Top 1%.


As soon as leaders threaten to make American companies pay more in corporate taxes (or prevent off-shore havens), those companies will bluff about taking all their business out of the US...so they cave and give them TIF and every other public financing benefit to keep those jobs in their states/districts.



I also don't believe he's open to negotiation or compromise on many of these issues, and that's just a reasonable stance to take politically if your goal is ever to accomplish anything.


Finally, he went on his honeymoon in Russia in the heart of the Cold War. That will always be used or held against him.




So, you're confusing Bernie "bashing" and Hillary "love" because neither one really exists. The majority of Democrats are not left-wing lunatics who want to burn down or destroy the country and its economic fabric. We wish Hillary would be more progressive and less "reactive." In the end, her prescriptions for change will also be small, bite-size ones that have 2/3rd's+ support but don't really lead to a change in the status quo or the fixing of our numerous infrastructure problems.


I'm also pretty sure that a lot of Sanders supporters themselves would tell you they have no idea how he would maintain security in the world...other than some vague idea of the US not being the world's policeman and pulling back from lots of their military commitments/spending and being more isolationist (which is also more or less what Trump's been arguing, "prosperity at home (first)!")


Excellent post! I appreciate you for the deep thoughts to consider.

As far as my Hillary distaste ... you know, Obama is a likeable guy it appears. Funny, quick witted, has a personality it appears. Likes a good smoke with his cronies. But he couldn't get anything done except a controversial health care law. I am all in favor of having government pay for the people's health, yes I am, so I applaud Obama a tad for that.

But back to Hillary ... if Obama, a pretty decent chap, can't get ANYTHING passed of note and really isn't much of a leader, how the hell is Hillary gonna get anything done with her style??? People in government are going to want to block EVERYTHING she proposes because of her horrific personality and elitism. It'll be an eight-year war so to speak with Congress blocking everything. I just picture her meetings, barking out orders left and right and being perhaps the most ornery U.S. leader in history. When I think of a president I think of a likeable leader, Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Reagan. When I think of somebody you would least think her personality would make a good president, I think of Hillary.


That's why this board shocks me. I don't see how anybody could actually be fired up for Hillary. I realize what you say about Bernie may be it ... but I don't read a lot of "Yes I like Hillary but only because Bernie and Trump are worse!" You get this Hillary support and considering her past, her teetering on jail, her desire for personal $$$ for limited work (speeches?) I don't get it.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 17, 2016 -> 01:58 AM)
Excellent post! I appreciate you for the deep thoughts to consider.

As far as my Hillary distaste ... you know, Obama is a likeable guy it appears. Funny, quick witted, has a personality it appears. Likes a good smoke with his cronies. But he couldn't get anything done except a controversial health care law. I am all in favor of having government pay for the people's health, yes I am, so I applaud Obama a tad for that.

But back to Hillary ... if Obama, a pretty decent chap, can't get ANYTHING passed of note and really isn't much of a leader, how the hell is Hillary gonna get anything done with her style??? People in government are going to want to block EVERYTHING she proposes because of her horrific personality and elitism. It'll be an eight-year war so to speak with Congress blocking everything. I just picture her meetings, barking out orders left and right and being perhaps the most ornery U.S. leader in history. When I think of a president I think of a likeable leader, Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Reagan. When I think of somebody you would least think her personality would make a good president, I think of Hillary.


That's why this board shocks me. I don't see how anybody could actually be fired up for Hillary. I realize what you say about Bernie may be it ... but I don't read a lot of "Yes I like Hillary but only because Bernie and Drumpf are worse!" You get this Hillary support and considering her past, her teetering on jail, her desire for personal $$$ for limited work (speeches?) I don't get it.


Obama got an astronomical amount done, especially when consider the embarrassment that he got for Congress.

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I'm really not a Hillary fan, everything I said about her on this board in 2008 still applies. I was voting for Sanders right up until about 2 days before the Maryland primary when he started openly demonizing even the concept of fundraising for the rest of the Democrats down the ticket - that was it, I can't support that, it's a bridge too far. His sanctimony is the highest priority, not actually accomplishing anything. That doesn't mean I voted for Clinton though, I voted uncommitted and voted the rest of the ballot. But seriously, Clinton against Trump? Come on, that's easy.

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QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ May 17, 2016 -> 06:33 AM)
I'm really not a Hillary fan, everything I said about her on this board in 2008 still applies. I was voting for Sanders right up until about 2 days before the Maryland primary when he started openly demonizing even the concept of fundraising for the rest of the Democrats down the ticket - that was it, I can't support that, it's a bridge too far. His sanctimony is the highest priority, not actually accomplishing anything. That doesn't mean I voted for Clinton though, I voted uncommitted and voted the rest of the ballot. But seriously, Clinton against Drumpf? Come on, that's easy.


For me, it was Bernie's NY Daily News interview that finally pushed me over to Hillary.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 17, 2016 -> 07:37 AM)
For me, it was Bernie's NY Daily News interview that finally pushed me over to Hillary.

I don't think that interview was really as bad as it was made out to be. Like his answers on the banks, they weren't eloquent, but on substance he was mostly correct. Hillary came off much more prepared citing specific sections (she actually always does this) and Bernie sounded like he was annoyed he even had to answer, and to do so was beneath him.


It's not like when she ran against Obama, he knew policy inside and out just like she did so he wasn't intimidated by her, or McCain, despite his "lack of experience"

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QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ May 17, 2016 -> 06:52 AM)
I don't think that interview was really as bad as it was made out to be. Like his answers on the banks, they weren't eloquent, but on substance he was mostly correct. Hillary came off much more prepared citing specific sections (she actually always does this) and Bernie sounded like he was annoyed he even had to answer, and to do so was beneath him.


It's not like when she ran against Obama, he knew policy inside and out just like she did so he wasn't intimidated by her, or McCain, despite his "lack of experience"


It was his sounding annoyed + when I read the interview, it felt like he was giving ultimate run-around answers, the type that you write on an exam when you don't know the answer.

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It's been pointed out to greg several times that there are like maybe two people on this board who could even by called hillary fans with most of the rest of the liberals offering lukewarm support, but facts never stopped a greg argument before so

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 17, 2016 -> 09:29 AM)
It's been pointed out to greg several times that there are like maybe two people on this board who could even by called hillary fans with most of the rest of the liberals offering lukewarm support, but facts never stopped a greg argument before so

The 2008 version of the Democratic thread was a Barack Obama love-fest, very anti-Hillary, I remember it vividly. I've warmed on her since then because I was being pretty unfair back then, but I'm still not what anyone should consider a "fan." I don't even dislike Bernie, aside from confusing decisions his campaign has made and thinking his campaign manager is bad at his job. I just know how to count!

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I'm the only fan. She won me over with her 12 hour benghazi marathon/running 100x the campaign she ran in 08. I really respect how she turned that around. But obviously she's also a figure head of an idea of democratic party I grew up with and loved during the Bush years, the technocratic and reality based during a time of emotional and nationalistic decision making.


Good, important article on San Francisco housing dept. As our economy creates more service jobs and companies are relocating to cities, I can't think of a more important issue affecting the pocket books than the bonkers and irrational housing ideas and policy of Americans (that isn't even partial to dem or republican)


Basically states that San Francisco would need to add 200k new units. Sounds about right.


Glad to see Chicago adding that huge south loop development. In fights with people over the logan square "gentrification" of the logan square california blue line stop.


Replacing laundry mats with condos when rents have increased 150% in 4 years is terrible!!!

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Hillary's campaign is 180 degrees the opposite of what it was in 2008. Right from the beginning in the video where she announced it. Of course, it's easier to look good when you're winning.

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