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QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 07:34 AM)
I can't believe people can read comments like this and believe he would be an effective president.

It's more of he's better than the other two remaining candidates. Not much more to say than that.

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 07:40 AM)
It's more of he's better than the other two remaining candidates. Not much more to say than that.


This is not better on a world stage.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 07:07 AM)
Someone remind me how Rauner got elected?

Good question, feels a lot like the Trump approach; however, it seems like both sides share at least part of the blame with this particular issue. How can elected officials be so incompetent and/or petty? It's doing no one favors.

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 06:40 AM)
It's more of he's better than the other two remaining candidates. Not much more to say than that.


Complete lack of experience, racist, sexist.


Yup. Better.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 07:07 AM)
Someone remind me how Rauner got elected?


Someone remind me how Madigan continues to rule the state? They passed a budget that was unconstitutional. Rauner is doing the right thing IMO by telling Madigan to go jump in a lake. Standing up to Madigan and his cronies is exactly what this state needs.


Sadly, the stupid people of this state will blame Rauner and Madigan will continue to hold all the power.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 08:09 AM)
Bmags voted for him, I hold him personally responsible.


That's true. I have to say I'm surprised at how disjointed the democrats still are. And honestly am a bit surprised at how difficult it was for them even to push that budget through. The madigan power mold does need to get broken up. He isn't holding the coalition together nearly enough (mainly because it's not an ideological coalition).


That said, I knew he wasn't going to be Scott Walker in the state and is not, he doesn't have the power to be. But I still think in the long run we are better off than if Quinn had gotten elected.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 05:30 AM)
I don't think being a racist piece of garbage creates an actual "conflict of interest"




This was really upsetting to me. This is so blatant and horrible. This isn't the first time that it has been thrown out that essentially the only impartial judges can be old white men, but from a presidential candidate it's ridiculous.


It's pretty scary. All of this is. But, it is worth remembering that BUsh fired a bunch us attorneys for failing to prosecute fluffed cases of voter fraud against ACORN. But at least they tried to be discreet! This is a man openly telling us he will not obey the institutional norms that have led this country. It's terrifying.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 09:30 AM)
This was really upsetting to me. This is so blatant and horrible. This isn't the first time that it has been thrown out that essentially the only impartial judges can be old white men, but from a presidential candidate it's ridiculous.


It's pretty scary. All of this is. But, it is worth remembering that BUsh fired a bunch us attorneys for failing to prosecute fluffed cases of voter fraud against ACORN. But at least they tried to be discreet! This is a man openly telling us he will not obey the institutional norms that have led this country. It's terrifying.


The prop 8 idiots in California tried a similar argument because the judge in their case was gay. Only straight white men have the power of impartiality! That argument literally for laughed out of court though, and that's part of the reason I don't think trumps judge is going to suffer any adverse consequences from being the target of trumps explicit racism.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 10:23 AM)
The prop 8 idiots in California tried a similar argument because the judge in their case was gay. Only straight white men have the power of impartiality! That argument literally for laughed out of court though, and that's part of the reason I don't think trumps judge is going to suffer any adverse consequences from being the target of trumps explicit racism.


Actually that was what I was thinking, straight white and old. All else are biased.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 09:01 AM)
Someone remind me how Madigan continues to rule the state? They passed a budget that was unconstitutional. Rauner is doing the right thing IMO by telling Madigan to go jump in a lake. Standing up to Madigan and his cronies is exactly what this state needs.


Sadly, the stupid people of this state will blame Rauner and Madigan will continue to hold all the power.


I believe the democratic machine in Illinois needs to be eliminated with extreme prejudice but Rauner is not helping matters by what he is doing. If he continues on this destructive path it will not end well for him.


The government has a few basic jobs and one of the most important ones is education. You can try to fight the rest of the pork spending that Illinois has but education and transportation are ones that should absolutely not be f***ed with.


Get money to those organizations with compromise and continue the f***ing fight, it's not rocket science unless you're Rauner who is underneath his exterior is a racist and oligarch looking to push the standard republican agenda.

Edited by pettie4sox
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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 11:44 AM)
I believe the democratic machine in Illinois needs to be eliminated with extreme prejudice but Rauner is not helping matters by what he is doing. If he continues on this destructive path it will not end well for him.


The government has a few basic jobs and one of the most important ones is education. You can try to fight the rest of the pork spending that Illinois has but education and transportation are ones that should absolutely not be f***ed with.


Get money to those organizations with compromise and continue the f***ing fight, it's not rocket science unless you're Rauner who is underneath his exterior is a racist and oligarch looking to push the standard republican agenda.


The problem is the democrats won't push legislation for partial funding on education. They keep putting it into larger budget bills that are unreasonable, unethical and unconstitutional.


Dems also want to screw with the formula for who gets paid what, basically taking money out of school districts that manage their money well and putting it into s***tier school districts.


It's not a simple "that rich white guy hates poor black kids!" argument like Emanuel and Claypool are trying to make.


edit: I hadn't read this. Who's the one being unreasonable again?:


llinois Secretary of Education Beth Purvis wrote a letter to CPS CEO Forrest Claypool Thursday urging him to support Rauner's education funding bill. According to Purvis, no school would lose money under the governor's plan and total funding would be increased by $240 million.


In her letter, Purvis asked Claypool if he would support a bill that would keep the city's block grant and after-school programming in place and fund CPS at the same level as fiscal year 2016.


"If your answer is yes, then you support the plan introduced by Governor Bruce Rauner and the Republican leaders this week- and I would ask you to advocate for its immediate passage so that all schools in Illinois can open in the fall," Purvis wrote. "If your answer is no, then you need to be honest and tell the people of Illinois that you are holding up school funding for the entire state so that Chicago will receive hundreds of millions more than it did last year- despite declining enrollment in Chicago Public Schools and a state in deep fiscal crisis."




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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 11:44 AM)
I believe the democratic machine in Illinois needs to be eliminated with extreme prejudice but Rauner is not helping matters by what he is doing. If he continues on this destructive path it will not end well for him.


The government has a few basic jobs and one of the most important ones is education. You can try to fight the rest of the pork spending that Illinois has but education and transportation are ones that should absolutely not be f***ed with.


Get money to those organizations with compromise and continue the f***ing fight, it's not rocket science unless you're Rauner who is underneath his exterior is a racist and oligarch looking to push the standard republican agenda.


The problem in Illinois is that education, transportation and public safety are in huge trouble spots because of the pension disasters attached to them. At some point someone is going to have to get costs under control, or push through a LOT more taxes to pay for them. Every year this gets pushed down the road, the worst the problem is going to get. Chicago has already seen this start to happen locally, and you can see the costs through all of the insane taxes and fees they have pushed through to try to balance things from the decades of Daley just borrowing money for everything.


The day of reckoning is coming for Illinois. They might be able to keep kicking the can down the timeline for number of years more, but it is coming.

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This article shows Rauner is finally willing to partially play ball. He wasn't before and I think he caved due to the fact he would look mighty stupid if 400,000 kids were not able to go to school this Fall.


Good for Rauner for doing his damn job.


What is unethical and unconstitutional about the dems budget?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 01:06 PM)
The problem in Illinois is that education, transportation and public safety are in huge trouble spots because of the pension disasters attached to them. At some point someone is going to have to get costs under control, or push through a LOT more taxes to pay for them. Every year this gets pushed down the road, the worst the problem is going to get. Chicago has already seen this start to happen locally, and you can see the costs through all of the insane taxes and fees they have pushed through to try to balance things from the decades of Daley just borrowing money for everything.


The day of reckoning is coming for Illinois. They might be able to keep kicking the can down the timeline for number of years more, but it is coming.


Raise taxes with some goddamn transparency and accountability then. People hate paying taxes because of the f***ing politicians squandering money which I am 100% sure Illinois has been doing for a long time. Illinois is broke due to negligence not because there isn't revenue.


If they need to raise taxes to cover these pensions they absolutely better be going to that with the notion that taxes are not to be f***ed with for a while. Illinois, that is Chicago is one the highest taxed in the nation, yet they are always broke. That sounds like user error.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 01:10 PM)
This article shows Rauner is finally willing to partially play ball. He wasn't before and I think he caved due to the fact he would look mighty stupid if 400,000 kids were not able to go to school this Fall.


Good for Rauner for doing his damn job.


What is unethical and unconstitutional about the dems budget?


The Dems have only passed a budget that' is 7 billion in the hole. Far from balanced, which is not in accord with the Illinois constitution. Now, technically the governor is supposed to submit a balanced budget, but the state assembly isn't working with that, they're doing their own thing.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 01:06 PM)
The problem in Illinois is that education, transportation and public safety are in huge trouble spots because of the pension disasters attached to them. At some point someone is going to have to get costs under control, or push through a LOT more taxes to pay for them. Every year this gets pushed down the road, the worst the problem is going to get. Chicago has already seen this start to happen locally, and you can see the costs through all of the insane taxes and fees they have pushed through to try to balance things from the decades of Daley just borrowing money for everything.


The day of reckoning is coming for Illinois. They might be able to keep kicking the can down the timeline for number of years more, but it is coming.


Which is why Rauner is, rightly, telling Chicago to go f*** itself, the state isn't going to bail them out.

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 01:13 PM)
Raise taxes with some goddamn transparency and accountability then. People hate paying taxes because of the f***ing politicians squandering money which I am 100% sure Illinois has been doing for a long time. Illinois is broke due to negligence not because there isn't revenue.


If they need to raise taxes to cover these pensions they absolutely better be going to that with the notion that taxes are not to be f***ed with for a while. Illinois, that is Chicago is one the highest taxed in the nation, yet they are always broke. That sounds like user error.


And who has been in power the longest...

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The Republicans had power from 77-2003 when some of the worst kick the can decisions were made.


The blame game isn't going to make anyone look good. Kick the can politics seem less idiotic when you assume continued population growth, and when that declines it is crippling and looks idiotic.


Illinois and Chicago are unlikely to see a population boom, unless global warming destroys the coasts and everyone moves to the midwest for fresh water. We have to figure out what we want to pay our money to.

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Not to mention Trump has politicized moving a PGA golf tournament off one of his Miami courses to Mexico City...so, of course he's against that and will prevent it as president on the grounds that "Mexico City is dangerous and filled with rapists/serial killers/narcotraficantes" because that's HIS OPINION and not because as a business they have a legal responsibility to conduct their business in a way that doesn't alienate 60-75% of their fanbase and especially their sponsors who would boycott tourneys held on Trump courses.


We've already seen this happen with a huge restaurant project Trump was planning in Washington, D.C, with a famous Hispanic chef pulling out because of his comments about Mexico...and then Trump Org. suing and having no earthly idea why said chef wouldn't want to have anything to do with a joint project (any longer) despite already losing something like $1 million before even opening, lol.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 01:46 PM)
The Republicans had power from 77-2003 when some of the worst kick the can decisions were made.


The blame game isn't going to make anyone look good. Kick the can politics seem less idiotic when you assume continued population growth, and when that declines it is crippling and looks idiotic.


Illinois and Chicago are unlikely to see a population boom, unless global warming destroys the coasts and everyone moves to the midwest for fresh water. We have to figure out what we want to pay our money to.


I meant in Chicago specifically, where the majority of the problems lie.

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