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QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 08:15 PM)
Obama is letting off some steam right now

I like Obama personally, stemming from his love of the Sox and all things Chicago, but I wish he hadn't been such a lousy President. Whether fair or not, I'll remember his 8 years as totally ruining the economy for the little guy (all companies have downsized; there are no jobs out there that pay squat) and increase of terrorism in America, the movie theatre killings, the TV reporter getting killed on the air, the school shootings and Orlando disaster etc.

Again don't get me wrong. Love him personally and would love to meet him/shake his hand and say, "Go WHITE SOX" to him. But he should do the right thing and blast the FBI director and he won't.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 03:23 PM)
I like Obama personally, stemming from his love of the Sox and all things Chicago, but I wish he hadn't been such a lousy President. Whether fair or not, I'll remember his 8 years as totally ruining the economy for the little guy (all companies have downsized; there are no jobs out there that pay squat) and increase of terrorism in America, the movie theatre killings, the TV reporter getting killed on the air, the school shootings and Orlando disaster etc.

Again don't get me wrong. Love him personally and would love to meet him/shake his hand and say, "Go WHITE SOX" to him. But he should do the right thing and blast the FBI director and he won't.



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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 02:29 PM)
I really hate that last argument. "Lots of people break the law. Let's just not charge anyone otherwise our courts will be full of cases!"


I get that but when you have a law that would punish a large amount of people basically doing their job and are not trying to do anything criminal it seems like that law needs to be re-written or incentives rearranged.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 09:27 PM)
I get that but when you have a law that would punish a large amount of people basically doing their job and are not trying to do anything criminal it seems like that law needs to be re-written or incentives rearranged.


Can't wait to hear the pundits laugh this one off. This is one where Matthews and the pundits laugh and say; "Like we told you, this was not a big deal. But listen to what Trump did today!!!!! and How bout that nut, Bernie Sanders??"

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 04:23 PM)
I like Obama personally, stemming from his love of the Sox and all things Chicago, but I wish he hadn't been such a lousy President. Whether fair or not, I'll remember his 8 years as totally ruining the economy for the little guy (all companies have downsized; there are no jobs out there that pay squat) and increase of terrorism in America, the movie theatre killings, the TV reporter getting killed on the air, the school shootings and Orlando disaster etc.

Again don't get me wrong. Love him personally and would love to meet him/shake his hand and say, "Go WHITE SOX" to him. But he should do the right thing and blast the FBI director and he won't.


Obama had a great two years that involved him completely unf***ing the country in Bush's ruin and going head to head with the pettiest congress ever.


QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 04:51 PM)
Can't wait to hear the pundits laugh this one off. This is one where Matthews and the pundits laugh and say; "Like we told you, this was not a big deal. But listen to what Trump did today!!!!! and How bout that nut, Bernie Sanders??"


No one gives a s*** about Bernie anymore.

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Economist Brad DeLong with a collection of articles on the Kansas Economic Miracle Apocalypse unleashed when Gov. Brownback embarked on a campaign of massive tax cuts and gutting social services




Let me, for one, say that I am surprised that the economic results of Laffer-Moore grifter tax cuts in Brownbackistan have been so bad. I expected them to be bad. But I expected big tax cuts to steal at least some of the tax base from neighboring Missouri: south of the Missouri River the Kansas-Missouri border is State Line Road, and the state border bisects the two million person Kansas City metroplex. But no: worse than I would have imagined likely, even for Brownback, even for Laffer and Moore.


Moving money from the state budget where it is spent in-state into the pockets of the rich whose marginal propensity to spend in-state is low has consequences. Add in the effects of not expanding Medicaid and the tax cuts, and $1 billion/year of government-funded spending that would be happening were Kansas part of Colorado is not happening. If the in-state multiplier is two, then the simple Keynesian model all by itself accounts for the post-2012 divergence between Brownbackistan and the U.S. average–you don’t need any resort to “uncertainty” generated by the Brownback trainwreck.


...It doesn’t get nearly as much play as it should in the media.... Under the leadership of Brownback and one of the most conservative legislatures in America, Kansas dramatically slashed the tax rates of Kansas’ wealthy and its corporations. According to ideology, the cuts should have jumpstarted Kansas’ economy and led to rapid growth that created jobs and helped the tax cuts pay for themselves. Of course, nothing of the sort happened. The effect was disastrous, a slow-rolling series of budget shortfalls followed by cuts to essential services like education and roads, which only slowed the economy further. A series of punitive and regressive sin taxes on tobacco and other goods were instituted to make up for the cuts to the tax rates of the wealthy, which of course only further undermined consumer spending.


Officials in Kansas have tried to blame the problems on a slow national economy, but that is hogwash.... It’s not local economic variations. Kansas’ troubles really are directly the fault of its tax cuts. They didn’t boost the economy–they slowed it down. And now Kansans are paying the price. Even more cuts are coming, including devastating cuts to road maintenance through thefts from its already plundered Department of Transportation.... This is on top of the damage Brownback is already doing to the state’s K-12 and university education systems.... The nation’s eyes should be trained on Kansas. This is what happens when you put Republicans in charge with the freedom to pursue their economic ideology. It’s not just a moral train wreck in terms of inequality and shared prosperity. It doesn’t even work to keep the lights on and make the trains run on time...

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 09:55 PM)
Obama had a great two years that involved him completely unf***ing the country in Bush's ruin and going head to head with the pettiest congress ever.

No one gives a s*** about Bernie anymore.


They cared bout Bernie til the FBI chief killed that today. ...


As far as the rest, I look at the big picture. Not to pile on my favorite Sox fan, Barack, but as far as unifying ... during his years we have Ferguson, we have Baltimore, we have near ruination of a great university, Mizzou. Thank goodness this protest bulls*** hasn't even been worse in terms of violence in the biggest cities. Some people think one of these cop out of control incidents vs African American victims is going to result in the big one -- riots in the biggest cities.

A lot of you don't even seem too concerned about Chicago murder numbers ... even these have taken place during Barack's years. So many people in Chicago have no reason to behave. Low low paying jobs leaving the hooligans to say, "f*** it, I'm selling drugs and arming myself."


And also the big picture suggests horrific economy nationwide and like I said unparalleled mass murder situations. Not blaming Barack for everything, like you said Congress has been disgracefully uncooperative as well, but it's all in Barack's eight years. Personally I think a President needs to work on getting Congress to cooperate and make that a priority, figure some s*** out, be such a leader the other side will want to work with you (nyuk nyuk I realize that's long gone in American politics never likely to return; wait til these Congressians show a desire to "work" with Hillary; we ain't seen nothing yet in terms of uncooperation).


What the hell has Barack done in the BIG PICTURE that's been good. Only thing I can think of is be a good example for family values. He's a good dad and husband while having a stressful job. I repeat: The American dream has continued to die under his watch (middle class not making any $$$) and the streets are not safe so to speak.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 01:11 PM)
Today is one of the worst days in modern American history (excluding violence and deaths, of course). During a time in history in which Americans are sick of politicians and their bulls***, the FBI acknowledges inappropriate activity by Hillary yet recommends no charges. Just a few days after the attorney general visits with Bill Clinton on a fricking tarmac of all places.

Oh my gosh, what has this country come to?? At least the NY Post says it all.

FBI's double standard here is outrageous, the paper reports! I am ashamed of America today. If Americans are dumb enough to actually vote for this person, I don't know what to say. Wait I do know what to say. Just as Kansans voted in Brownback for a second term despite his actually being even a worse government official than Hillary, a majority of Americans will actually vote for this woman. Unfricking believable.

Where's the pride in our country?? Thanks FBI for one of the worst decisions of all time. It's not what you know, it's who you know, pepole and never ever forget it. And it's all about the elite and their privelege. Hillary should get good n drunk tonight. This FBI decision deserves the best wine money can buy. ... Inexplicably, some of the poorest Americans, the ones with the least in common with Hillary and what she believes in, are her most ardent supporters. Unreal. I'd ask America to do the right thing and have her stand trial on perjury charges in this email case, but those charges also would be thrown out by the corrupt government.





That's true, but just as many poor/lower middle class, white males (mostly without an education higher than an associate's/technical or vocational school)....are resolutely supporting Trump, when their economics interests aren't aligned at all.


Their vote is largely about race/religion/bigotry & hate.








Here you go, Greg.


Try these 20 on for a start. Try to read and respond without mentioning Hillary at least once. Sometimes you need to ignore the "noise" and look at the objective truth/s.


Do you blame Bill Clinton for Columbine? There were a series of shooting/incidents just as bad when he was President. Remember Oklahoma City? Ruby Ridge? The Branch Davidians/Waco/David Koresh?

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 04:14 PM)
Economist Brad DeLong with a collection of articles on the Kansas Economic Miracle Apocalypse unleashed when Gov. Brownback embarked on a campaign of massive tax cuts and gutting social services



I wish this would actually cause people in legislatures (and the voters putting them in legislatures) to think about budget policy. I'll be holding my breath for a while on that one.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 05:53 PM)
They cared bout Bernie til the FBI chief killed that today. ...


As far as the rest, I look at the big picture. Not to pile on my favorite Sox fan, Barack, but as far as unifying ... during his years we have Ferguson, we have Baltimore, we have near ruination of a great university, Mizzou. Thank goodness this protest bulls*** hasn't even been worse in terms of violence in the biggest cities. Some people think one of these cop out of control incidents vs African American victims is going to result in the big one -- riots in the biggest cities.

A lot of you don't even seem too concerned about Chicago murder numbers ... even these have taken place during Barack's years. So many people in Chicago have no reason to behave. Low low paying jobs leaving the hooligans to say, "f*** it, I'm selling drugs and arming myself."


And also the big picture suggests horrific economy nationwide and like I said unparalleled mass murder situations. Not blaming Barack for everything, like you said Congress has been disgracefully uncooperative as well, but it's all in Barack's eight years. Personally I think a President needs to work on getting Congress to cooperate and make that a priority, figure some s*** out, be such a leader the other side will want to work with you (nyuk nyuk I realize that's long gone in American politics never likely to return; wait til these Congressians show a desire to "work" with Hillary; we ain't seen nothing yet in terms of uncooperation).


What the hell has Barack done in the BIG PICTURE that's been good. Only thing I can think of is be a good example for family values. He's a good dad and husband while having a stressful job. I repeat: The American dream has continued to die under his watch (middle class not making any $$$) and the streets are not safe so to speak.


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Well, looks like the wrong attorney general is in office. Seriously, the FBI director should resign today, he's already done his good dead for Hillary. And that AG who met Bill on the tarmac should be replaced in disgrace as well.


Federal Law: Title 18. Section 2071

Can it be any clearer?

Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton's private email server illegal, it "disqualifies" her from holding any federal office.

Such as, say, President of the United States.

"If you do this or that bad thing, you've essentially disqualified yourself as being the leader of the free world," said Mukasey, referring to the illegal server and the illegal handling of classified materials.

Mukasey specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.


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I'm guessing Mukasey is a Republican and served under a Bush...?


In June 2003, Democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer submitted Mukasey's name, along with four other Republicans or Republican appointees, as a suggestion for Bush to consider for nomination to the Supreme Court.[22]


On October 14, 2004, citing U.S. Supreme Court precedent, Mukasey reversed his September 2002 decision and dismissed a case in which plaintiffs in twenty consolidated actions sued the Italian insurance company Generali S.p.A. (Generali), seeking damages for nonpayment of insurance proceeds to beneficiaries of policies purchased by Holocaust victims before the end of World War II.[23] In so ruling, Mukasey gave deference to "a federal executive branch policy favoring voluntary resolution of Holocaust-era insurance claims."[24]


He was also a Rudy Guiliani supporter. Hmmm....no agenda.


81st United States Attorney General

In office

November 9, 2007 – January 20, 2009

President George W. Bush

Preceded by Alberto Gonzales


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 6, 2016 -> 03:14 AM)


If those officers end up still being acquitted, good God Greg might be right about the US falling apart....


WTF is wrong with cops?? Taze the guy you stupid f***s! Nothing in that video suggests he should be shot and killed for selling CDs and resisting. Taze him!! Oh I know ... the tazer might not work. There's always some lame excuse for loss of life. Whichever cops shot this man and killed him should be convicted of murder. The fact the guy had a gun on him though will let the cops off the hook.

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