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2016 Republican Thread


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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 08:04 AM)
It comes back to campaign money. Every word from another candidates mouth aside from Bernie is calculated to get more money from someone. Well not someone, rather something. I'd rather have a flip flopper than that. Flipping on your positions can often be more honest than not. Whether that applies to Trump remains to be seen. I still find him more genuine than the rest, aside from Bernie.

He doesn't just "flip-flop," though. He explicitly lies about things he's said, done and seen. Always against the Iraq war, saw thousands of Muslims cheering in the streets from his apartment on 9/11, etc.


What is it that you find genuine about him?

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 08:04 AM)
It comes back to campaign money. Every word from another candidates mouth aside from Bernie is calculated to get more money from someone. Well not someone, rather something. I'd rather have a flip flopper than that. Flipping on your positions can often be more honest than not. Whether that applies to Trump remains to be seen. I still find him more genuine than the rest, aside from Bernie.

You have to be joking. More genuine? We're not talking about flip-flopping one an issue or two, which can happen for either political or personal reasons. He's an opportunist who has clearly demonstrated he will say whatever gets him the most votes. In other words, what others do for money (and then to win), he does much more dramatically and for emotional response (and then to win). Also, far more so than others, he riles up anger to do it. Everything you claim to dislike about fundraising, Trump does and far more often, with the same end goal in mind (to win). How can you make Trump's version seem better?



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My new theory is the only way a non trump candidate wins is if it is Kasich. I think he's the only guy who can do it cause I think he can appeal to the North. Only way I see it happening is if Rubio gets destroyed in Florida as expected (with Kasich taking Ohio) and Cruz somehow losing Texas or at least if he wins Texas basically getting clobbered everywhere else and seeing declining polls. The possibility of that happening is almost nil.


Donald Trump might not be a racist, but he certainly panders to racists and all kinds of stupid. He is brutally awful and "disgusting".

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  Chisoxfn said:
My new theory is the only way a non trump candidate wins is if it is Kasich. I think he's the only guy who can do it cause I think he can appeal to the North. Only way I see it happening is if Rubio gets destroyed in Florida as expected (with Kasich taking Ohio) and Cruz somehow losing Texas or at least if he wins Texas basically getting clobbered everywhere else and seeing declining polls. The possibility of that happening is almost nil.


Donald Trump might not be a racist, but he certainly panders to racists and all kinds of stupid. He is brutally awful and "disgusting".


I'm pretty sure Kasich's plan is to stay out of all the attacks, let Donald bash Cruz and Rubio to the point that they become unviable, and then try to consolidate all of the non-Trump delegates. I doubt it can work, but it's probably reached the point where he's the only one left with any sort of chance to beat Trump, and even that I'd put at no more than 2-3%.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 09:13 AM)
I'm pretty sure Kasich's plan is to stay out of all the attacks, let Donald bash Cruz and Rubio to the point that they become unviable, and then try to consolidate all of the non-Trump delegates. I doubt it can work, but it's probably reached the point where he's the only one left with any sort of chance to beat Trump, and even that I'd put at no more than 2-3%.

I don't know that I even go that high, but I'm to the point where I can't see anyway Cruz / Rubio do it. I suppose Cruz could but I don't like him enough to go vote for him (maybe I should pay more attention to him but I've always had a perception against him that I just don't like the guy and at his debates I feel the same way). Same essence I get from Trump.


I put the odds at basically .1%. Trump gets away with everything and anything. I still think this is all a big ruse by Trump to get Hillary in the white house and to put the republican party out of business.

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CNN referring to the recent controversy, which they started, as Trump having ties to the KKK. Lmao. This has to be the biggest attempted media takedown in history.


As for the GOP plan, it's to replace Rubio with Romney. Try and get him enough delegates to get to a brokered convention. It won't work.

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 08:10 AM)
You have to be joking. More genuine? We're not talking about flip-flopping one an issue or two, which can happen for either political or personal reasons. He's an opportunist who has clearly demonstrated he will say whatever gets him the most votes. In other words, what others do for money (and then to win), he does much more dramatically and for emotional response (and then to win). Also, far more so than others, he riles up anger to do it. Everything you claim to dislike about fundraising, Trump does and far more often, with the same end goal in mind (to win). How can you make Trump's version seem better?

Yes more genuine. It's all relative. No one in politics is really genuine whatsoever. With Hillary, you can go down her list of donors and find deals she's brokered on behalf of those companies. Legal bribery. Well, not even legal, the Boeing stuff in particular is enough to throw anyone else in prison. Trump is doing it for his own power, yes. It's sad its taken a man with billions of dollars himself to even take a small step towards getting rid of corporate influence. Whether he can remains to be seen. He's destroying one party as we speak. The death of the GOP will be a great victory for politics going forward, no matter what happens from here on out. I hope Bernie can do the same to the Dems, but that's not looking good.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 09:29 AM)
CNN referring to the recent controversy, which they started, as Trump having ties to the KKK. Lmao. This has to be the biggest attempted media takedown in history.


As for the GOP plan, it's to replace Rubio with Romney. Try and get him enough delegates to get to a brokered convention. It won't work.

I like Mitt...I like Kasich more, but I like Mitt.

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  Buehrle>Wood said:
CNN referring to the recent controversy, which they started, as Trump having ties to the KKK. Lmao. This has to be the biggest attempted media takedown in history.


As for the GOP plan, it's to replace Rubio with Romney. Try and get him enough delegates to get to a brokered convention. It won't work.


CNN is desperate for one/both nominations to still be in doubt beyond March. It translates to ratings for them.

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CNN is still pro Hillary when I watch. Last week they had Sanders stuff on the bottom line and the way it was worded made him sound inept and not worthy of running. Wish I could remember some of them.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 12:18 PM)
CNN is still pro Hillary when I watch. Last week they had Sanders stuff on the bottom line and the way it was worded made him sound inept and not worthy of running. Wish I could remember some of them.


They're part of Hillary's 3rd biggest backer last I checked, so that shouldn't come as a surprise


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Trump will need to win about 53% of all voting-tied delegates by convention time to win the nomination. The GOP version of supers (3 per state) commit only at convention time, and they won't go for Trump. And the party would make sure any other delegate holders consolidate to one non-Trump. Thus, Trump still has a mathematically tough road ahead of him, even after Super Tuesday.


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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 02:05 PM)
Reports across Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee of votes being changed from Trump to Rubio. I thought the gop stood against voter fraud?

Votes being changed? Those are primary states, so you mean voting machine changes?


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Even if Trump gets knee capped at the GOP Convention, it's hard to imagine retaining even half that angry/bitter/disaffected Trump support and getting them all energized to vote for another candidate after pulling for him for well over a year.


Otoh, it might be better than having House/Senate candidates running just as much against Trump as their Democratic opponents.


Fascinating stuff, if you're into dramas or soap operas and not wonkish policy discussions.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 12:20 PM)
Even if Trump gets knee capped at the GOP Convention, it's hard to imagine retaining even half that angry/bitter/disaffected Trump support and getting them all energized to vote for another candidate after pulling for him for well over a year.


Otoh, it might be better than having House/Senate candidates running just as much against Trump as their Democratic opponents.


Fascinating stuff, if you're into dramas or soap operas and not wonkish policy discussions.

That is the problem. I think if Trump ends up winning the majority delegates and the repub's make a move to not get him in, any hope at the white-house is over, however, you might at least save face and have a chance in the actual local elections. Without that, you are going to have a lot of people looking at Trump as the face of the party and that could really quickly wipeout all the gains made in the house / senate.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 12:37 PM)
Yes more genuine. It's all relative. No one in politics is really genuine whatsoever. With Hillary, you can go down her list of donors and find deals she's brokered on behalf of those companies. Legal bribery. Well, not even legal, the Boeing stuff in particular is enough to throw anyone else in prison. Trump is doing it for his own power, yes. It's sad its taken a man with billions of dollars himself to even take a small step towards getting rid of corporate influence. Whether he can remains to be seen. He's destroying one party as we speak. The death of the GOP will be a great victory for politics going forward, no matter what happens from here on out. I hope Bernie can do the same to the Dems, but that's not looking good.


Like, for example, Trump?

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 02:15 PM)
How exactly are votes getting changed?

From the reports I read, votes meant for trump are coming out as Rubio when you check it at the end. These are electronic. The trump campaign just picked it up. Well see if it has validity.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 1, 2016 -> 02:56 PM)
Trump will not get rid of corporate influence, that influence will just be from Trump companies instead. Plus, there are still 535 Senators and Representatives and then all of the state houses.

Yep. That's why I called it a small step.

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