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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 4, 2016 -> 10:41 AM)
He's moderate on social issues (except abortion) but his tax plan, while not nearly as far right as Cruz/Rubio, is still not very friendly to the middle/lower classes. He seems more willing to compromise across the aisle though which would never happen with the others, especially not Cruz.


That's one of the reasons I feel people could vote for him. He doesn't have that bad s*** crazy vibe that Rubio, Cruz, and Trump have. When pressed about gays yesterday he said, I try to love my neighbor or something. He didn't judge or condemn, (atleast he put on a show that he didn't for the audience) and that showed good character.


That non wiggle room for abortions might hurt him though and his somewhat misogynistic views.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Mar 4, 2016 -> 04:24 PM)
Why exactly would he get exposed? All he has is a track record of success (every where he's went)? Because he's boring and cerebral? Is that why he'd be exposed? Or are you referring to how aggressive he has been in the past to get things done (that ended up being pretty successful)? Dude knows policy well and is actually relatively moderate.

Exactly. Chisoxfan speaks the truth ... again. Kasich should be the Republicans' choice. Give him a great vice president candidate, the most qualified young woman who could be the Republicans' next presidential candidate, and that party would be set to challenge Hillary.

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QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 5, 2016 -> 08:50 PM)
He's just trolling now. He HAS to be.




I think this is an overreaction by social media. I see people raising their hands. Others see the Hail Hitler things. I despise Trump as a candidate and think this is a stretch. Take a pic of 10 people raising their hands on the street if they like donuts and it may seem the same way as this.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Mar 4, 2016 -> 05:24 PM)
We should. Trump is feeding whatever BS possible to get into the white house. Now part of me feels good about that, cause if he was serious about half the stuff he said and somehow got elected, we'd be screwed. But it is also just shameful...beyond typical political games.


I thought Kasich was fine (actually got more air time than Rubio), but he's not electric. That said, I don't think he has to be, he's the best candidate on either party to make this country better. That doesn't seem to matter though. Experience (check), track record (check), ability to enact change and work with others (check). I was surprised, but I didn't really have any issues with anything Cruz did (and normally I did). I suppose I'm warming up a bit to him.


What I'd give for Kasich to take Ohio and get some momentum and win a few states and get this thing to a brokered convention.

Kasich is so much more open and funny and engaging as a radio media analyst. He's blown it big time by being very very boring in the debates, etc. People snicker at me for talking about Hillary's annoying, loud, screaming whenever she speaks publicly, but this stuff matters. Kasich is too soft spoken and boring for the general public in 2016. Sad cause he is great.

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[some of the most powerful people in the technology industry met with Republican senators, party officials, and assorted billionaires on a private island last weekend, the Huffington Post reports, with the main topic of conversation being the rise of Donald Trump, and how best to stop him. Among those attending the event — the American Enterprise Institute's World Forum — were Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk, and Google co-founder Larry Page.


Feed the beast.

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[some of the most powerful people in the technology industry met with Republican senators, party officials, and assorted billionaires on a private island last weekend, the Huffington Post reports, with the main topic of conversation being the rise of Donald Trump, and how best to stop him. Among those attending the event — the American Enterprise Institute's World Forum — were Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk, and Google co-founder Larry Page.




QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 8, 2016 -> 02:28 PM)
Feed the beast.



geez, let him be, he will screw up big time on his own, he is the perfect ex of a megalomaniac who needs the lime light.

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QUOTE (LDF @ Mar 8, 2016 -> 08:36 AM)
geez, let him be, he will screw up big time on his own, he is the perfect ex of a megalomaniac who needs the lime light.

The establishment fails to realize that THEY 'created' Trump. Put forth a candidate that at least SAYS he wants some sort of border security and you might have a chance against him. They wouldn't have to go all 'deport them all and build walls, moats and sharks with lasers', but Rubio? WTF man, you might as well be an open borders advocate. Then they constantly piss on the tea party people, demanding that they back establishment candidates when they win primaries, but acting like spoiled children when one of them beats an establishment guy. Gotta play nice if you want reciprocation. Then you have a sizable crossover of Dems voting for trump, some because they think it is funny, some because they are convinced he would get schlonged vs Hillary.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Mar 8, 2016 -> 12:42 PM)
The establishment fails to realize that THEY 'created' Trump. Put forth a candidate that at least SAYS he wants some sort of border security and you might have a chance against him. They wouldn't have to go all 'deport them all and build walls, moats and sharks with lasers', but Rubio? WTF man, you might as well be an open borders advocate. Then they constantly piss on the tea party people, demanding that they back establishment candidates when they win primaries, but acting like spoiled children when one of them beats an establishment guy. Gotta play nice if you want reciprocation. Then you have a sizable crossover of Dems voting for trump, some because they think it is funny, some because they are convinced he would get schlonged vs Hillary.


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One of the vastly overrated skills of a great president is cheerleader in chief. After Nixon's scandals, Ford's falling and WIN! economic policy, and Carter being held hostage Reagan came in bigger than life on a giant white horse and gave America back it's swagger. Trump can do that, but only for the portion of America that has been feeling left out for 8 years of Obama. HIllary doesn't do that. I doubt even Cruz can pull that off. We all know that most of what a Presidential candidate runs on doesn't or can't become reality. So I'm not too worried about America if there is a Trump victory.

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This is ludicrous.




Illinois lawmakers on Wednesday advanced a measure to exempt feminine hygiene and incontinence products from the state sales tax, joining a national movement to remove what women say is a discriminatory tax.
Edited by Jenksismybitch
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Here's the relevant Illinois tax code:




I'm guessing this bill is to modify section c) 3), which lists items that are not considered "grooming and hygiene products" and qualify for the reduced tax rate of 1% versus the general 6.5%?


I don't know about calling it discriminatory but it seems like a pretty trivial tax code matter and not particularly ludicrous?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 10, 2016 -> 12:41 PM)
Here's the relevant Illinois tax code:




I'm guessing this bill is to modify section c) 3), which lists items that are not considered "grooming and hygiene products" and qualify for the reduced tax rate of 1% versus the general 6.5%?


I don't know about calling it discriminatory but it seems like a pretty trivial tax code matter and not particularly ludicrous?


Calling it discriminatory and a "pink tax" is ludicrous. But regardless, there shouldn't be an exception to any of that stuff. Tax the piss out of it. We gotta pay for free college and healthcare somehow.

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Kasich wants to build the wall. Soxtalk is Kasich haven, what say you?


Interesting strategy this debate. Early on, everyone is stealing trumps positions positions instead of attacking him. This is new. The other 3 met together this week along with Jeb Bush; i bet this was the plan. Let's see how Trump reacts.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 10, 2016 -> 08:15 PM)
Kasich wants to build the wall. Soxtalk is Kasich haven, what say you?


Interesting strategy this debate. Early on, everyone is stealing trumps positions positions instead of attacking him. This is new. The other 3 met together this week along with Jeb Bush; i bet this was the plan. Let's see how Trump reacts.


I think it is a little too late to start stealing positions, it won't work

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 10, 2016 -> 12:45 PM)
Calling it discriminatory and a "pink tax" is ludicrous. But regardless, there shouldn't be an exception to any of that stuff. Tax the piss out of it. We gotta pay for free college and healthcare somehow.


I think a fair taxing structure for everyone is not taxing the necessities of life such as food and medicine. I'd also like to see an exemption on cheaper clothes. America is an expensive country to live in. We want the best roads, security, military, healthcare, etc. That requires the people with the most resources to pay more. Now let's look at a fair America that survives at the tax rate that the lowest can afford. Slashes our military, less for roads, less for healthcare (you don't mind sick people in your food supply do you?), fewer cops, less garbage pick up. Looking at countries where it costs less to live and they are not the ones I would like to live in.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 10, 2016 -> 09:15 PM)
Kasich wants to build the wall. Soxtalk is Kasich haven, what say you?


Interesting strategy this debate. Early on, everyone is stealing trumps positions positions instead of attacking him. This is new. The other 3 met together this week along with Jeb Bush; i bet this was the plan. Let's see how Trump reacts.


He said he wants to finish a wall, as in the existing one. Not build some monstrosity like Trump wants. Kasich's also held this position from the beginning. But hey, details don't matter to Trump fanboys.

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