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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 15, 2016 -> 09:44 AM)
Al Gore also never actually claimed to have invented the internet, guess what sometimes people make jokes based on distorted quotes.


The spin wasn't that he was/is a bumbling moron though, it was that he seemed to be boasting and taking credit for something as large and innovative as the internet (which was the meaning of his misquoted statement), like in the Snickers commercial....which for some reason I still remember.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 15, 2016 -> 09:55 AM)
The spin wasn't that he was/is a bumbling moron though, it was that he seemed to be boasting and taking credit for something as large and innovative as the internet (which was the meaning of his misquoted statement), like in the Snickers commercial....which for some reason I still remember.

Yeah, and some of the actual inventors of the internet wrote a long editorial backing him up on what he said. Yet the "Al Gore invented the internet!" joke remains alive and well 17 years later despite him not actually saying that and actually being correct with what he was saying.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 15, 2016 -> 10:38 AM)
You know what, f*** it, i will get into it:


What proves my point here is that the Russia statement wasn't even said by Palin, she said something more akin to Russia is our next door neighbor. And she said it shortly after being picked as VP. And then DAYS later, not weeks or months, but DAYS later, it was on SNL. And from that point forward she was the bumbling moron. Yes, she obviously proved that she wasn't the greatest and often made stupid comments over the course of the entire campaign, but FROM THE GET GO that was the narrative. Again, because of circle jerk Democrats that just wanted to laugh and point and claim all Republicans are dumb and she was the proof. Her intelligence one way or the other wasn't even established at that point.



Edit: Look at some of this stuff Biden has said:




I'm not at all suggesting that this somehow diminishes his career or makes him some moron, but holy crap, read some of those things! It's great Obama is the first articulate black man! Can you even imagine if a Republican said that? Even someone with a fairly innocuous record. They'd get CRUSHED. With Biden it's like, oh yeah, silly old coot Biden!

What she specifically said was that Russia being her next door neighbor gave her foreign policy experience, which was appropriately laughed at. Not just that Russia was near Alaska, that Russia being near Alaska was a reason why she could be counted on.


She then, of course, proceeded to build that reputation much more. For example: "Which newspapers do you read? All of them".


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Scott Walker was another candidate who seemingly got exposed intellectually...along with Rick Perry. Alan Keyes? Michelle Bachmann?


Otoh, you won't find many Dems who believe Newt Gingrich isn't a supersmart guy, just a misguided one.



Finally, I'm starting to wonder how Bobby Jindal can be almost as smart as Bill Clinton but almost the polar opposite in terms of political instincts...

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 16, 2016 -> 06:43 PM)
Finally, I'm starting to wonder how Bobby Jindal can be almost as smart as Bill Clinton but almost the polar opposite in terms of political instincts...

"And something called 'volcano monitoring'"...

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OK so I read a great editorial today that admittedly made me a bit scared of Trump. Leonard Pitts effectively points out that Trump and his supporters can be compared to Hitler and his supporters in many ways. So yes, Trump and his fans do appear to be chumps.

I guess in starting to love Donnie I just wanted somebody different, somebody who is a non-politico, somebody who doesn't speak politics-speak. But he and his asshole supporters who have threatened good people are kind of scary in their hatred and intolerance. Yes, I feel Trump is kind of just saying s*** to say s*** and doesn't mean half of it, but his supporters are probably dumb enough to believe it all and Trump probably has no business in the Oval Office where admittedly he can't do a lot of stuff on his own, but I guess could cause a nuclear war or something.


So where does that leave me? I guess I'll have to hope beyond hope Bernie baby can beat Hillary out. I don't like that s*** Cruz said about New York. We can't elect a president so dumb he thinks it's a good idea to blast New Yorkers and their "values." Again, how dumb must Cruz be to think it a good idea to take a shot at folks in a city as big as New York?? I think it's one of the dumbest things a politican has ever said. "Hey New Yorkers, yeah you, the many millions of you .... your values suck!" is what he basically said. Truly imbecilic. I mean cmon, Cruz, when I think of NY I still think of the way the city came together on 9/11 and in the aftermath of that. For Cruz to go there? It's not just ignorant, but again, it's so dumb you HAVE to question his intelligence.


So that leaves me with Bernie baby. Cmon Bernie, figure a way!


p.s. To those of you who think I am the world's worst person I have reminded you in the past I voted for Obama last time. So I am not an automatic Republican guy. I did vote for Barack Obama the second time. Sure did. I could not stand Romney, who made me cringe as much as Hilly does.

Again, I think Trump is lying a lot and would not implement as many controversial policies as he suggests, but his supporters are way out of line and it's not a good thing to rile up legions of unintelligent people. In other words, Pitts' comparisons to the rise of Hitler have indeed concerned me and I no longer am on the Trump bandwagon.



Here is the Pitts column


Edited by greg775
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Greg, it shouldn't require a Leonard Pitts album...we've been saying this for weeks.


Cruz or any GOP candidate will lose NY and probably NJ. He knows that...it's political calculation.


The point of his criticism (of NY values) is that it will play better in Iowa, NH and South Carolina...but especially for that all-important third primary. Trump used 9/11 wisely to fight back, and one of the best debaters in Harvard history should have anticipated that coming a mile away.


Cruz will probably win Iowa, and god knows what will happen in NH. Trump loses all three states, it's going to be impossible to recover, despite all that national polls and surveys that have him leading by10-13 points.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 17, 2016 -> 07:09 AM)
Greg, it shouldn't require a Leonard Pitts album...we've been saying this for weeks.


Cruz or any GOP candidate will lose NY and probably NJ. He knows that...it's political calculation.


The point of his criticism (of NY values) is that it will play better in Iowa, NH and South Carolina...but especially for that all-important third primary. Trump used 9/11 wisely to fight back, and one of the best debaters in Harvard history should have anticipated that coming a mile away.


Cruz will probably win Iowa, and god knows what will happen in NH. Trump loses all three states, it's going to be impossible to recover, despite all that national polls and surveys that have him leading by10-13 points.

Makes sense. But I care not about them any more. I am wondering if Bernie Baby can beat out Hillary somehow.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 17, 2016 -> 02:30 AM)
Makes sense. But I care not about them any more. I am wondering if Bernie Baby can beat out Hillary somehow.



I would like to see Bernie win...if only to will Hillary and her team lose their s*** when they do........


I would like to think that if/when she does lose, maybe she would just STFU and leave the political scene all together....though i know it will never happen

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 16, 2016 -> 10:50 PM)
OK so I read a great editorial today that admittedly made me a bit scared of Trump. Leonard Pitts effectively points out that Trump and his supporters can be compared to Hitler and his supporters in many ways. So yes, Trump and his fans do appear to be chumps.

I guess in starting to love Donnie I just wanted somebody different, somebody who is a non-politico, somebody who doesn't speak politics-speak. But he and his asshole supporters who have threatened good people are kind of scary in their hatred and intolerance. Yes, I feel Trump is kind of just saying s*** to say s*** and doesn't mean half of it, but his supporters are probably dumb enough to believe it all and Trump probably has no business in the Oval Office where admittedly he can't do a lot of stuff on his own, but I guess could cause a nuclear war or something.


So where does that leave me? I guess I'll have to hope beyond hope Bernie baby can beat Hillary out. I don't like that s*** Cruz said about New York. We can't elect a president so dumb he thinks it's a good idea to blast New Yorkers and their "values." Again, how dumb must Cruz be to think it a good idea to take a shot at folks in a city as big as New York?? I think it's one of the dumbest things a politican has ever said. "Hey New Yorkers, yeah you, the many millions of you .... your values suck!" is what he basically said. Truly imbecilic. I mean cmon, Cruz, when I think of NY I still think of the way the city came together on 9/11 and in the aftermath of that. For Cruz to go there? It's not just ignorant, but again, it's so dumb you HAVE to question his intelligence.


So that leaves me with Bernie baby. Cmon Bernie, figure a way!


p.s. To those of you who think I am the world's worst person I have reminded you in the past I voted for Obama last time. So I am not an automatic Republican guy. I did vote for Barack Obama the second time. Sure did. I could not stand Romney, who made me cringe as much as Hilly does.

Again, I think Trump is lying a lot and would not implement as many controversial policies as he suggests, but his supporters are way out of line and it's not a good thing to rile up legions of unintelligent people. In other words, Pitts' comparisons to the rise of Hitler have indeed concerned me and I no longer am on the Trump bandwagon.



Here is the Pitts column






LOL, take a deep breath, Senor Greg, and please grow a spine. Trump's in like Flynn. Since June.


(The only thing stopping him is his virtually non-existent ground-game; Donald honestly didn't expect to be in this position this late, hence why he's thrown nickels around like manhole covers, as old-timers liked to say. It takes years to built up the required infrastructure, recruit army of volunteers & cultivate relationships with various local power-brokers.... Whereas the Soros GOTV Machine is absolutely legendary; poor Mittens!)


Irregardlessly, there is no reason for you to change your entire worldview & personal feelings on a dime - just because of some irrelevant dafuq-bloggery of Lenny Pitts, or the 'Washed-Up White Witch of Weiseltier', et al. Have some self-respect. Seriously.


It's all house-money, anyway: GOP as a viable political movement, was pronounced dead circa 2006-2008. Obama's Veep in '08 could have been Bin Laden; McCain had no chance from mid-Sep. onward IIRC. Outlook beyond grim.


Made all the worse by the fact that while the New Democrats play in ruthless big-leagues; rally their warring factions, rainbow coalition around the Consensus candidate... Republicans find themselves torn apart by the whopping 5-way (five, Carl!) intra-party Civil War:


-Neo-Cons VERSUS

-Ron Paul Libertarians VERSUS

-Christian-Evangelicals VERSUS

-Moderate-Establishment VERSUS

-(secular) Tea-Party Constitutionalists


so it's a small miracle GOP even survived, haha


------> And yet with some luck, not only could the next POTUS come from your party, Greg, Congressional-supermajority is not out of the question, either. Obama/Clinton Horror-Show is a gift that keeps on giving. If RBG pancreas can hold on for a little while longer, 3-4 Supreme Court picks might be at play. Some serious stakes right there.




PS. all the fashionable "Trump = only 3-to-5% of popular support" duh, derr, derrpity McDerp, that's been thrown around lately? Bwaa-ahahaha.







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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 16, 2016 -> 10:50 PM)
So that leaves me with Bernie baby. Cmon Bernie, figure a way!






ZOMG how did I not see this part b4?! Pureness!


Greg, are you my (even younger) sister? Or most of my friends? Greg, do you, too, 'Feel the Bernnnn'? :)


Yeah, about that. Socialism. Communism. Central-Planning. Bureaucratic overlords. "Social Justice". Blablabla. Let's ask, oh say




-North Korea (Stalinist paradise, nuff said)

-Venezuela (toilet paper = dirty imperialist plot)

-Argentina (national defaults are fun, yay!)

-Mao's China (before, you know, they stole, hacked, begged, borrowed, bought... our tech, our secrets, our companies, not to mention our entire "evil & unjust" economic system, intl. loan guarantees, so on.... for nearly 4 decades to take, oh, "only" 500 million Chinese out of soul-crushing poverty)


-Brazil (post-Bubble)

-Soviet Union (might need a time-machine for that; but I am sure Big Gov. will provide one free of charge)

-Hollande's France

-Spain (sorry, not everyone has Norway's oil and, uh, "homogeneous" population...although that particular 'Bureaucrat's Utopia's got some, ahem, issues at the moment, too, lol)

-Israel (no, no no, NOT the 'Israel' of Netanyahu-era Capitalist reforms: i.e. the crazy, dynamic 'Start-Up Nation', a budding energy-power....... No, I meant the old, Socialist-era Israel that ate dirt & exported oranges -----> utterly devoid of natural resources or the motivation to explore thereof)



how that whole thing works out in Reality (VS. some sweet-siren theory of a wannabe Trotsky-Alinsky-pants.)






So if it's Bernie Sanders is the Democrat nominee... this will be Donald Trump's campaign HQ upon learning the news:










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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 18, 2016 -> 01:30 AM)
More likely to hear from Chelsea Clinton in the future, but it seems her charisma and personality are closer to the mother than the father in this case...which isn't a great thing for winning elections.

Excellent post. I TRULY believe if Hilly wins, Chelsea will succeed her 8 years later. Hilly winning DEFINITELY paves the way for Chelsea. Please stop this Hillary silliness, America.


QUOTE (L. Ron Paultard @ Jan 18, 2016 -> 01:57 AM)
LOL, take a deep breath, Senor Greg, and please grow a spine. Trump's in like Flynn. Since June.


(The only thing stopping him is his virtually non-existent ground-game; Donald honestly didn't expect to be in this position this late, hence why he's thrown nickels around like manhole covers, as old-timers liked to say. It takes years to built up the required infrastructure, recruit army of volunteers & cultivate relationships with various local power-brokers.... Whereas the Soros GOTV Machine is absolutely legendary; poor Mittens!)


Irregardlessly, there is no reason for you to change your entire worldview & personal feelings on a dime - just because of some irrelevant dafuq-bloggery of Lenny Pitts, or the 'Washed-Up White Witch of Weiseltier', et al. Have some self-respect. Seriously.


It's all house-money, anyway: GOP as a viable political movement, was pronounced dead circa 2006-2008. Obama's Veep in '08 could have been Bin Laden; McCain had no chance from mid-Sep. onward IIRC. Outlook beyond grim.


Made all the worse by the fact that while the New Democrats play in ruthless big-leagues; rally their warring factions, rainbow coalition around the Consensus candidate... Republicans find themselves torn apart by the whopping 5-way (five, Carl!) intra-party Civil War:


-Neo-Cons VERSUS

-Ron Paul Libertarians VERSUS

-Christian-Evangelicals VERSUS

-Moderate-Establishment VERSUS

-(secular) Tea-Party Constitutionalists


so it's a small miracle GOP even survived, haha


------> And yet with some luck, not only could the next POTUS come from your party, Greg, Congressional-supermajority is not out of the question, either. Obama/Clinton Horror-Show is a gift that keeps on giving. If RBG pancreas can hold on for a little while longer, 3-4 Supreme Court picks might be at play. Some serious stakes right there.




PS. all the fashionable "Trump = only 3-to-5% of popular support" duh, derr, derrpity McDerp, that's been thrown around lately? Bwaa-ahahaha.








Love your post. Remember I voted for Obama the second time so I don't know if I am a Republican still as you tagged me. Nice post, though, but Pitts' column seriously got me thinking there are comparisons between Trump and Hitler and that does scare me a bit. No question I despise Hilly, though. But I don't think I should support Donnie anymore. His legions of supporters seem a bit too dumb and too mean for the morals of the US of A. GO BERNIE BABY!

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QUOTE (L. Ron Paultard @ Jan 17, 2016 -> 07:57 PM)
LOL, take a deep breath, Senor Greg, and please grow a spine. Trump's in like Flynn. Since June.


(The only thing stopping him is his virtually non-existent ground-game; Donald honestly didn't expect to be in this position this late, hence why he's thrown nickels around like manhole covers, as old-timers liked to say. It takes years to built up the required infrastructure, recruit army of volunteers & cultivate relationships with various local power-brokers.... Whereas the Soros GOTV Machine is absolutely legendary; poor Mittens!)


Irregardlessly, there is no reason for you to change your entire worldview & personal feelings on a dime - just because of some irrelevant dafuq-bloggery of Lenny Pitts, or the 'Washed-Up White Witch of Weiseltier', et al. Have some self-respect. Seriously.


It's all house-money, anyway: GOP as a viable political movement, was pronounced dead circa 2006-2008. Obama's Veep in '08 could have been Bin Laden; McCain had no chance from mid-Sep. onward IIRC. Outlook beyond grim.


Made all the worse by the fact that while the New Democrats play in ruthless big-leagues; rally their warring factions, rainbow coalition around the Consensus candidate... Republicans find themselves torn apart by the whopping 5-way (five, Carl!) intra-party Civil War:


-Neo-Cons VERSUS

-Ron Paul Libertarians VERSUS

-Christian-Evangelicals VERSUS

-Moderate-Establishment VERSUS

-(secular) Tea-Party Constitutionalists


so it's a small miracle GOP even survived, haha


------> And yet with some luck, not only could the next POTUS come from your party, Greg, Congressional-supermajority is not out of the question, either. Obama/Clinton Horror-Show is a gift that keeps on giving. If RBG pancreas can hold on for a little while longer, 3-4 Supreme Court picks might be at play. Some serious stakes right there.




PS. all the fashionable "Trump = only 3-to-5% of popular support" duh, derr, derrpity McDerp, that's been thrown around lately? Bwaa-ahahaha.








Did Obama personally splinter the GOP? It's like blaming "social values/demonization of liberals" campaigns run by the Atwaters and Roves of the world for 20/24 years of GOP control before Clinton or 28/40 before 2008.


Run better candidates!...Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry weren't very good, and then you have the SC issue to blame the GOP being able to hold on in 2000 (thanks to that 20/24 run of presidents), as Gore foolishly ran against or away from Clinton with his populist campaign. Nader's votes also hurt...but then Republicans have almost cursed Ross Perot for the same reason, helping to elect Clinton with only 38.5% of the vote in 92.


Besides, the GOP has control of Congress, most governorships, a majority of state legislatures and even more local boards like city councils and school boards.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 18, 2016 -> 12:55 AM)
Excellent post. I TRULY believe if Hilly wins, Chelsea will succeed her 8 years later. Hilly winning DEFINITELY paves the way for Chelsea. Please stop this Hillary silliness, America.




Love your post. Remember I voted for Obama the second time so I don't know if I am a Republican still as you tagged me. Nice post, though, but Pitts' column seriously got me thinking there are comparisons between Trump and Hitler and that does scare me a bit. No question I despise Hilly, though. But I don't think I should support Donnie anymore. His legions of supporters seem a bit too dumb and too mean for the morals of the US of A.





If you are so influenced by irrelevant hacks w. a clear agenda, then you just might "get to thinking" there is a comparison between Mother Theresa and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. So many similarities, brah, even the basic pulmonary function!


No worries, Donny Honey-Badger will *not* be sending hedge-fund managers or Megyn Kelly to the gas-chambers in Belzec any time soon. That's a promise, Greg.


for Bernie, see post #40




QUOTE (Dindu Nuffins @ Jan 17, 2016 -> 11:51 PM)
ZOMG how did I not see this part b4?! Pureness!


Greg, are you my (even younger) sister? Or most of my friends? Greg, do you, too, 'Feel the Bernnnn'? :)


Yeah, about that. Socialism. Communism. Central-Planning. Bureaucratic overlords. "Social Justice". Blablabla. Let's ask, oh say




-North Korea (Stalinist paradise, nuff said)

-Venezuela (toilet paper = dirty imperialist plot)

-Argentina (national defaults are fun, yay!)

-Mao's China (before, you know, they stole, hacked, begged, borrowed, bought... our tech, our secrets, our companies, not to mention our entire "evil & unjust" economic system, intl. loan guarantees, so on.... for nearly 4 decades, in order to be able to take, oh, "only" 500 million Chinese out of soul-crushing poverty)


-Brazil (post-Bubble)

-Soviet Union (might need a time-machine for that; but I am sure Big Gov. will provide one free of charge)

-Hollande's France

-Spain (sorry, not everyone has Norway's oil and, uh, "homogeneous" population...although that particular 'Bureaucrat's Utopia's got some, ahem, issues at the moment, too, lol)

-Israel (no, no no, NOT the 'Israel' of Netanyahu-era Capitalist reforms: i.e. the crazy, dynamic 'Start-Up Nation', a budding energy-power....... No, I meant the old, Socialist-era Israel that ate dirt & exported oranges -----> utterly devoid of natural resources or the motivation to explore thereof)



how that whole thing works out in Reality (VS. some sweet-siren theory of a wannabe Trotsky-Alinsky-pants.)






So if it's Bernie Sanders is the Democrat nominee... this will be Donald Trump's campaign HQ upon learning the news:













You're welcome. lesson free

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LOL posted on here as a rebuttal to Greg weeks ago that Trump acts like Hitler in some ways, Greg thinks that everyone is attacking him.


Greg reads random blog about it, now it's gospel. At least you are now seeing why people should be scared of how Trump is gaining popularity.

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