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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 09:02 AM)
Judging by twitter, a bunch of the people threatening to assasinate Trump were rounded up by the FBI this morning, so that's good.


Good, there is no place for that type rhetoric.


You can dislike Trump but threatening his well being is a crime!

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Kasich made a very good point this morning. He noted that all these protests/confrontations at Trump rallies do nothing but give him more attention and strengthen his base. It would be very hard to show this level of self-restraint, but the best thing anybody could do, whether they be move.on, black lives matter, or just random people who hate Trump, to do would be to just stay completely away from his events and try to make them as uneventful as possible.


I've had three friends who do not like Trump and aren't planning on voting for him tell me that they have more sympathy for him after Friday.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 09:55 AM)
Kasich made a very good point this morning. He noted that all these protests/confrontations at Trump rallies do nothing but give him more attention and strengthen his base. It would be very hard to show this level of self-restraint, but the best thing anybody could do, whether they be move.on, black lives matter, or just random people who hate Trump, to do would be to just stay completely away from his events and try to make them as uneventful as possible.


I've had three friends who do not like Trump and aren't planning on voting for him tell me that they have more sympathy for him after Friday.


Wow just f***ing wow.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 11:25 AM)
I believe the students I spoke with on Madison St Friday night were part of this group. They said it was a student organized protest.



Moveon claiming credit for protests is a pr move. They don't have much influence since Obama presidency. Student groups, BLM were more important for the organization of the protests.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 08:55 AM)
Kasich made a very good point this morning. He noted that all these protests/confrontations at Trump rallies do nothing but give him more attention and strengthen his base. It would be very hard to show this level of self-restraint, but the best thing anybody could do, whether they be move.on, black lives matter, or just random people who hate Trump, to do would be to just stay completely away from his events and try to make them as uneventful as possible.


I've had three friends who do not like Trump and aren't planning on voting for him tell me that they have more sympathy for him after Friday.

You're friends are complete morons.

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What I don't get is how Trump barely even registered as a blip on the radar screen in the race four years ago.


Basically, the economy, in terms of unemployment or the stock market, has been trending upwards. Obama's got the highest approval ratings he's had in at least 3 years.


If I had to guess, I'd say one element of it is the backlash that started with Ferguson, Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman, the South Carolina church shooting, BLM, political correctness on college campuses...mixed in with the gun rights/self protection issue. Or the situation out in Oregon with the occupation of federal lands. Just seems like one polarizing event after another fanning the flames.


Observing from afar, every day brings something new. Staging rallies at sites that you pretty much have to know you'll cancel ahead of time to score political points. Secret Service officers in 1960's mode. Members of his own party like Rubio and Kasish openly talking about not supporting the nominee due to the toxic environment that has been created. Nazi salutes?


It might work to strengthen his current base of support, but he's playing with fire and at some point...lives will be lost. Maybe he's secretly hoping for that, although I would hate to think so poorly of any human being. It's getting to the point where implausible television programs like Scandal and House of Cards are getting outdone by reality. What fiction writer could come up with this stuff on a daily basis?



It's getting pretty ridiculous when China can be ALMOST on a moral high ground pointing out the hypocrisy for condemnation of Chinese human rights violations by the US compared with what has been going on in the US the last 9-10 months since Trump took over the race.

Edited by caulfield12
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Let me ask this question...would we still have Donald Trump leading the nomination process at this point without ISIS and the Paris attacks?


The more and more you think about it, this phenomenon isn't about China either, because China has been trending downward economically since last June and looks like it will end up somewhere between late 80's/early 90's Japan and 1997-98 and 2008-09 financial crises.


Backlash against Mexicans and illegal immigration? Well, Lou Dobbs pounded that drum for years and didn't get anywhere. Pat Buchanan as well.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 14, 2016 -> 02:55 AM)
What I don't get is how Trump barely even registered as a blip on the radar screen in the race four years ago.


Basically, the economy, in terms of unemployment or the stock market, has been trending upwards. Obama's got the highest approval ratings he's had in at least 3 years.


If I had to guess, I'd say one element of it is the backlash that started with Ferguson, Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman, the South Carolina church shooting, BLM, political correctness on college campuses...mixed in with the gun rights/self protection issue. Or the situation out in Oregon with the occupation of federal lands. Just seems like one polarizing event after another fanning the flames.


Observing from afar, every day brings something new. Staging rallies at sites that you pretty much have to know you'll cancel ahead of time to score political points. Secret Service officers in 1960's mode. Members of his own party like Rubio and Kasish openly talking about not supporting the nominee due to the toxic environment that has been created. Nazi salutes?


It might work to strengthen his current base of support, but he's playing with fire and at some point...lives will be lost. Maybe he's secretly hoping for that, although I would hate to think so poorly of any human being. It's getting to the point where implausible television programs like Scandal and House of Cards are getting outdone by reality. What fiction writer could come up with this stuff on a daily basis?



It's getting pretty ridiculous when China can be ALMOST on a moral high ground pointing out the hypocrisy for condemnation of Chinese human rights violations by the US compared with what has been going on in the US the last 9-10 months since Trump took over the race.


Great post but I have two counter points.

1.) Obama's approval rating always goes up as election time approaches. The media is so pro Democrat it's hard to fathom. And suddenly Obama is the greatest thing ever til the Democratic candidate is declared the winner. Then some negativity can creep into coverage when it means nothing. The media's portrayal of Obama as great around election time can't help but help him with the public who tell the pollsters they love the job he's doing. It's calculated IMO and works well for the Democrats and Obama.

2.) You make good points about Trump but people also like him because they are SICK of politics and also political correctness. Granted his supporters are out of control now but to some of us, the thought of Hillary screaming at me on TV for 8 years followed by 8 more of Chelsea is enough to make us puke. Study Chelsea's resume. It's impressive. All she needs is a good job under Hillary during the second term and she's in the money IMO. She ought to rush through a law degree as well, but she has a very impressive resume already. She's got 8 years to get the law degree if she wants one.

Edited by greg775
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An interesting side effect of the protest is the exposure of just how many people don't understand what "free speech" actually means, Constitutionally. Trump knows just fine, by the way, but he plays the game anyway because he knows his backers in great part don't have a clue. Riles them up when he makes them feel like victims.


Anyway, while I was proud of Chicago for what happened (protest keeping a bigot from speaking, mostly peaceful, and well-handled by law enforcement all around), I certainly don't think it does much one way or another for Trump's candidacy. His adherents will continue to ignore anything resembling fact and instead elect to hold tightly to the idea that they somehow lost their "free speech rights". His detractors will point out that this was inevitable with the way he encourages his followers to create a toxic, violent atmosphere. The Republicans unsure if they can support him likely won't use this one event as a decider.


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So apparently John Kasich might not be on the Pennsylvania primary ballot? He barely had enough signatures and some were questioned by a Rubio supporter and thrown out. However, the apopeal was lodged 13 minutes after the deadline to challenge it. It sounds a bit confusing.


Not one to miss a good loophole, Trump of course is jumping on this fact and saying that Kasich should not be allowed to run in Ohio, where they are neck and neck in the polls. This is a depressing soap opera.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Mar 14, 2016 -> 08:31 AM)
So apparently John Kasich might not be on the Pennsylvania primary ballot? He barely had enough signatures and some were questioned by a Rubio supporter and thrown out. However, the apopeal was lodged 13 minutes after the deadline to challenge it. It sounds a bit confusing.


Not one to miss a good loophole, Trump of course is jumping on this fact and saying that Kasich should not be allowed to run in Ohio, where they are neck and neck in the polls. This is a depressing soap opera.

I thought that was fake

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 13, 2016 -> 10:10 PM)
Let me ask this question...would we still have Donald Trump leading the nomination process at this point without ISIS and the Paris attacks?


The more and more you think about it, this phenomenon isn't about China either, because China has been trending downward economically since last June and looks like it will end up somewhere between late 80's/early 90's Japan and 1997-98 and 2008-09 financial crises.


Backlash against Mexicans and illegal immigration? Well, Lou Dobbs pounded that drum for years and didn't get anywhere. Pat Buchanan as well.

Yes, because there is a base of americans that really really want someone white and bigoted in the white house. Usually you would say this would be the evangelical base and it would be more focused towards supporting religion, but its there and he incited it. He's had literally nothing to say as far as his plans in the white house other than "Make America Great again" and "i'll negotiate" and that plays into the voting base that never cares about how things will actually be done.


ISIS should be a small blip on the radar of things killing Americans compared to the real issues we face, but for some reason its a topic brought up in every debate.

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So Michelle Fields "resigned" from Breitbart and Patrick Hawley was reinstated there after the video came out showing Fields had lied about the incident. Breitbart is an awful site, but refreshing to see they had some standards here, even if it meant reversing and correcting their own original course.

Edited by Buehrle>Wood
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