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Don Cooper At It Again?...

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QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:35 PM)
Two things. 1) you're talking about a closed group on Facebook so its not easily available to those not in the group. 2) not everyone is on Facebook.


two more things:


1) About 90% of the human population that uses a computer and is regularly online, is on Facebook.. if you chose not to go that route and tap into all that info, that's not my problem. 2) you put in a request to join the group.. there are 100's or 1000's of members.. its not some elite selective thing

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:18 PM)
Seems like you have the time, I mean you have been a member here for over 10 years and 1/3 of your posts are in this thread.


the fact that you actually calculated all of my total posts and then counted my posts on this thread and figured the percentage. is a little alarming…


I'm sorry my recent posting trend doesn't meet your approval… Kindly off some tips on how I should post to insure I don't piss you off in the future..

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:47 PM)
I think its pretty safe to say that any one coach doesn't speak for the entire organization. Maybe Brooks Boyer but not a coach.


When a member of the organization, coach.. executive.. investor.. player.. whatever.. says .. "if you complain, WE don't want you as a fan anyway"


What would that lead you to believe?

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:09 PM)
When a member of the organization, coach.. executive.. investor.. player.. whatever.. says .. "if you complain, WE don't want you as a fan anyway"


What would that lead you to believe?

That he has an opinion? I am an employee of the state of illinois. I know my opinion about the state is vastly different than the view of the governor and legislature.


People even employees are entitlted to opinions. I would not put that on the rest of organization especially the view of a cantankerous old new yorker.

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:06 PM)
I guess I will never really understand this kind of attitude from you, and others like you.. That if anyone expresses any negative or questioning tone toward the Sox organization, they are immediately labeled as outraged lunatics and disgruntled a-holes who are never happy with anything…


That's really not fair.. or accurate. You can't blow off every negative or critical comment as illogical or irrational.. This is an organization that is in a pretty deep funk, fighting for their lives to stay relevant in this town. It's been exposed in a lot of ways.. a big market team with a pretty mediocre track record over the last decade..and at or near the bottom in terms of attendance or TV viewership..


I guess also maybe in your ideal world, fans should just go the games and keep their mouths shuts.. and if they don't like it, don't b**** about it, just don't go to the games… Is the organization accountable to it's fandom in any fashion? Or do the White Sox simply exist for the benefit of providing very lucrative salaries for players, administrators, and already very wealthy investors?


Im not trying to be a sh*t to people, and I truly do respect everyone's opinion and right to say what they feel.. Ultimately what the Sox do or don't do doesn't affect my day that much.. even during the season.. but to discount the fact that there are passionate fans who have grown up with this team and want desperately to feel some kind of pride, rather than frustration.. that's just not realistic, and not being honest about what state the franchise is in...


I will never get the need to be upset about anything that really has zero meaning.

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:09 PM)
When a member of the organization, coach.. executive.. investor.. player.. whatever.. says .. "if you complain, WE don't want you as a fan anyway"


What would that lead you to believe?


That you are spending time worrying about what Don Cooper supposedly thinks.

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:06 PM)
the fact that you actually calculated all of my total posts and then counted my posts on this thread and figured the percentage. is a little alarming…


I'm sorry my recent posting trend doesn't meet your approval… Kindly off some tips on how I should post to insure I don't piss you off in the future..


There's really not much effort involved at all. If you click on the number of posts in a particular thread on the main forum page, it tells you how many posts each poster has in the thread. Now 63 (at that time) divided by 21 (at that time) isn't really that hard for me to figure out in my head.


I am not pissed off at all, it just seems strange that you have the time to lead the charge b****ing about something that nobody else seems to really consider a big deal but don't have the time to present any evidence when asked.

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QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 11:55 AM)
That's just it, I don't see it being an issue worth looking into or making a stink over. My point is that you want to discuss the issue without providing the info needed to have a proper discussion. To be honest, you're coming across as just spamming SoxTalk to get members to join the Facebook group where Cooper supposedly had these exchanges with some fans.


Oh I wouldn't join that Facebook group. I did and then I got pi__ed off when a couple guys were making fun of the new Sox announcer. You know the grownup "nerdy" looking comments. I was going to just block the guy but I found out you couldn't block the Admin. of the site. Yea the Admin.! So I just left.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:20 PM)
That you are spending time worrying about what Don Cooper supposedly thinks.


I'm not gonna keep going over this. You've already chosen to believe that I'm sitting around wringing my hands over what Cooper says.. I've stated about a million times already that I find it interesting, and at least worth noting.. and THATS IT!!


You may not think, or most here is this little circle of Sox fandom may not think, that was Cooper says has any consequence… I know tons of Sox fans who are pretty incredulous over what Cooper had to say.. they just aren't on an internet board, not all of them anyway, expressing their concerns...


It's tough almost impossible to have an intelligent interchange with someone when they've think they've got it all figured out.. when they don't


So its been fun.. but later.. have a nice weekend..

Edited by captain54
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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:29 PM)
There's really not much effort involved at all. If you click on the number of posts in a particular thread on the main forum page, it tells you how many posts each poster has in the thread. Now 63 (at that time) divided by 21 (at that time) isn't really that hard for me to figure out in my head.


I am not pissed off at all, it just seems strange that you have the time to lead the charge b****ing about something that nobody else seems to really consider a big deal but don't have the time to present any evidence when asked.



If you have the time to calculate my posts.. you have the time to join facebook and look up all of this info on your own.. seriously, that's how little effort it takes..


Guys, it's been fiun.. but I'm out.. this is bordering on the silly.. if not absurd.. have a nice weekend...

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:15 PM)
That he has an opinion? I am an employee of the state of illinois. I know my opinion about the state is vastly different than the view of the governor and legislature.


People even employees are entitlted to opinions. I would not put that on the rest of organization especially the view of a cantankerous old new yorker.


I could see if Cooper expressed this to someone over a drink at a bar or whatever, but to put his opinions (rather negative toward the paying customer, I might add)

out there over social media, radio, TV, etc?


I would think someone in the the organization might tell Don to knock it off. Its not like they are at capacity with season ticket holders…its like the last thing the organization needs is another reason for fans to possibly stay away…



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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 02:55 PM)
If you have the time to calculate my posts.. you have the time to join facebook and look up all of this info on your own.. seriously, that's how little effort it takes..


Guys, it's been fiun.. but I'm out.. this is bordering on the silly.. if not absurd.. have a nice weekend...




I looked it up on Facebook Chicago White Sox Pride & Passion group and the guy that runs it Buda or what ever his name and has some creepy old dude in an intro video. He posted a cropped screen shot of alleged conversation pretty good Photoshop and noticed there are over 6,000 members and only a handful post sending invites to other groups letting anyone in I have since left it all a bunch of whinny ppl posting there

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:06 PM)
the fact that you actually calculated all of my total posts and then counted my posts on this thread and figured the percentage. is a little alarming…


I'm sorry my recent posting trend doesn't meet your approval… Kindly off some tips on how I should post to insure I don't piss you off in the future..

That information takes less than 10 seconds to look up, that's alarming? Could you be any more of a drama queen? What's alarming is that this thread has reached 10 pages.

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The moral of the story is Facebook messenger is not private messenging, and if someone sends a Facebook message to you(or, someone pretending to be you) and says something you don't appreciate, then you are not allowed to reply and tell them to f*** off because hey messenger isn't private.


The other moral is if you save a picture to a hard drive and claim it says something, you aren't required to produce the picture because internets

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:03 PM)
two more things:


1) About 90% of the human population that uses a computer and is regularly online, is on Facebook.. if you chose not to go that route and tap into all that info, that's not my problem. 2) you put in a request to join the group.. there are 100's or 1000's of members.. its not some elite selective thing

Ha ha, I never said I wasn't on Facebook. :lol:


You're missing the point. You are trying to discuss a topic in detail without sharing the details with people that are apparently not in that group or care to join the group or possibly not on facebook where the topic originated. So to those that aren't privy to the info, its just hearsay and nothing more.


I don't doubt Cooper may have had some exchanges with fans on Facebook but I also know that there are fans that are too uptight and pretentious as well. Some fans just have a thin skin. Fans need to remember that were talking about social media so we all have opinions and sometimes were going to read things we may or may not agree with.


What's ironic to me is that some fans of their favorite Baseball team spoke negatively about their favorite Baseball team to a member of the coaching staff and then instantly play the role of victim when the member of the coaching staff responds back. We are fans that are entitled to our opinions but so are the people we criticize. If fans don't like what they hear then maybe they should consider what they say and who they are saying things to before they open their mouths in the first place. You get what you put out there. Did the fans ever stop to consider what kind of response they might get before they opened their mouths? Obviously not.


I have gripes just like any other fan and I'm not afraid to voice my frustrations here on SoxTalk but I don't take to social media and directly rip the people that run the team or its coaching staff that I'm a fan of. Too many fans get so self absorbed that they they think they know more than the people running the team and yet fail to realize they don't know dick because if they did they would have a job in baseball. Some fans are just miserable assholes, period.


If what Cooper supposedly said is true, I agree with him. If someone doesn't like the way things are done then they can either accept the FO really is doing their best or they should find a new team. I hear the Marlins have a really swell fan friendly team owner...



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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 02:52 PM)
I'm not gonna keep going over this. You've already chosen to believe that I'm sitting around wringing my hands over what Cooper says.. I've stated about a million times already that I find it interesting, and at least worth noting.. and THATS IT!!


You may not think, or most here is this little circle of Sox fandom may not think, that was Cooper says has any consequence… I know tons of Sox fans who are pretty incredulous over what Cooper had to say.. they just aren't on an internet board, not all of them anyway, expressing their concerns...


It's tough almost impossible to have an intelligent interchange with someone when they've think they've got it all figured out.. when they don't


So its been fun.. but later.. have a nice weekend..


I will agree, it is very tough to talk to someone who has their mind made up, and the outrage switch flipped on.

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 03:03 PM)
I could see if Cooper expressed this to someone over a drink at a bar or whatever, but to put his opinions (rather negative toward the paying customer, I might add)

out there over social media, radio, TV, etc?


I would think someone in the the organization might tell Don to knock it off. Its not like they are at capacity with season ticket holders…its like the last thing the organization needs is another reason for fans to possibly stay away…


I thought it wasn't over social media, it was over messenger, which is supposed to be a private exchange until someone decided to make it public? But hey, don't let logic get in the way of a good ol fashioned lynchin.

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QUOTE (captain54 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 03:03 PM)
I could see if Cooper expressed this to someone over a drink at a bar or whatever, but to put his opinions (rather negative toward the paying customer, I might add)

out there over social media, radio, TV, etc?


I would think someone in the the organization might tell Don to knock it off. Its not like they are at capacity with season ticket holders…its like the last thing the organization needs is another reason for fans to possibly stay away…

Do you really think that if someone criticized the team and probably said something to the effect that his bosses are "clueless and they suck" and cooper replied, "yes they do but we are trying to get better" that they would sell more tickets?


I'm with you where I really wish he wouldn't do that. But I understand his point of view. None of us would like it if we were yelled at work in front of everyone that we suck. However, it really doesn't make that much of a difference in attendance or the team.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 04:57 PM)
Do you really think that if someone criticized the team and probably said something to the effect that his bosses are "clueless and they suck" and cooper replied, "yes they do but we are trying to get better" that they would sell more tickets?


I'm with you where I really wish he wouldn't do that. But I understand his point of view. None of us would like it if we were yelled at work in front of everyone that we suck. However, it really doesn't make that much of a difference in attendance or the team.


The thing is, this isn't at work. This is on social media. This isn't Cooper being heckled on the field and losing his s*** on a fan, this is someone who sent him(supposedly) a private message to tell him this. If someone I didn't know sent me a private message and told me stuff like that, and I responded similarly I can tell you that A: my employer wouldn't care and B: I wouldn't be worried about responding similarly.


And I highly doubt people in the front office were like "holy s*** Cooper just told off a fan, better tell him to knock it off"



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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 06:14 PM)
The thing is, this isn't at work. This is on social media. This isn't Cooper being heckled on the field and losing his s*** on a fan, this is someone who sent him(supposedly) a private message to tell him this. If someone I didn't know sent me a private message and told me stuff like that, and I responded similarly I can tell you that A: my employer wouldn't care and B: I wouldn't be worried about responding similarly.


And I highly doubt people in the front office were like "holy s*** Cooper just told off a fan, better tell him to knock it off"

I agree with you on all points. I don't really care and I'm sure the sox don't either. However, we all know what kind of hot head cooper is so I wouldn't be surprised if he did this. As a matter of fsact I've heard him on the radio tell radio hosts off when they got too critical.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 06:14 PM)
The thing is, this isn't at work. This is on social media. This isn't Cooper being heckled on the field and losing his s*** on a fan, this is someone who sent him(supposedly) a private message to tell him this. If someone I didn't know sent me a private message and told me stuff like that, and I responded similarly I can tell you that A: my employer wouldn't care and B: I wouldn't be worried about responding similarly.


And I highly doubt people in the front office were like "holy s*** Cooper just told off a fan, better tell him to knock it off"


This isn't even "social" media. This is supposed to be a private message. These types of correspondence aren't public until a person makes them public.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 05:28 PM)
I will agree, it is very tough to talk to someone who has their mind made up, and the outrage switch flipped on.

Like trying to have a reasoned discussion with you over your completely irrational view of the fan base?

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