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I am listening to Mac, Jurko, & Harry and Buehrle was on and when asked if he was pissed he was not throwing in such a big series his replied that he doesn't really care, he doesn't like pitcjing there, they just played football tghere so the field will be messed up, etc....


f*** that, this guy is supposed to be our guy and he is not chomping at the bit to get in a series like this? I don't care if they had to play the game in Baghdad, he should want to pitch. I know it is not his turn in the rotation nor do I expect him to want to be moved up as we are on a 4man already but he has got to be pissed his turn doesn't fall for this series. This is not the attitude we need for our supposed ACE!

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I am listening to Mac, Jurko, & Harry and Buehrle was on and when asked if he was pissed he was not throwing in such a big series his replied that he doesn't really care, he doesn't like pitcjing there, they just played football tghere so the field will be messed up, etc....


f*** that, this guy is supposed to be our guy and he is not chomping at the bit to get in a series like this? I don't care if they had to play the game in Baghdad, he should want to pitch. I know it is not his turn in the rotation nor do I expect him to want to be moved up as we are on a 4man already but he has got to be pissed his turn doesn't fall for this series. This is not the attitude we need for our supposed ACE!

Basically the wrong thing to say, even if he would be lying by saying otherwise. You don't want the fans to hear that kind of stuff, but he's been consistent with it. His field will be messed up thing doesn't make much sense either.

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Come on guys, we read a little too much into things sometimes. We have Garland, Loaiza, and Colon...we aren't losing much with not having Buehrle in there. We have 4 real good pitchers right now, 1 of them HAD to pitch against the BEST OFFENSIVE TEAM in the AL. I have the utmost confidence in those 3 pitching this series.

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So sorry to bring up something negative about the golden boy. I should have noticed already that MB can do no wrong according to this site, yet are best pitcher Right Now, not earlier this season, continues to get bashed and made fun of. Hmmm, that makes a lot of sense.

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So sorry to bring up something negative about the golden boy. I should have noticed already that MB can do no wrong according to this site, yet are best pitcher Right Now, not earlier this season, continues to get bashed and made fun of. Hmmm, that makes a lot of sense.

Perhaps because he is a tub of goo....

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Don't get to attached to him either, first chance he gates he is gone to St. Louis and won't think twice. He can't wait til he gets there so he can finally air out all his negative feelings toward the Sox and the fans. It will happen exactly that way. Just wait.

Maybe, none of us know...but it won't be for at least 3 years anyways, thanks to arbitration and Sox having rights to Buehrle

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I would much rather have that Tub of Goo going than MB any day right now. Buehrle doesn't even get excited in the dugout.

And the Tub won't be back next season while Mark B will.


What's the beef with Buehrle?


He's a good guy, catches the first pitch every game at the Cell when he's not pitching and doesn't cause any problems in the clubhouse.


Get off his case.

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I would much rather have that Tub of Goo going than MB any day right now. Buehrle doesn't even get excited in the dugout.

He may not show it, but he does.


There are plenty of pitchers who look like they're just gonna lay an egg out on hill by looking at their faces, but when they actually pitch, they do much better than most assume.


Buerhle is a gamer, just like Colon is.

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Not Surly, Just up front with what I see and hear, no matter who it is. I take it all in for a while and then draw my conclusions. I very seldom just react. I have been paying a lot of attention to MB aver the last year and hearing those comments today garnered a reaction from me.


If you like I can tell you why MJ retired from basketball. Another situation I sat back and pondered for a long time and I think I have a pretty solid theory. Pete Rose syndrome?

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Not Surly, Just up front with what I see and hear, no matter who it is. I take it all in for a while and then draw my conclusions. I very seldom just react. I have been paying a lot of attention to MB aver the last year and hearing those comments today garnered a reaction from me.


If you like I can tell you why MJ retired from basketball. Another situation I sat back and pondered for a long time and I think I have a pretty solid theory. Pete Rose syndrome?

Please explain, I'm curious.

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Not Surly, Just up front with what I see and hear, no matter who it is. I take it all in for a while and then draw my conclusions. I very seldom just react. I have been paying a lot of attention to MB aver the last year and hearing those comments today garnered a reaction from me.


If you like I can tell you why MJ retired from basketball. Another situation I sat back and pondered for a long time and I think I have a pretty solid theory. Pete Rose syndrome?

I think you need to relax. Who the hell care if Buehrle says in a radio whether he "wants" to to pitch in Minnesota this series. He isn't, so what's the big deal.


Who are you (or me) to tell Mark what he "should be" thinking? One interview on sports talk radio can't tell you everything about what is going through Mark's mind.


You sound like just another Sox fan looking for something to b**** about. Christ, why do so many Sox fans have to be b****ing to be happy? Can't anyone just enjoy the moment???

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