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A summary of KW on The Score


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Here is my summary of KW's time on The Score.


(Jiggs questions)


Q: Asked about the Koch deal and why Valentine was given up in the trade.

A: KW says he likes Valentine's fastball and slider, but feels that the Sox have a team that can compete now and in the coming years. Says he has tried to get Koch for years now. Wants a strong bullpen to try and be like the Mariners of a few years ago where once they got through the 6th, they would feel confident. He was looking for more certainty because he didn't know where Foulke fit in, plus Foulke is a FA. Says Beane didn't think he could afford Koch next year. Talked about Neal Cotts and says that Cotts is Buehrle like-has the ability to make good hitters swing and miss. Feels the deal might be good for both teams.


Q: Asked about Buehrle's contract and asked if they will sit down and talk about a long term deal soon.

A: KW says that he likes to keep these types of things private but says that they have put their best foot forward. Offered to put Buehrle ahead of guys like Hudson, Zito, Sabathia. They were rejected. Agreed mutually that they were too far apart to keep talking right now. Says Mark won't be going anywhere soon since he is under contract until 2006. Buehrle will be with them for a while. KW says he thought it was a good offer and feels Buehrle is a quality guy, besides being a quality pitcher. Says he can't say enough about him. Unfortunate that they couldn't give him some security right now.


(They go to phone lines)


Q: Why was Bruce Kimm signed and what will he do to help the Sox baserunning? What did Ritchie do last year to make them bring him back this year.

A: KW says Santana will work with infield and baserunning. The emphasis will be with full coaching staff, not just one guy. Bruce Kimm was one of the most respected guys in business before going to Cubs, doesn't think that his time with the Cubs ruined his reputation. He was with Florida and won a championship. Knows Jerry, and there won't be a feeling out process. Kimm will address issues to Jerry about what needs to be done to make team better. They will have comfort. (Didn't answer Ritchie question, because Jiggs cut him off)


Q: We have mostly righties and no real lefty since Ventura. What will happen to address that. Also asks about Thomas' team chemistry.

A: Feels that there is a team message and that Thomas will learn to fit in with that. Wants to have better team chemistry. (Comes back to Ritchie question because he doesn't want to skip any questions) Says that they made a minor adjust to his mechanics last year and he pitched through pain. Hopes to sign him in the next few days so he can show us what he can do. Idealy wants a team with good pitching, balance, etc. They have evolved into a right handed hitting team, but a good right handed hitting team. Feels Thomas will produce better numbers last year. Would like to have a left handed hitter, but they have what they have now. Can't go wave a wand and get what he wants.


(Jiggs again)


Q: What the situation with Parque?

A: Tender date is coming up and they need to tender him a contract or let him go. There is a possibility that they could bring him back after that date. Still conidering options.


Q: Talks about Ritchie and asks KW if he could unwind the deal, would he?

A: He says that would be disrespectful to Todd and that they felt the deal was right at the time. Sat around with everyone concerned to try to make good deals. Knew that Kip could possibly go somewhere else and go well. They didn't think that would happen here in Chicago. Surprised by Fogg and says he fell off in the second half but understands that people don't want to talk about that. Talks about Bobby Fontaine and how he brought in the talent to the Angels and was fired. Tries to make best decision and understands that some will work out and some won't.


Q: Were you clsoe to making a deal at the winter meetings?

A: Laughs. Says he is always on the phone with other clubs because he gets bored. Says that a signing happened yesterday that they were after (Byrd, obviously) but he didn't want to talk about names. Says he felt that there was a difference maker out there who was traded recently and that he has been depressed since. (Ortiz) The offer that the other team gave blew his offer away. He doesn't want to mention names even though other teams do because of tampering issues and such.


(back to the phones)


Q: Question about fan attendance and asked at what time they take a risk at signing a FA and hope that it will bring the crowds back.

A: Complains about them extending themselves in the past few years. Talks about Wells and other injuries in 2001 and says he thought that they could strike it with that deal. Also felt that last year with Ritchie and Lofton would help them but then they fizzled out.




Q: Which way do you go? Fans come out, then you spend, or you spend, then fans come out?

A: Says that they have to prove to fans that they are putting a winning team on the field. The PR staff is doing things to draw fans out and bring them closer to the players. Ultimately it comes down to whether they field a winning ballclub. Wouldn't have it any other way and hopes they are close. Sensed some excitement from fans and hopes that the young players along with veterans with help fans. Fans communciated to him that they liked some of the young players. Says that the fans have also communicated that they don't want to hear about the attendance issue, so he doesn't want to make a big deal about it.


(back to phones)


Q: Fan calls saying he has been a fan for 50 years and asks KW to name him one good trade he made. Talks about the team having holes.

A: Says everyone has right to their opinion. Says he told them not to screen calls. Wants fans to get stuff off their chest. Says he is a pashionate Raiders fan and understands the pashion fans have. Feels they have a different of opinion and likes the way the team is set up. Likes Rowand in center even though he isn't a prototypical CF and likes his heart. When asked about Borchard he says that Borchard needs more seasoning and he has mechanical problems. Would be an injustice to him to subject him to major league pitching now. Likes Willie Harris. They also like Jimenez and jokes that maybe the caller doesn't like any of the guys they traded for. Brings up his Marte trade with Guerrier and also mentions they got Yan. Mentions a bunch of names that they like. Talks about the back end of their bullpen coming through trades.



Q: Asks why Koch was traded twice within 2 years.

A: KW says Koch has no clubhouse issues and wants gamers. The Erstad types, Rowand types, Paul Konerko types, and thats what Koch is. Says he fought it out with Beane for Koch when he was in Toronto. Once again brings up the A's not being able to afford him in 2003. Says they proposal was even so that the A's would have Foulke in 2003 and then Valentine. Feels they have a lot of good relievers so losing Valentine wasn't that big.




Q: This caller says he liked KW's trades even though the last caller didn't and feels KW will bring a winner soon.

A: The thinking in trades has to be solid and he has to answer if trades don't work out.


Q: Asked about Barcelo not being on the 40 man roster and asks why the Sox couldn't afford Paul Byrd. Asked about budget and why the Sox are so close but never get over the bump.

A: Says they tried to do that with Ritchie, and Wells. Says they were hot on Moyer and had many conversations trying to get Moyer. Says scouts didn't feel Byrd was a difference maker, even though he had a good year last year. They can't spend like Dodgers, Red Sox, even Cubs. Scouts didn't feel that Byrd could repeat last year, so they had to pass on that. Feels a guy like Rauch or Biddle could help them try to have a good young staff.


Q: Asked about Liefer and if they have given up on him. Also if they could get a guy like Maddux who could help teach the young pitchers.

A: KW says that the caller was perceptive. Says he hasn't lost confident in Liefer and that he went to Puerto Rico recently to talk to Jeff. If he had lost confidence with Liefer, he would not be here. Believes Liefer can be productive but Liefer is stuck behind Carlos, Magglio, and Konerko. Manuel said that he did Liefer an injustice last year by not playing him enough.


Q: Brings up Reinsdorf talking about brining a World Series to Chicago after he won with the Bulls. Talks about Reinsdorf not spending the money to bring a big player in.

A: Says it brings them back to Maddux and David Wells. Says Reinsdorf did not hesitate to tell KW to pull the trigger on David Wells. Feels that they have some guys like Wright and Garland who will help. Says that Reinsdorf will spend the money. Asks fans to trust him and wants to win a World Series by the time he leaves or it will have been a failure. Wants to be able to look in the mirror and say he gave it his best shot.




Q: Asked about him going into the clubhouse and how many times he has been in there and isn't that the managers job.

A: Says that it isn't true and talks about the players not staying out for BP the whole 45 minutes and that is when he went into the clubhouse. Says he did go into the clubhouse in 2001. First day of camp he talks to the club about what is expected. The other time he talked to them was when he fired Joshua and told the players that they shared in the resposibility because he fired a friend in Joshua. Certain things are expected from the players. Says he doesn't care if people have issues with him going into the clubhouse because he feels thats his job. Says most GM's today haven't played so they might be less confortable challeninging a guy. He has done that, even though he didn't do it well. Checks with Manuel each day


Q: Asked about Thomas situation and how tough it was.

A: Says that if Thomas is as committed as he says he is, then he feels Frank will put up the numbers again. He has a desire for guys to have a complete team attitude and thats the way it is, whether you like it or not. Frank is going to work with Walt Hriniak and says that Gary Ward suggested that Frank work with Walt.




Q: Caller says that the best trade he made was the one that he didn't make, that he didn't trade Carlos. Feels Carlos may have a monster year. Feels that KW shouldn't have had to talk to team about being out there for BP, that that is Manuel's job. Asks his feelings about their 1st rounder this year.

A: Loves Royce Ring. Thats all he got to about the caller because The Score has to go to a basketball game so Jiggs cut KW off.



Wow, I never though I would love commercial breaks as much as I did during this interview. I didn't take the time to reread this whole thing and proofread it, so if there are a lot of spelling errors, etc. you'll have to try and read around it. If you have any questions about something I typed or anything else let me know.

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Thanks so much Jjav. Awesome job recapping it.


Interesting to hear that about Buerhle...It sounds like they'll just live with paying him every year, if he doesn't want to go long term, but it isn't their fault for not trying.


Hopefully Mark will think things over and decide he wants to be a Sox for a long time, if not, then the Sox will have to think of something up in a couple years.


Also interesting to hear they were interested in Moyer, and how they didn't like Byrd too much.


I thought it was a pretty informative interview.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Thanks so much Jjav.  Awesome job recapping it.


Interesting to hear that about Buerhle...It sounds like they'll just live with paying him every year, if he doesn't want to go long term, but it isn't their fault for not trying.


Hopefully Mark will think things over and decide he wants to be a Sox for a long time, if not, then the Sox will have to think of something up in a couple years.


Also interesting to hear they were interested in Moyer, and how they didn't like Byrd too much.


I thought it was a pretty informative interview.


Your welcome. It's nice to know I didn't take an hour to type that for nothing.


I was surprised by the Buehrle contract issue. If they offered him more than Zito, Hudson, Sabathia and he said no, then they may have trouble resigning him.


It was a good interview and I am glad that KW did it and didn't screen the calls. I think it helps to know that they did want Ortiz but were just outbid for him. I won't blame as much now, knowing that they did want him but were outbid.


I give him credit for coming on, taking phone calls, and taking his beating because others don't do that.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn
Originally posted by LDF

i am sick in bed and came here to see what is happening. 


thanks and that was a great job in what you did. many, many thanks. :metal


Hope ya feel better LDF.

great have to deal with the flu for xmas.


i was expecting to see or hear more scathing question from the fans.i am really disappointed.

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Good job Jjav. I listened to the segment while at work and you covered everything. But does anybody really buy the "unscreened calls" nonsense? And how about how uneasy KW sounded (and he admitted he felt) when he was settling in at the beginning with Jiggets? I think even KW expected backlash. I think the SCORE did a very careful job of who they did and did not let on the air.

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Originally posted by CubKilla

Good job Jjav. I listened to the segment while at work and you covered everything. But does anybody really buy the "unscreened calls" nonsense? And how about how uneasy KW sounded (and he admitted he felt) when he was settling in at the beginning with Jiggets? I think even KW expected backlash. I think the SCORE did a very careful job of who they did and did not let on the air.


they had too. i am betting that there were more fans calling to tell kw that he was an idiot

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Guest hotsoxchick1

thank you so very much for that recap.. i had to work tonite and didnt get a chance to sit in the office long enough to listen to the whole thing..... and from the looks of things they must have had the same guys call as those who did that email answer and question thing on the mlb boards..lol.... same type of questions and of course the same kw answers all over again... hes like a broken freaking record.......i think the pr department could spare someone for a while to write kw a new line........geez..........so in other words all he pretty much had to say is that we are the best in his mind and we can win in his mind and were not going to add anything else to get us to the next level....man what a waste of air time........:**** kenny williams.........

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First of all, let me add my congrats and thanks to jjav. Great work, bet you were taking notes like crazy. As far as the questions go, they were somewhere in the middle IMO, not all softballs but not as hard hitting as they might have been. I would have liked to have seen the "control freak" issue dealt with more. It was alluded to do with regard to the "clubhouse" question but then it disappeared. I agree with Cubkilla, I think some questioners were undoubtedly turned away. He says he wants a WS. Well go out and do it Kenny, you'll be like a conquering Roman General if you pull it off. Again thanks to jjav. I can usually get AM 1000 in the evening, but have always had trouble getting the Score.

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Again, thanks for the recap! Great job! I was taking notes too - my wife called me a loser when she saw me scribbling on a notepad while we were eating dinner and listening to KW. That's when I knew I shouldn't login to type my notes into the board. It was nice to find this already done. Thanks!


As to the Score screening calls - I highly doubt it. They are a very listener/caller intensive station. Their own personalities constantly ridicule the Bears' coach and GM shows because even though they are on their own station - they don't have control over the format. Ane even on this show the calls aren't really screened - angry callers get on all the time - it's just that the host - Hub Arkush - rips on the fan for being mad and then softens the question and reasks it.


As far as the interview goes - I thought it was great. I left with more confidence in him then I had before - which is probably why he came on. I wish someone had asked him about the Expos and his involvement with that.


I guess Lee and Konerko were never part of the Giants deal - probably because they were shedding salary with that move. His statement that the Braves offer 'blew away' his offer confirmed how some of us felt here.


Most interesting to me - KW seems VERY reluctant to discuss players involved in deals. He wouldn't even name the Giants or Russ Ortiz. Why does that interest me? The Expos have a 'mystery team' - sounds a lot like KW may still be involved.

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Originally posted by LDF


they had too. i am betting that there were more fans calling to tell kw that he was an idiot


I think that KW didn't want them screened and he seemed to do a good job answering the questions. You are right though, I think he was expecting a lot of your an idiot calls. Those weren't probably put on, not because they were truly screening, but because this was ask a question, not make a statement.


If they wanted to ask questions about why he's such an idiot, they'd of been on. I know one guy called in and was pissed at him and I Guess they were going to drop him but Kw said no or something like that.


Of course this is what I've heard, I obviously can't catch the broadcast.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

As far as the interview goes - I thought it was great. I left with more confidence in him then I had before - which is probably why he came on.


he didnt say anything he hasnt said before really.... same ol stuff out of his mouth...........

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if anyone was going to call in, just to say "KW, you are an idiot" I wouldn't let teh call pass either.


they are only going to get about 7-8 calls, they can't waste them on people whose only knowledge is how to call people bad names.


the one guy went on and asked KW' Name one good move you have ever done?"


that is worse than anyone goofball calling in and saying "You Suck KW".

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