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Adam LaRoche retires


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QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 08:27 PM)
I didn't realize you changed the area. What about it? Most teenagers probably don't even go into a locker room at a public swimming pool, they come already dressed in swimming suits on and don't shower before or after.

Things are just different now then they were 25 years ago, people are a lot more sensitive. I can't imagine many schools still allowing both students and teachers to shower in the same locker room at the same time. But maybe I am wrong

Because they are afraid of other men? This is borderline ridiculous now.


Anyways, perhaps you are right. Let me just come out and say it, because apparently I am completely oblivious to whatever this message is...are we thinking that men would want to see kids naked? Or is it some kind of homosexual concern? I am completely lost as to what message a father might be giving his son if he were to allow him to be in an adult locker room.

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QUOTE (Dunt @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 08:27 PM)
I'm seriously astounded you don't see what's inappropriate about this. It's not like this just started, this kid has been around naked, grown ass men his entire childhood and for a young child, that may send mixed signals/messages that makes them think that that is in some way ok. It's not. This is how things such as child rape occur. Not saying that is something that would ever happen in a clubhouse, but that is a really bad precedent to set.

Ok...and you are saying I am the one that is strange?



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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:33 PM)
Ok...and you are saying I am the one that is strange?


Not at all, but I'd think with all the Sandusky/Jared/etc. stories out there, you'd realize this is an inappropriate message to send to a child

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 08:34 PM)
Not many things are worse than naked old men in locker rooms. Seriously why? The other day a dude was taking phone calls for 45 butt naked leaning against the sink

Yeah, I get it...but that isn't what is being alleged here. What is being said is that there is a message being sent to a teenager when he is allowed to be in a locker room that child rape is ok.


That is the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard in a while.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:31 PM)
Because they are afraid of other men? This is borderline ridiculous now.


Anyways, perhaps you are right. Let me just come out and say it, because apparently I am completely oblivious to whatever this message is...are we thinking that men would want to see kids naked? Or is it some kind of homosexual concern? I am completely lost as to what message a father might be giving his son if he were to allow him to be in an adult locker room.


No, because there is no reason to and they just don't want the chance of seeing that.


I don't even know why someone would want their teenage son to be in a clubhouse with naked men, that is just awkward and weird IMO. Not sure how to explain it really but there is just no good that can come from it, only bad.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:36 PM)
Yeah, I get it...but that isn't what is being alleged here. What is being said is that there is a message being sent to a teenager when he is allowed to be in a locker room that child rape is ok.


That is the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard in a while.


You obviously are missing the point. Have a good night.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:36 PM)
Yeah, I get it...but that isn't what is being alleged here. What is being said is that there is a message being sent to a teenager when he is allowed to be in a locker room that child rape is ok.


That is the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard in a while.


Btw, I did not say that. All I was saying was that kids nowadays don't want to be in any situation where it is possible to see naked grown men and what you mentioned happened in middle/high school for you regarding coaches and teachers doesn't happen anymore.

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QUOTE (Dunt @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 08:36 PM)
Not at all, but I'd think with all the Sandusky/Jared/etc. stories out there, you'd realize this is an inappropriate message to send to a child

Yeah, this is where I feared you were going.


So you are basically equating a teenager being in an adult locker room as sending a message that rape and/or molestation is ok...I may as well equate my son being in a car as sending a message that drunk driving is ok.


I mean this is completely ridiculous.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:40 PM)
Yeah, this is where I feared you were going.


So you are basically equating a teenager being in an adult locker room as sending a message that rape and/or molestation is ok...I may as well equate my son being in a car as sending a message that drunk driving is ok.


I mean this is completely ridiculous.


He is just saying you are putting the kid in a bad situation not that it is telling the kid rape and molestation is ok.

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QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 08:39 PM)
Btw, I did not say that. All I was saying was that kids nowadays don't want to be in any situation where it is possible to see naked grown men and what you mentioned happened in middle/high school for you regarding coaches and teachers doesn't happen anymore.

Well, I guess I understand now. It seems like maybe as a result of some of the things that have happened, particularly what happened at Penn State, that teachers and parents have really swung the pendulum as far as they can swing it.


And I guess I can understand that...I suppose what you said earlier, while it seemed ridiculous to me, might actually be very correct. Things have changed significantly in the last several years for the sake of protecting children.


I think what was always described to my generation as "a part of life," has been described to your generation as something to be extremely careful about.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:45 PM)
Well, I guess I understand now. It seems like maybe as a result of some of the things that have happened, particularly what happened at Penn State, that teachers and parents have really swung the pendulum as far as they can swing it.


And I guess I can understand that...I suppose what you said earlier, while it seemed ridiculous to me, might actually be very correct. Things have changed significantly in the last several years for the sake of protecting children.


I think what was always described to my generation as "a part of life," has been described to your generation as something to be extremely careful about.


Society is as sensitive as ever, unfortunately

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 10:36 PM)
Yeah, I get it...but that isn't what is being alleged here. What is being said is that there is a message being sent to a teenager when he is allowed to be in a locker room that child rape is ok.


That is the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard in a while.

Oh I was kidding bro. Just personal experience.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 02:34 AM)
Here's the thing...if the White Sox did a better job of drafting and developing players, promoting them together a level at a time and developing that trust/chemistry/camaraderie first at the minor league level, this kind of thing wouldn't be happening. There's no "White Sox Way" because 75-80% of the roster is a mixture of players from different organizations. (Let it be noted that it worked beautifully ONCE, in 2005...but hasn't since.)


We have a clear dysfunction at the top with Hahn/KW not being on the same page.


We have created such a "relaxed/comfortable/lethargic" clubhouse that it took outsiders to finally break it up...likely in the form of respected vets like Rollins, Frazier, Avila and Austin Jackson.


We likely have a split or polarized clubhouse at the moment...not 100% on racial or position player/pitcher lines, but it's clear that KW's gambit could easily backfire and be used as the excuse for not coming out of the gate hot in April.


There's an increasing likelihood that Sale will be even more vocal in his criticism of KW (and implicitly JR) if this thing is allowed to fester. KW seems to be "turning the other cheek" and trying to spin it as a positive for the moment, but surely one of the few positives of this week is that he didn't allow his temper to flare out of control as Sale has a tendency to do...that could have been a complete disaster.


wasn't there an article or something that said the sale told kw to get out of the clubhouse???


if this did happen, what are posters opinion on that??

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QUOTE (Dunt @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 02:51 AM)
I don't really care how you were raised. If you don't understand what's wrong with that situation, you need to open your eyes to the world around you.


i admit it, sometimes i am very naive .... so i really don't know why if is wrong. all i know it is creepy. i can't explain my thoughts on it.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 02:53 AM)
Maybe this is a better question for Rock Raines or another "insider."


Is it fair to say that LaRoche, Sale, Eaton, Shark (last year), Danks, Duke and perhaps Lawrie are part of one group or clique?


Where is Abreu? Is he the leader of the Hispanic players or more of a Konerko/Dye/Thome "lead by example" type?



Where does Todd Frazier fit in? Rodon? Robertson? Quintana?



Pretty obviously, there's a new group emerging with Rollins, Avila, Jackson, Navarro...(and god knows about Latos).



Along with the lethargic/passive clubhouse environment, ONE positive development would be having two veteran catchers in Avila/Navarro who are stronger, more natural leaders than Tyler Flowers. Of course, they have to stay healthy and be productive or they will end up on the outside looking in eventually...



And why has Rick Hahn been so quiet and "behind the scenes" this week? Deliberate strategy on the part of the front office to deflect all the attention to KW, like Ozzie used to do all the time by creating his firestorms?


interesting.... i would have thought he would have an opinion on this.


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QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 09:00 PM)
Alright boys, if we want to get this back on track to LaRoche/Sox, cool. The naked guy/14 year old talk isn't going down a good road (I can't believe I'm even typing that). We don't want to close the thread.

I honestly think I learned something.



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QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 01:07 AM)
Absolutely. I would want to have that conversation with my employer, understand what the issue is and why they agreement changed, and see how we can now come to an understanding or happy medium. And if the agreement changed enough where it was that important to me, I may leave, just like LaRoche did. But that is exactly my point. It's business, and cirumstances change. You just brought up an example that happens every day in business.


i think laroche used this as an excuse to retire and blame or try to deflect the blame on the big, evil sox org.

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QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 04:16 AM)
Except that line of thinking doesn't really have much logic to it.


1. If he just walked away from 13 million because he knew he didn't want to play the game anymore or his body couldn't handle it, everyone would have respected the hell out of him.

2. The Sox came to him with this Drake stuff, not the other way around. He didn't seek this attention out with the Drake stuff.


good point.

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Well, you can (if you're inclined to do so) blame the LaRoche camp (and Eaton to a lesser extent) and all the various entities (meat company, Pittsburgh media, LaRoche's dad) for responding more specifically and putting the ball back into the White Sox court.


It's a no-win situation at this point for both sides in the short-term.


Big picture, hopefully this pushes the clubhouse into a more serious, workmanlike approach.




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