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Adam LaRoche retires


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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 03:31 PM)
The question to me is whether KW and JR talked before this happened and who KW discussed things with. If he gets canned, it should be because he didn't run it by the right parties. If he doesn't get canned, it should be because he ran it by all the right parties and everyone was on board but they internally decided Kenny should be the one who ultimately took the heat and was the "bad" guy. No idea what actually happened.



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QUOTE (heirdog @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 03:19 PM)
Borrowing from Occam's Razor where the simplest explanation is likely the most plausible, here is what probably happened:


Rick Hahn, the smartest man in the room, decided he would kill 2 birds with one stone. He set up Kenny to fall on the sword by playing on his emotions about players thinking he is weak. He also wanted LaRoche out of here and knew the only thing to send him packing would be the son angle. So Rick decided to go to Kenny and float "no player will say it but they don't like having Drake around" and "they wish you, Kenny, would step in but he don't think you have the guts to". Knowing Kenny would create a maelstrom and personalize the issue to himself...which now he can't revert back from, Rick will soon have full GM power and $13 million to spend on a championship roster.


You've won the internet.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 02:07 PM)
Probably best to just fire KW at this point. He's the president and is showing no ability to handle the team. This will die down eventually, and go back to normal. But if he's this bad at dealing with this stuff...


Do you guys have any confidence in KW dealing with a domestic violence incident or something like that?


I said a while back the Sox needed a front office move to someone like a John McDonough type individual. Maybe we see that now or should I say hopefully.


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QUOTE (blackmooncreeping @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 07:43 PM)
How pissed is JR to have to come out and make these statements. s*** is gonna go down now...


think back on the whole thibs fiasco and JR had to finally step in.


i think there will be some changes to key players, maybe not right away.

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Here is an alternative thought, if KW went around RH and created this hellstorm, who is to say Rick Hahn doesn't resign if Kenny isn't fired as he is tired / frustrated of having his hands tied and truly building the team he wants to be able to build.

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QUOTE (TheFutureIsNear @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 07:45 PM)
Am I the only 1 that lost a little respect for Sale after that interview? Drama Queen much? I get that Laroche was his friend and he didn't want to see him go, but why make into all of this? Sale is the distraction, not getting a terrible player and his kid out. He might was well have called him St. Laroche the way he was talking about him. Sorry Chris, but your buddy gets paid a lot and he sucks. When that's the case you might want to listen to a reasonable suggestion from upper management. And as others have said, no one kicked out or fired Laroche, he quit.


i am going to digress here. i live in LA and i belong to the 3rd largest mardi gras krewe and they put on a show every yr. 1/2 of the members are gay. the men, talk about being drama queens beyond the normal. sheez talk about nathan lane in birdcage and times that by 2.


so seeing sale being compared.... that is soooo funny. and i really hope he reads this.

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QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 03:24 PM)
After a few warnings, I'm sure Kenny said something like, 'If you don't dial it back, he won't be allowed here at all." Then LaRoche takes that, and stretches the truth.


I'm so sick of LaRoche. Go away.


I don't think Kenny or the management staff come off good here either, but LaRoche is a dips*** that doesn't deserve one word of praise over this issue.


My take too. If LaRoche felt he was really in the right he should have asked to talk to JR.


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I think anyone who supported LaRoche is going to be gone, whether before OD, around the TDL or this offseason. Sale and Eaton especially. :angry: IMO this will start the scorched earth rebuild. 2016 is a failure before it even started IMO. They are going to quit on the management, and it would not surprise me if Sale sticks it to the Sox by complaining of either Injury or just jakes the season. I think the Sox know that and it would not surprise me if Sale is NOT the OD starter, and instead is elsewhere on 4/4.

Edited by Elgin Slim
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QUOTE (heirdog @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 03:19 PM)
Borrowing from Occam's Razor where the simplest explanation is likely the most plausible, here is what probably happened:


Rick Hahn, the smartest man in the room, decided he would kill 2 birds with one stone. He set up Kenny to fall on the sword by playing on his emotions about players thinking he is weak. He also wanted LaRoche out of here and knew the only thing to send him packing would be the son angle. So Rick decided to go to Kenny and float "no player will say it but they don't like having Drake around" and "they wish you, Kenny, would step in but he don't think you have the guts to". Knowing Kenny would create a maelstrom and personalize the issue to himself...which now he can't revert back from, Rick will soon have full GM power and $13 million to spend on a championship roster.


Ha! I was totally thinking about how this situation could actually be the best thing for the Sox while I was doing some work. LaRoche retires and they save $13 million, KW gets fired for incompetence, and Hahn assumes full power. That would satiate all my thirsts.

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