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Your new Supreme Court nominee is....


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3 minutes ago, cjgalloway said:

You're kidding right??  The entire time the democratics hounded Kavanaugh to have an FBI investigation KNOWING it does absolutely nothing and will provide nothing new... Of course it was a stall tactic.  And it worked (slightly). Just didn't stall it long enough, for now

They still didn't get a legitimate FBI investigation.  The next one will be the first one. Its why they won't release the reports from the investigation.  I mean even Donald Trump agrees with me about transparency.


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Just now, whitesoxfan99 said:

Yes, because they didn't actually investigate anything.

Everyone (who listened) knew the FBI investigation would provide nothing.. yet they wanted it so that they could act all angry and get in an uproar when the report indicates nothing was found..  Everyone knew nothing would come of it and now you're in an uproar BECAUSE nothing came of it (knowing it wouldn't).  It's fun to watch lol

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Just now, cjgalloway said:

And if they find something on Kavanaugh, fuck him and he should go to prison.  But at this point, there is legit nothing whatsoever.

Except for you know, a judge repeatedly lying under oath.  Which if he was a Democrat would lead to impeachment charges but, again go team GOP.

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4 minutes ago, cjgalloway said:

What evidence is there with Ramirez and Kavanaugh?

Not sufficient to convict in a court of law most likely (maybe if they actually investigated) but enough to cast serious doubt as to Kavanaugh (although his blatant lies under oath should be disqualifying by themselves).


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20 minutes ago, cjgalloway said:

I don't get why so many people are upset with the process.  Clearly the FBI thing was just a stall tactic to try and hold Kavanaugh out as long as they can and hope it pushed past the Nov. voting (I don't blame them).  But people.... There is exactly zero evidence.  That's one thing great about america is you're innocent until proven guilty.  I mean geez, even her childhood best friend could vouch that she knew of a party like that or ever met Kavanaugh.  The whole thing was fishy.  IDK how you can't at least acknowledge that.

First, this isn't a criminal trial and the statute of limitations has run, so innocence isn't a factor. Candor toward the Senate is a factor.

Second, I think the "lack of memory" from everyone at the time is because they don't want to admit that many of them were totally open to the drinking, sex and whatever the hell was going on. They don't want to admit to any of it, and Ford is struggling to tell a true story without exposing all of them. I actually don't know if this event even registered in Kavanaugh's mind, but I think he is lying to protect the broader community that doesn't want any of their pasts to come out.

Of course, that doesn't mean he should be a Supreme Court justice. His utter lack of candor outright lying is not acceptable.

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8 minutes ago, cjgalloway said:

I would really love for you to tell me where he lied..  Otherwise I'll assume you actually don't know. pleeeeeeeeeeeease

 He lied about not drinking on weekdays during the summer.

There is not a single bit of evidence of the existence of a drinking game called devil's triangle, while there are mountains of evidence about the sexual meaning of the phrase.

We have accounts from a college friend of his about how he used the term boofing.  His statement on this was obviously bullshit. 

We have third party accounts of Kavanaugh drinking heavily and throwing up.

We have the Renate limerick written elsewhere in his yearbook, plus a basic knowledge of what HS boys talk about.

Meanwhile his accounts of all of these cases are somewhere between implausible and ludicrous, and have no supporting evidence. 


Edit: And that is just based what he said during the most recent hearing alone.  He was also evasive and refused to answer questions on numerous occasions which is also evidence of someone lying/hiding the truth.

Edited by whitesoxfan99
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59 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

Diane Fienstein didnt release the information because the person who gave her the information asked her not to.

Are you saying she should have against Ford's wishes and released it without her approval?

Not to mention it has nothing to do with what is going on right now. The Republican's could release the information, they are choosing not to. Perhaps you dont care about the truth or transparency. Its become abundantly clear you dont care about the Supreme Court or US laws. 

Win some, lose some. But you cant fight time and you cant fight the inevitable. One day the dinosaurs will go extinct. 

I'm saying there are ways to keep her name confidential while at the same time having a proper and through investigation something the Democrats and Ford both claim to have wanted.

I've said repeatedly I'd like to see the information released and I still would the only consideration for me would be the privacy of the witnesses. You are casting blame on the Republicans but my guess is they are just following tradition. If the report confirms what is already out there like they said there is no political reason not to release the information.

Edited by wrathofhahn
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Wasnt Kavanaugh caught with memos and emails regarding torture during the Bush administration, and lied under oath about that?  How about we find out who paid off his 200K debt out of nowhere in 2016?  


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7 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

I'm saying there are ways to keep her name confidential while at the same time having a proper and through investigation something the Democrats and Ford both claim to have wanted.

I've said repeatedly I'd like to see the information released and I still would the only consideration for me would be the privacy of the witnesses. You are casting blame on the Republicans but my guess is they are just following tradition. If the report confirms what is already out there like they said there is no political reason not to release the information.

Those arent the facts.

It was until the press started hounding Ford that she agreed to come forward. Had that not happened, none of this likely would have occurred. But once it came out, that should have halted the process, and the FBI/Senate Judiciary should have taken as much time as necessary to fully go through the allegations and any other information that came out, such as Kavanaugh's potential perjury.

There is no reason to rush. Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment. 

And Republican's dont care about tradition. The tradition they created was that you dont confirm Supreme Court Justices if there is an election. So why change now?

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2 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:


And Republican's dont care about tradition. The tradition they created was that you dont confirm Supreme Court Justices if there is an election. So why change now?

Incorrect. The tradition they've created is that a Democrat doesn't get to appoint a Supreme Court justice if Republicans hold the Senate.

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1 minute ago, StrangeSox said:

Incorrect. The tradition they've created is that a Democrat doesn't get to appoint a Supreme Court justice if Republicans hold the Senate.

Which they are worried the Democrats will follow if they lose seats this November. The Democrats are being blatant in their desire to stall his nomination the only question is will Republicans who hold the senate fall for it. Doesn't appear so.

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1 minute ago, Jack Parkman said:

The only thing I have to say is that Kavanaugh's vision of American values and mine are polar opposites. 

I don't want to live in his America. I believe his America looks a lot like Russia does right now. 

I dont care of Justices disagree with me on the interpretation of the law.

The real problem with a Judge like Kavanaugh, is he seemingly doesnt care about the law at all, and only cares about the team he plays for. That is a real issue, and reasonable Democrats and Republicans should agree on that. Which is why everyone should oppose him after his testimony the other day. 

And if a Democrat nominee started saying similar stuff, id want them immediately removed as well. 

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Just now, wrathofhahn said:

Which they are worried the Democrats will follow if they lose seats this November. The Democrats are being blatant in their desire to stall his nomination the only question is will Republicans who hold the senate fall for it. Doesn't appear so.

They are just following the Republican tradition. Youd think Republicans would be happy that Demcorats are following their lead for once. :D

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10 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

I dont care of Justices disagree with me on the interpretation of the law.

The real problem with a Judge like Kavanaugh, is he seemingly doesnt care about the law at all, and only cares about the team he plays for. That is a real issue, and reasonable Democrats and Republicans should agree on that. Which is why everyone should oppose him after his testimony the other day. 

And if a Democrat nominee started saying similar stuff, id want them immediately removed as well. 

So he's Alito. The ultimate windsock.


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17 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

I dont care of Justices disagree with me on the interpretation of the law.

The real problem with a Judge like Kavanaugh, is he seemingly doesnt care about the law at all, and only cares about the team he plays for. That is a real issue, and reasonable Democrats and Republicans should agree on that. Which is why everyone should oppose him after his testimony the other day. 

And if a Democrat nominee started saying similar stuff, id want them immediately removed as well. 


The problem is that the SCOTUS is supposed to be impartial, and to judge the spirit of the constitution as it applies to modern day problems and legal issues. That isn't happening. Now, the SCOTUS has become the epitome of politicians in robes. If this is going to be the case, they should be up for election every 2, 4, or 6 years just like every other politician.  

However, the bolded has been the case throughout US history. SCOTUS was not intended to be political, but it is, and always has been. There is a massive flaw with the US Constitution about how elected officials are chosen. In reality, the Electoral College was invented to prevent a demagogue from taking office, as well as to protect the rights of the economic elite. In the modern-day US, it only helps the latter. The US Constitution has proven to be far from infallible, and I think it is a good starting point, but we need to amend it and even come up with a new document that reflects modern-day values and society. The whole democratic process has been hijacked by the SCOTUS and Billionaire interest groups, and until we can get enough of the population to buy into that and take over the legislature in order to create a modern constitution based on the original one, there is almost no hope of preventing an oligarch takeover of the United States. There needs to be a new constitution and a new bill of rights that are added onto the old one. There also needs to be written into the new constitution that there should be a constitutional convention to protect the people from new threats to democracy that may or may not arise from advances in technology every 50-100 years. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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