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Your new Supreme Court nominee is....


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1 hour ago, StrangeSox said:

She wants the FBI to investigate first, and of course Grassley would pull some bullshit like this:


What are the chances that either:

- The FBI investigates before a confirmation.

- She doesn’t show up Monday and they confirm him anyway.

- She shows up and they give testimony, then his confirmation gets voted down as most of the democrats and Collins, Flake and Corker vote him down?

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Kravenaugh was appointed to the US Court of Appeals after working as a law clerk and White House staffer- secretary of silly walks. One of the most egregiously elitist appointments I have ever heard of. His high school yearbook says it all. 

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

What are the chances that either:

- The FBI investigates before a confirmation.

- She doesn’t show up Monday and they confirm him anyway.

- She shows up and they give testimony, then his confirmation gets voted down as most of the democrats and Collins, Flake and Corker vote him down?

The FBI will only re-open their background check on the attempted rapist if they are asked to do so by their boss, the multiple time sexual offender in the white house. And literally the last thing they want in this case is for him to testify under oath to the FBI. While he was perjuring himself before Congress, the Republicans control the committees that would investigate that so they can just pretend it didn't happen. If he were to testify to the FBI and unequivocally deny things, then they speak to her and she provides a credible case, then the FBI has a legit suspicion that they were lied to and they are legally bound to investigate further. If there was anything else, any other allegations that came forwards or any additional information on this case that somehow became available, he could wind up in jail.

I think the 2nd is currently the most likely option. They set up a situation where she couldn't possibly accept and they'll say that she had her chance to tell her story. The rushed pace is one thing, scheduling the hearing before she accepts is another, but putting them at the same table? That's a clear effort to make sure she does not appear. 

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They're also refusing to hear testimony from anyone else, even though she named Mark Ford as the other person in the room and I believe there are other witnesses that she told contemporaneously or at least a year or more ago about the incident that could bolster her credibility.

But Republicans don't care. They only care about getting another partisan hack on the Supreme Court. 

That said, next Monday is still six days away, and we're only six days since the letter became public. A lot could happen. Worst case for the GOP, Kavanaugh does get pulled and they jam someone through in the lame duck session after the midterms. They have plenty of time to fill the seat without even having to worry about losing control of the Senate. 

I'm still surprised that Kavanaugh wasn't pressed on his $200k in credit card debt for "baseball tickets" that mysteriously disappeared last year.


e: they are definitely going to move forward with a vote after Monday whether Ford testifies or not




Also Kavanaugh's changing excuses, which definitely made no sense from the start, shoudl really lend weight to the idea that there's something serious and real behind these allegations



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24 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

It does seem weird a person would call for an FBI investigation if they were lying. It all could be for optics, but there is just too much out there. 

I am sure the FBI is too busy investigating important things like who talked to the NYT from the White House staff to worry about actual crimes that may have been committed by a Supreme Court nominee.

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8 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

I think she needs to show up and testify. If youre going to start this, you have to finish it. I understand her hesitation, but (imo) this ends worse for her if she no shows.

If they're still intending them to be at the same table, she can't. Even a 35 year old psychological trauma...you have no idea what that would do to you going in. You could have done years of preparation and then all of that might go out the window at the sight of the perpetrator. 

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4 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

If they're still intending them to be at the same table, she can't. Even a 35 year old psychological trauma...you have no idea what that would do to you going in. You could have done years of preparation and then all of that might go out the window at the sight of the perpetrator. 

I wonder what sick reason there is for her needing to be at the same table as him. She should just do this in private with the committee with him out of the room.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I wonder what sick reason there is for her needing to be at the same table as him. She should just do this in private with the committee with him out of the room.

To make sure that either she looks bad, breaks down, or doesn't show up.

Aside from the true misogynists, the Republicans out there aren't stupid. They know that this is a credible allegation, and they know that they can't delay this until after the midterm elections because if they do get creamed, they won't get it done afterwards with a different nominee. Given the choice, they'd rather maneuver to find ways to blame her for not showing up.

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The FBI's investigation and report of the Anita Hill allegations took 2 or 3 days. There's zero legitimate reason not to have that done first and not to call other named witnesses to testify. It's a kangaroo court so Republicans can superficially look like they took the allegations seriously before forcing Kavanaugh on an unwilling country (least popular SC nominee ever at this point). They want this done quickly so it's out of the news and they lock down the Supreme Court for a generation.

e: here's a crystal-clear example of why an independent investigation is both warranted and necessary:

The Committee's "investigation" is run by people fully committed and determined to confirm Kavanaugh at all costs.

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1 hour ago, Balta1701 said:

If they're still intending them to be at the same table, she can't. Even a 35 year old psychological trauma...you have no idea what that would do to you going in. You could have done years of preparation and then all of that might go out the window at the sight of the perpetrator. 

In a criminal case the accuser is in the same room. Imo the trauma shell face if she doesn't show is way worse then sitting next to him and testifying.

They are making it difficult on her for sure,  but once she went public she had to see it through to the end. I just dont see how not showing up ends better.


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It doesn't end up better but the GOP is also making it very clear that it doesn't actually matter. So why put herself through it and give their sham hearing any legitimacy?



It's gonna be cool to have a court where at least 4 of 9 justices were appointed by Presidents who couldn't win the popular vote and came in under a cloud of controversy and illegitimacy (Bush being appointed by the conservatives on the court in 2000, Trump and possible collusion with Russia and definite campaign crimes to influence the election in 2016).

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