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1 minute ago, BigHurt3515 said:

You act like I am saying it was her fault this happened to her or anyone else who was raped. Or that I think she is lying. It wasn't her fault or anyone else's this happened but I do find it strange that continued to go to these parties when she knew this stuff was happening.

I am not victim shaming, you just like to read bits and pieces of a post and come to your own conclusion.

You may not THINK you are victim shaming, but it an attempt to focus on the actions of the victim and in doing so question their morals and ethos, you are 100% clearly victim shaming.

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1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

You may not THINK you are victim shaming, but it an attempt to focus on the actions of the victim and in doing so question their morals and ethos, you are 100% clearly victim shaming.

I am not but thank you for your opinion. Continue to ignore everything else I said but a few choice words that when it isn't in context looks bad.

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1 minute ago, BigHurt3515 said:

I am not but thank you for your opinion. Continue to ignore everything else I said but a few choice words that when it isn't in context looks bad.

its hard to find the correct context.   You are pretty focused on the fact that she shouldnt have been in a certain place.   In these situations its always "She shouldnt have gone there."  "She should have reported it earlier"  "She shouldnt have been wearing that outfit"


In the end, you rarely hear "he shouldnt have raped her"

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2 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

its hard to find the correct context.   You are pretty focused on the fact that she shouldnt have been in a certain place.   In these situations its always "She shouldnt have gone there."  "She should have reported it earlier"  "She shouldnt have been wearing that outfit"


In the end, you rarely hear "he shouldnt have raped her"

That's because there is no correct context for this.  The only correct context is did it happen or not.  Other than that, there is no correct context, especially one that looks to explore the victims role in the crime.

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I wish I could get 1 crack at him. I think the way to trip him up is about the comments he made on Fox news about never drinking so much he couldnt remember. I also would ask some really uncomfortable questions to get him off track. 



And I think that is what infuriates me most about Bighurt3515 line of questioning toward the victim. Kavanaugh has said some real whoppers lately, and Republican's just seem to be completely ignoring the fact that the guy seems to be at minimum lying about his drinking habits. 

Edited by Soxbadger
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7 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

I am not but thank you for your opinion. Continue to ignore everything else I said but a few choice words that when it isn't in context looks bad.

Your context is to attack the accusers and dissemble about "well I'm not victim blaming!" while literally saying she's guilty for not doing something to stop it when it happened to others.


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6 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

its hard to find the correct context.   You are pretty focused on the fact that she shouldnt have been in a certain place.   In these situations its always "She shouldnt have gone there."  "She should have reported it earlier"  "She shouldnt have been wearing that outfit"


In the end, you rarely hear "he shouldnt have raped her"

I literally said these exact words "But that does not mean I think it was her fault it happened to her, it should never happen to anyone and it is never the victims fault no matter how much trouble they put themselves in."

But everyone can just ignore that.

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1 hour ago, BigHurt3515 said:

Did I say that?

She witnessed crimes and didn't say anything. She kept going back and didn't stop anything going on at these parties, she witnessed boys spiking drinks but let girls continue to drink them. She was older than most if not all of these kids at the party and never spoke up or stopped going. What she did was wrong as well, anybody who witnessed this stuff happening and said nothing was wrong.

But that does not mean I think it was her fault it happened to her, it should never happen to anyone and it is never the victims fault no matter how much trouble they put themselves in.

If your goal isn't to attack the alleged victim here, what is the point of this post? What is the "context" you're trying to bring here?

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6 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

I wish I could get 1 crack at him. I think the way to trip him up is about the comments he made on Fox news about never drinking so much he couldnt remember. I also would ask some really uncomfortable questions to get him off track. 



And I think that is what infuriates me most about Bighurt3515 line of questioning toward the victim. Kavanaugh has said some real whoppers lately, and Republican's just seem to be completely ignoring the fact that the guy seems to be at minimum lying about his drinking habits. 

Just so you know, I know nothing about this guy. But even if just one thing that has been said about him is true he shouldn't be anywhere near congress or politics.

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3 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

I literally said these exact words "But that does not mean I think it was her fault it happened to her, it should never happen to anyone and it is never the victims fault no matter how much trouble they put themselves in."

But everyone can just ignore that.

You can say that wasn't your intent all you want, but it IS the result of these kind of posts.

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5 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

Just so you know, I know nothing about this guy. But even if just one thing that has been said about him is true he shouldn't be anywhere near congress or politics.

Perhaps before you start asking questions about the victim, you should start by informing yourself about the alleged perpetrator.

In every incident Kavanaugh has allegedly been drunk. In his year book he was the treasurer of the Keg City Club. 

On Fox News he was asked:



“Was there ever a time that you drank so much that you couldn’t remember what happened the night before?” Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum asked Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh during their interview Monday. “No, that never happened,” the judge replied.

MacCallum followed up. “You never said to anyone, ‘I don’t remember anything about last night’?”

Kavanaugh: “No, that did not happen.”


How can you trust someone who says that? Every time he drank his memory was crystal clear, he never couldnt remember a second of the night before?

That seems much more far fetched than anything any of his accusers have said. 

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2 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

If your goal isn't to attack the alleged victim here, what is the point of this post? What is the "context" you're trying to bring here?

My point is not saying anything after going to said parties 10+ times while being 18-20 years old and witnessing high schoolers do such awful things is wrong. A lot of girls could have been saved from this happening to them if any adult who was present did something about it. People need to step up in these situations, unfortunately we will not get rid of all the sick people in world but witnesses speaking up in situations like this will at least help in someway.

That does NOT mean I think it is her fault it happened to all these girls or her but simply this could have been stopped and it is a shame it wasn't.

But I know a few of you will twist my words and think I am awful for having this opinion.

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12 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

You can say that wasn't your intent all you want, but it IS the result of these kind of posts.

It is the result because you said so. If you take a step back for 2 seconds and think of it differently you would realize I am not blaming the victim for this shit happening. But you don't give a shit and want to think I am an awful person for what I said even though I specially said it was not her or anyone else's fault. But you can continue you to say I am victim blaming/shaming even though I am clearly not. If I was I wouldn't be saying "But that does not mean I think it was her fault it happened to her, it should never happen to anyone and it is never the victims fault no matter how much trouble they put themselves in"

Like I said you read a few words or a sentence but don't read the whole post but still come up with silly conclusions

Edited by BigHurt3515
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Witnesses speaking up get attacked by people like you.


What a rape victim should or shouldn't have done when she witnessed other rapes when she was 20 years old is not relevant right now. The only reason to bring that up, to scold her, is to discredit and diminish her and to shift the focus from her very serious allegations.

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3 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

It is the result because you said so. If you take a step back for 2 seconds and think of it differently you would realize I am not blaming the victim for this shit happening. But you don't give a shit and want to think I am an awful person for what I said even though I specially said it was not her or anyone else's fault. But you can continue you to say I am victim blaming/shaming even though I am clearly not. If I was I wouldn't be saying "But that does not mean I think it was her fault it happened to her, it should never happen to anyone and it is never the victims fault no matter how much trouble they put themselves in"

Like I said you read a few words or a sentence but don't read the whole post but still come up with silly conclusions

You obviously don't see it now.  Hopefully you see it one day without it being someone close to you as a victim to make you see it.

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18 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

Witnesses speaking up get attacked by people like you.


What a rape victim should or shouldn't have done when she witnessed other rapes when she was 20 years old is not relevant right now. The only reason to bring that up, to scold her, is to discredit and diminish her and to shift the focus from her very serious allegations.

"people like you"

What is that supposed to mean? You have no clue who I am and the type of person.

To the bolded: So what if she wasn't raped herself and she witnessed other rapes and said nothing? Is that okay or not?

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3 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

"people like you"

What is that supposed to mean? You have no clue who I am and the type of person.

To the bolded: So what if she wasn't raped herself and she witnessed other rapes and said nothing? Is that okay or not?

You're a person who is attacking a rape victim as a means to distract from anything but the issue at hand. You've made that clear. That you insist on still doing that despite multiple people seeing through it speaks volumes.

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47 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

This is why they brought in a hired goon to do the questioning, even if it isn't going well so far.




Came in here specifically to point this one out, but someone already did. Could Hatch be any more fucking gross? Attractive? Pleasing? GTFOH with that.


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