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Your new Supreme Court nominee is....


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7 minutes ago, bmags said:

Flake is a yes.

No surprise. Big talk, no action guy. Got his cover. I think the other 2 will vote the same way, so basically it comes down to Collins. If she says yes, that will give Manchin the cover to vote yes because he gets in anyways, and it will help him at the polls. If she votes no, he will vote no. I am assuming she'll vote yes. Probably discussing the package for her vote right now.

Edited by Dick Allen
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47 minutes ago, pettie4sox said:

Did the people of Maine, a blue state really tell Collins to vote  YES on Kavanaugh?

She has to be gone if she votes yes. It would be awesome if she just announced “no” today. Then they would have to get Manchin on board. But the GOP are spineless, want their outrageous congressional salaries and pensions and there are no term limits to stop them. 

Collins can’t seriously believe that Kavanaugh would uphold a woman’s right to choose, would she? 

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43 minutes ago, The Beast said:

She has to be gone if she votes yes. It would be awesome if she just announced “no” today. Then they would have to get Manchin on board. But the GOP are spineless, want their outrageous congressional salaries and pensions and there are no term limits to stop them. 

Collins can’t seriously believe that Kavanaugh would uphold a woman’s right to choose, would she? 

Yep I can't imagine the women of Maine will take this lightly.

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4 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Yep, Collins is going to be a yes.

She has to vote Yes, you see, because liberal groups spent money opposing Kavanaugh! Weirdly, no mention of conservative groups' spending supporting Kavanaugh, and apparently no reflection on whether Kavanaugh would ever vote to overturn Citizens United. LOL at anyone that ever thought Collins would do anything but vote Yes while giving the dumbest possible reasons. I wonder if she got another meaningless promise from McConnell?



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She's not stupid. She's very conservative, but plays this role to get more of what she wants. She feigns that she is heterodox on something like womens issues, but she doesn't.

And she knows that you aren't punished for being wrong anymore.

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3 minutes ago, pettie4sox said:

Won't need tiebreaker if Manchin votes yes.

Agreed but either way he was getting confirmed. The person sending the biggest thank you letter to Collins is Manchin he'd much rather be the 51st vote then the 50th vote.

Kavanaugh is polling something like 60 29 in his state right now with 10 percent undecided.

Edited by wrathofhahn
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19 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Yep, Collins is going to be a yes.

Reviewing her record, she was probably going to be a yes all along. It’s too bad Murkowski couldn’t get her to vote with her and it’s too bad they couldn’t wait until tomorrow to just vote then. 

I’m concerned for women’s rights if Roe v Wade gets overturned. I’m also concerned about how the court will rule if Trump is impeached (I think they have a hand in it?) and I worry about the balance of the court with the liberal justices aging. It’s not necessarily fair that the courts are stacked with Trump nominees now, but that’s why the democrats need to win in 2020. I’m sick of the shit republicans have pulled since Trump got elected and can’t believe McConnell’s gambit in 2016 actually worked. The pendulum has to swing back to balance things.

Edited by The Beast
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2 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

The single positive outcome of this is that more and more people will recognize that SCOTUS is just another political branch, and one in need of major reform.


Just now, The Beast said:

Reviewing her record, she was probably going to be a yes all along. It’s too bad Murkowski couldn’t get her to vote with her and it’s too bad they couldn’t wait until tomorrow to just vote then. 

I’m concerned for women’s rights if Roe v Wade gets overturned. I’m also concerned about how the court will rule if Trump is impeached (I think they have a hand in it?) and I worry about the balance of the court with the liberal justices aging. It’s not necessarily fair that the courts are stacked with Trump nominees now, but that’s why the democrats need to win in 2020. The pendulum has to swing back to balance things.

She has always said Kavanaugh told here Roe v Wade was safe.  When it gets overturned, she will say he lied to her. Who would think this guy would lie?

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Just now, pettie4sox said:

Trump got his two justices but how did Gorsuch get through so cleanly...

He wasn't the swing vote. Kavanaugh is.

It will be interesting to see how the senate plays out election time because there is likely 1 even possibly 2 more SC at stake. Both Breyer and RBG probably don't last another 4 years.

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

Reviewing her record, she was probably going to be a yes all along. It’s too bad Murkowski couldn’t get her to vote with her and it’s too bad they couldn’t wait until tomorrow to just vote then. 

I’m concerned for women’s rights if Roe v Wade gets overturned. I’m also concerned about how the court will rule if Trump is impeached (I think they have a hand in it?) and I worry about the balance of the court with the liberal justices aging. It’s not necessarily fair that the courts are stacked with Trump nominees now, but that’s why the democrats need to win in 2020. The pendulum has to swing back to balance things.

Trump has been dreadful.  The only people who like him at this point is his base and they were never going to change no matter what.  You need to get those people who didn't vote off their rear ends and choose a side.

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Just now, wrathofhahn said:

He wasn't the swing vote. Kavanaugh is.

It will be interesting to see how the senate plays out election time because there is likely 1 even possibly 2 more SC at stake. Both Breyer and RBG probably don't last another 4 years.

How will Kavanaugh be the swing vote like Kennedy was? If you mean he is the ninth vote, okay, but if you mean he is a moderate like Kennedy was, I don’t see it.

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1 minute ago, wrathofhahn said:

He wasn't the swing vote. Kavanaugh is.

It will be interesting to see how the senate plays out election time because there is likely 1 even possibly 2 more SC at stake. Both Breyer and RBG probably don't last another 4 years.

They could have got justice without as much baggage as Kavanaugh.  Trump just likes him because he believes he will allow him to get away with his criminal activities.

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