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**World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling IV Thread**

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Apr 3, 2016 -> 10:45 PM)
This night may have been the biggest f*** you to fans of wrestling possible.


Not even close. The show was great outside the last hour.


What is this awful song they're using for the recap video?

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Sorry guys, I know none of you give half a rat's ass about whether I support or don't support the product, but since the Royal Rumble I have been giving wrestling a chance again.


I've found great hope in guys like Styles, Zyan, Owens, Nakumara, and the like for the future.

Great characters like the Wyatt Family, and New Day.


But this is too much and I am done again.

The fibers in my body want to enjoy wrestling, I even had plans to start rating some matches during the summer, but this is bulls***.


They couldn't have booked a better way to say f*** you to the fans.


1. Reigns winning cleanly in a horrendously awaul main event match, with the company:

a) doing everything they can to get reigns cheered by having stephanie cut an insane promo and be speared (reigns biggest pop)

b) muting the microphones constantly

2. Burying talent

a) Namely the Wyatts (they've been getting buried far too long, had such a good faction for a while)

b) Styles (he will recover, obviously, but this was a big time missed opportunity)

c) Zyan (not so much buried as the others, but a slight missed opportunity)

d) Owens (again, not buried, but could have had a better match then being put into a clusterf***)

e) New Day (Tag champions jobbing to LON)

f) LON (winning their match, only to get owned by retirees

g) Shane o mac (not buried in the wrestling sense, but the storyline sense, makes absolutely NO sense to bring him back for a month to lose and go home. I'm sure they'll come up with some random f***ery tho tomorrow)

3. Rock's so called announcement was nothing more than a public acclamation of the attendance record. Thanks for hyping everyone up only to get buy rates and so forth



The best thing I've seen in my time back as a wrestling fan: Woman's division. Man, they are legitimately amazing now, night and day difference from my past years.


But this will be my last post in this thread.


I tried, i really did!



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I feel like a Cubs fan when they have a good minor league system when watching WWE. I'm still gonna watch every game/show, and there are still guys like Sammy Sosa who make some parts wildly entertaining, but in the end its just wait till next year when some of these young prospects get called up to make the team as a whole really good.


I'm saying all that as an actual Reigns backer. I have no problem with Reigns.


The future still looks bright, and eventually these prospects will get called up to make WWE great again.


Wait till next year.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 3, 2016 -> 10:58 PM)
Great spectacle show that I was entertained throughout. My only problem is that I don't think there was one match that'd I'd even put in the top 50 of wrestlemania matches.


Probably not. Thought all matches had a purpose and were good outside main event. I really thought they'd put over the fact that Dean won't quit more. Like kick out of one F5 at least.


I know there haven't been that many but that could be the best women's match in Mania history. Trish vs Mickie at 22 was good. I'd have to think back.


QUOTE (scs787 @ Apr 3, 2016 -> 11:21 PM)
Worst. Mania. Ever.


That is all.


Not even close.

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QUOTE (scs787 @ Apr 3, 2016 -> 11:21 PM)
Worst. Mania. Ever.


That is all.

I wouldn't say worst ever but it'd definitely be in my top 3 worst ever.


I hate how every WM they just have to give The Rock an appearance. They had an opportunity to give the Wyatt's a big reaction and they actually had it. The Rock complimented Bray specifically and the crowd started cheering, only to then revert back to the same old garbage in terms of name calling and making fun of them. I'm sick of hearing how he's a draw. Those 101k tickets would have been sold regardless and it's not like WWEN subscriptions were renewed for him.


They really made Ambrose out to look like a p****. I understand that the F5 is devastating but for a lunatic who never quits, the match sure ended quickly. Do they ever let this guy get a big win, anyway? Plus, why even give him that spot on Raw where he loaded up the wheel barrow? Did he even use any of those weapons? I know the chainsaw wasn't going to happen, but he never used the bat or the steps. Nothing.


They probably should have had HHH/Reigns on the pre-show. It sounds dumb and it likely sounds as an exaggeration, but nobody really care about that match and it's sad when the majority of fans wanted the 40+ year old boss to beat the young, "up and comer."


If I was Ryback and Kalisto, I'd feel like s***. They cut out of my match for a Shane/Taker promo? My goodness.


That Shane spot was unreal. I pretty much called it prior to the match yet there was something about that match that just seemed off. Shane got a Last Ride and Chokeslam yet he kicked out right at 2, not selling it, and those kick-out's and finishers got no reaction from the crowd. I also have no idea where they go with this angle now. At least if Shane won, he'd then have control of the company and could just reinstate Undertaker. Now, do we have to sit through the same old s*** with Stephanie and HHH every Monday?


Giving Zack Ryder the IC belt is cool and a nice change of pace, but what kind of s*** is that? Will he even hold it for more than a month? About 3 months ago, the guy was getting decimated by anyone in about 15 seconds.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 06:42 AM)
Probably not. Thought all matches had a purpose and were good outside main event. I really thought they'd put over the fact that Dean won't quit more. Like kick out of one F5 at least.


I know there haven't been that many but that could be the best women's match in Mania history. Trish vs Mickie at 22 was good. I'd have to think back.




Not even close.


Perhaps it's because I had little sleep the night before, and 6+ hours is a lot of wrestling, but sans the ladder match and the divas match I was pretty frigging bored throughout.. Even Styles/Jericho was bland to me.


It may not have been the worst, but I don't remember one being as bland.


I digress though. I'm still gonna watch.

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QUOTE (soxfan49 @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 08:04 AM)
I wouldn't say worst ever but it'd definitely be in my top 3 worst ever.


I hate how every WM they just have to give The Rock an appearance. They had an opportunity to give the Wyatt's a big reaction and they actually had it. The Rock complimented Bray specifically and the crowd started cheering, only to then revert back to the same old garbage in terms of name calling and making fun of them. I'm sick of hearing how he's a draw. Those 101k tickets would have been sold regardless and it's not like WWEN subscriptions were renewed for him.


They really made Ambrose out to look like a p****. I understand that the F5 is devastating but for a lunatic who never quits, the match sure ended quickly. Do they ever let this guy get a big win, anyway? Plus, why even give him that spot on Raw where he loaded up the wheel barrow? Did he even use any of those weapons? I know the chainsaw wasn't going to happen, but he never used the bat or the steps. Nothing.


They probably should have had HHH/Reigns on the pre-show. It sounds dumb and it likely sounds as an exaggeration, but nobody really care about that match and it's sad when the majority of fans wanted the 40+ year old boss to beat the young, "up and comer."


If I was Ryback and Kalisto, I'd feel like s***. They cut out of my match for a Shane/Taker promo? My goodness.


That Shane spot was unreal. I pretty much called it prior to the match yet there was something about that match that just seemed off. Shane got a Last Ride and Chokeslam yet he kicked out right at 2, not selling it, and those kick-out's and finishers got no reaction from the crowd. I also have no idea where they go with this angle now. At least if Shane won, he'd then have control of the company and could just reinstate Undertaker. Now, do we have to sit through the same old s*** with Stephanie and HHH every Monday?


Giving Zack Ryder the IC belt is cool and a nice change of pace, but what kind of s*** is that? Will he even hold it for more than a month? About 3 months ago, the guy was getting decimated by anyone in about 15 second



He used the bat right before he got pinned, swung and missed


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QUOTE (soxfan49 @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 12:41 PM)
So he never used it. He tried to use it. They built that up for a months, getting gifts from legends. What was even the point?


I know, it was dumb that it got one whiff. But I would have been rather surprised if he actually used Lucille :lol:

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As cool as the foley and funk segments were they were so stupid cause there was no chance he was ever using that stuff.


Anywho I almost feel bad for Roman tonight, it's going to be super vicious.


Need some Bayley or Bullet Club in my life tonight.

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Some major and not so major raw spoilers tonight:

1. 3 returning tonight include a woman.

2. Fatal 4 way to close the show.

3. Baron Corbin up for good as long with others debuting tonight.

4. Title change. Related to #1.

5. Authority gone for good. Not sure if that happened, happens tonight, or soon.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 03:48 PM)
Some major and not so major raw spoilers tonight:

1. 3 returning tonight include a woman.

2. Fatal 4 way to close the show.

3. Baron Corbin up for good as long with others debuting tonight.

4. Title change. Related to #1.

5. Authority gone for good. Not sure if that happened, happens tonight, or soon.



Cesaro and maybe seth

of returners.

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Sooooo Raw opens up with JBL, Cole, and Saxton saying "Hey man fans are weird, they cheer when they shouldnt and boo when they shouldnt. Theyre just having fun!" Literally, this is close to word for word how it opened.


Then out comes Vince, trashes Shane, then Shane comes out and Vince says "Eh alright you can run Raw anyway, lets see what you got"


What in the f***

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QUOTE (TRU @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 07:13 PM)
Sooooo Raw opens up with JBL, Cole, and Saxton saying "Hey man fans are weird, they cheer when they shouldnt and boo when they shouldnt. Theyre just having fun!" Literally, this is close to word for word how it opened.


Then out comes Vince, trashes Shane, then Shane comes out and Vince says "Eh alright you can run Raw anyway, lets see what you got"


What in the f***

This certainly is pretty strange, so far. The crowd is f***ing awesome

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QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 07:27 PM)
I was thinking they were warning the audience because last year, th chant got a little vulgar and uncalled for.


Who warned the audience? Ive never been to a WWE live event where the crowd could hear the announcers

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 07:45 PM)
Wow Apollo Crews called up. He wasn't going anywhere in NXT so that greatly surprises me. Still, he's an absolute freak so I'm excited.


They must love his skill set. Glad he gets the call.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 4, 2016 -> 07:55 PM)
If Crews can have any sort of character the sky is the absolute limit for him. Unfortunately he never got that down in NXT.


I definitely agree with that.


There's a sign that says "Don't mute our voices, we pay for this!" lol


Reigns says I am the guy. Massive boos.

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