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**World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling IV Thread**

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It sucks both Owens and STyles will both be losing their belts at Rumble. I don't really care about Owens and that title. The booking of it and him has been trash.


AJ should be champion for a long time and the rumors of where he is going into WrestleMania does not interest me in the slightest. It's a waste.


I agree and if they both lose, I will be devastated. Really... If Reigns goes into WM again as champion... I don't even know WTF they are thinking. I am holding out hope that it is Owens vs. Jericho for the Belt on that end.


What have you heard about AJ at 'Mania? I haven't heard much... I am wondering who the hell he will face? I guess Orton is a possibility, or Samoa Joe... but a random Joe feud for 'mania really would suck, unless it's for the belt, then its OK.

Cena should be taking on Taker in a non-title feud.


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I'm not too big on Finn for now. He's a great worker and has a good gimmick, but he's barely spend any time on the main roster and already won the Universal belt once. He's still got some room to improve on the mic and could use some time to establish himself on the main roster. I'd rather see the new guys come up establish themselves organically first before being pushed, unless you're AJ Styles and are head and shoulders better than everyone else on Smackdown.


I agree with this as well... giving Finn Balor the Universal title and a Rumble win is a bit... much for a guy that's barely been on the main roster. However, he is my #3 as I literally don't want any of the other guys to win. Now I feel sad about the rumble. Ah.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 03:31 PM)
I agree with this as well... giving Finn Balor the Universal title and a Rumble win is a bit... much for a guy that's barely been on the main roster. However, he is my #3 as I literally don't want any of the other guys to win. Now I feel sad about the rumble. Ah.


They clearly believed in Balor, and the crowd responded positively for it...so I see no reason to hold him back when he returns. Let's let the rubber hit the road and see if he can drive.


Samoa Joe is uh...I'm not a fan. Let's just leave it at that.


Naka would be good, but I don't see the WWE trusting him just yet, as he can't carry on a 20 minute English promo, which is almost REQUIRED for WWE Champions today.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 03:18 PM)
It sucks both Owens and STyles will both be losing their belts at Rumble. I don't really care about Owens and that title. The booking of it and him has been trash.


AJ should be champion for a long time and the rumors of where he is going into WrestleMania does not interest me in the slightest. It's a waste.


I'm hopeful Styles will retain, because Smackdown has seemed a bit smarter with it's booking...it's a lot less predictable than RAW is.


Owens is another one for me...I'm just not a fan. Without Jericho carrying him, I'm convinced nobody would actually give a s*** about him despite the fact he's Universal Champion.


And let's be honest. The real world title is on Smackdown, and AJ has it. That's the title Austin, The Rock, Hogan, Cena, etc., have all held...that's the title with history. It's the only title that really matters...and they've done the Universal Title no favors by how they've booked it. Where the Miz brought prestige to the IC title, Owens has brought almost none to the UT.


Not that I'm biased or anything, but Alexa Bliss is a better champion than Kevin Owens. :)

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Owens was super over before they gave him the belt, that's why he got it. The title run has definitely been lackluster but that's cause they're focusing more on him and Jericho than anything else. That's fine as it's been super entertaining but the title has definitely been a secondary story. I love Joe too but that's obviously a subjective thing.


The rumor I read today for Styles at Mania is that he might be going against Shane. That'll turn me into super angry I'M QUITTING WRESTLING FOREVER fan.

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The title run has definitely been lackluster but that's cause they're focusing more on him and Jericho than anything else.


I think it has more to do with the complete and utter failure of Raw booking. Owens pre title - cant miss TV for me. After title -- Owens fazed out and the title is meaningless.



Styles vs. Shane would be lame as well. Styles should be putting on 5* matches at mania. I'd be somewhat OK with a styles vs. Taker match. Meh.



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Quick rant: The Club.


So, tonight, they had their tag title match vs. Cesaro and Sheamus.




It's bad enough that the club (and every other undercard/midcard) has been booked to be AWFUL, but they have Sheamus knock the ref out and then The club pins Cesaro for the titles... only for the ref to wake up and declare a DQ? WTF?


Just f***ing awful!


They... screwed... the Heels out of the titles... lmao.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 08:17 PM)
Quick rant: The Club.


So, tonight, they had their tag title match vs. Cesaro and Sheamus.




It's bad enough that the club (and every other undercard/midcard) has been booked to be AWFUL, but they have Sheamus knock the ref out and then The club pins Cesaro for the titles... only for the ref to wake up and declare a DQ? WTF?


Just f***ing awful!


They... screwed... the Heels out of the titles... lmao.


Team Smackdown.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 08:46 PM)
This raw has been awful.


Cruiserweight division is a joke.


New day has nothing useful to do anymore.


Tribute to Snukka, the murderer.




I hate New Day. This modern day wannabe DX grabass stuff does nothing for me.


And it's not just this RAW. It's RAW in general with Stephanie and her overbearing way of unintentionally burying talent.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 09:47 PM)
3 hour raw is insane... its self-evident when they show the SAME damn replay segments 2-4 times! I've seen the Brock segment twice, the nia jax segment twice. I DONT NEED TO SEE IT TWICE.


That's the problem with this 3 hour format. RAW contains too much filler in order to fill that 3rd hour...I know they won't do it because they'd take a huge revenue hit by going back down to 2 hours, but they should bite the bullet and swallow the short term loss of revenue because it will dramatically increase the quality of the product long term.


Smackdown is hands down the better show. And whether that's considered just my opinion or not, it's not even close as far as I'm concerned.


It's the first time since the "brand split" era that I believe I'm seeing actual competition between RAW and Smackdown, and Smackdown is just on fire. If I was on RAW, I'd be clamoring to go to Smackdown.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 17, 2017 -> 09:10 AM)
That's the problem with this 3 hour format. RAW contains too much filler in order to fill that 3rd hour...I know they won't do it because they'd take a huge revenue hit by going back down to 2 hours, but they should bite the bullet and swallow the short term loss of revenue because it will dramatically increase the quality of the product long term.


Smackdown is hands down the better show. And whether that's considered just my opinion or not, it's not even close as far as I'm concerned.


It's the first time since the "brand split" era that I believe I'm seeing actual competition between RAW and Smackdown, and Smackdown is just on fire. If I was on RAW, I'd be clamoring to go to Smackdown.


It's not even close. 2 hours means some guys don't have to be on every week and we don't get sick of them as well.


I wish both shows would have shorter angles. The fact that Alexa and Becky are still feuding baffles me since Alexa has beaten her like 5 times. Why does she keep getting rematches? She doesn't know who La Luchadora is for petes sake!


I actually enjoyed what I saw of Raw last night. No authority figures and the 6 man main was good. I've bought into Braun as well.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 17, 2017 -> 09:13 AM)
It's not even close. 2 hours means some guys don't have to be on every week and we don't get sick of them as well.


I wish both shows would have shorter angles. The fact that Alexa and Becky are still feuding baffles me since Alexa has beaten her like 5 times. Why does she keep getting rematches? She doesn't know who La Luchadora is for petes sake!


I actually enjoyed what I saw of Raw last night. No authority figures and the 6 man main was good. I've bought into Braun as well.


Because there is nobody else on the Smackdown roster capable of holding their own against Alexa on the mic. She already makes Lynch look stupid half the time when they do in-ring promos, calling her a potato farmer and stuff like that...and she'd f***ing wreck anyone else on Smackdown right now.


La Luchadora has to be Mickey James...so I'd assume they'll transition to Lynch vs James (with James protecting Alexa) and possibly bring up someone else to go against Alexa? I just don't know who. Asuka is obviously the most in-ring ready and can likely carry Bliss to good matches, but again, there's no way she can hold her own on the mic against Bliss. As biased as I am with Bliss, she's not the best "wrestler"...and the WWE seems to be protecting her right now...


I guess I'll find out how right I am tonight...but I'd expect James to get involved. Bliss needs to keep the title for now, and they need to avoid playing hot potato with it like they did with the women on RAW.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 17, 2017 -> 09:39 AM)
Alexa may not be the best wrestler but she's great on the mic and with personality and dat ass...I mean she's talented.


She'll get better in time.


But on the main rosters, mic skill matters just as much or more than wrestling skill, which is what's holding both Naka AND Asuka back.

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And Smackdown, gooooood again.


I thought the James reveal could have been handled better, but the Bliss/Lynch match was actually good up to that point. How they follow it up will be what makes or breaks this Bliss/James connection. Lynch carried Bliss as expected, as I've noted the WWE is clearly protecting Bliss while making her look great in the ring.


I'm kind of thinking they're going to make Bliss related to Triss Stratus somehow, hence why James likes her and is helping her.


One negative I'll give that main event is if the sole reason you put them in a cage is to prevent interference, then do away with the door gimmick and make them climb the damn thing.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 18, 2017 -> 03:01 PM)
One negative I'll give that main event is if the sole reason you put them in a cage is to prevent interference, then do away with the door gimmick and make them climb the damn thing.


Obviously, heels cheat. Low blows. Interference. Distracting the ref. Fine.


But this was all 100% out in the open and the two referees couldn't have cared less.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 18, 2017 -> 10:05 AM)
Obviously, heels cheat. Low blows. Interference. Distracting the ref. Fine.


But this was all 100% out in the open and the two referees couldn't have cared less.


No, the cheating wasn't the issue. Heels cheat, that's fine. It's the why bother with the cage if you're just going to open the f***ing door aspect of it...they used the cage to prevent Bliss from escaping Lynch AND to stop outside interference...only then they make it just as easy to interfere as if there was no cage present by simply opening the damn door.


The cheating should have happened, but they should have made James climb the cage, trapping Lynch in there with both her and Bliss...


That cage should NOT have a door on it...and if it does, it should be locked...it's like a huge flaw in the gimmick of why the cage exists in the first place.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 18, 2017 -> 04:36 PM)
No, the cheating wasn't the issue. Heels cheat, that's fine. It's the why bother with the cage if you're just going to open the f***ing door aspect of it...they used the cage to prevent Bliss from escaping Lynch AND to stop outside interference...only then they make it just as easy to interfere as if there was no cage present by simply opening the damn door.


The cheating should have happened, but they should have made James climb the cage, trapping Lynch in there with both her and Bliss...


That cage should NOT have a door on it...and if it does, it should be locked...it's like a huge flaw in the gimmick of why the cage exists in the first place.


Yes, the door is really stupid.


But I don't think it's much better if James climbs the cage because either way the entire point of the cage, and the match (to prevent the heel from cheating), was nullified. And now the feud is probably going to be over with the cheater victorious. This kind of shenanigans might make sense if the Smackdown had a heel GM: "haha tough lucky, Becky", but it doesn't. Daniel Bryan and the refs look like powerless chumps.

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It's a cage match so cheating is allowed technically so the refs can't do anything. It is rather annoying that GM's and commissioners or whoever always use the well I'm making a cage match so there wont be any interference when you know that absolutely means there is going to be interference.


Anywho, I'm a big fan of Mickie so happy she's back.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 18, 2017 -> 10:49 AM)
Yes, the door is really stupid.


But I don't think it's much better if James climbs the cage because either way the entire point of the cage, and the match (to prevent the heel from cheating), was nullified. And now the feud is probably going to be over with the cheater victorious. This kind of shenanigans might make sense if the Smackdown had a heel GM: "haha tough lucky, Becky", but it doesn't. Daniel Bryan and the refs look like powerless chumps.


Well, there are two factors at play.


1) We all know the heel is going to cheat, and adding the cage makes it legal, so they need to just stop talking about that when using the cage.


2) They need to understand what the cage is actually for. And it's to keep the heel (Bliss) from escaping the baby (Lynch). That's it. That's the ONLY thing it does. Only by simply opening the door when Bliss is like, "Hey, lemme out", that nullifies the entire point of KEEPING HER THE f*** IN THERE so Lynch can kick her ass.

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