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No more lap dances?


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I read that in the paper a few days ago and laughed at it.


Then again California has done so many stupid things of late that I can't say I'd be shocked if this was passed.


Stupid Things:

1. Saying the recall shouldn't happen because we have Punch Ballots (STUPID)

2. Giving Liscenses to illegal immigrants

3. Giving Illegal Immigrants free education at community colleges as well as discounted room and board (This is the dumbest yet; Someone want to explain to me why someone coming from Iowa to California would have to pay an increased tuition yet if you come from another country to California you end up getting it for free)


Absolutely ridiculous.

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3. Giving Illegal Immigrants free education at community colleges as well as discounted room and board (This is the dumbest yet; Someone want to explain to me why someone coming from Iowa to California would have to pay an increased tuition yet if you come from another country to California you end up getting it for free)

Why would you come from Iowa to go to community college in California?

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3. Giving Illegal Immigrants free education at community colleges as well as discounted room and board (This is the dumbest yet; Someone want to explain to me why someone coming from Iowa to California would have to pay an increased tuition yet if you come from another country to California you end up getting it for free)

Why would you come from Iowa to go to community college in California?

No particular reason, although I know some people do. They may want to move from some other state to California and they figure going to school is the perfect time to do it.


Gives them an opportunity to meet people and get situated before they go to a California school. I just find it ridiculous that my tuition that I pay for is going to go up because of this bs.


I have no problem helping people or anything like that. If your gonna give free tuition, give it to those citizens that can't afford it. It may sound dick of me to say it, but you can't just give out crap for free all the time.

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Guest hotsoxchick1


That's f***in blasphmey..aint it?


You would expect this type of thing to pass like in Utah or somehwere like that...not L.A.

That's weird :o

lol only fitting that passes in la... the land where you cant smoke outside, and where crazy drivers are allowed to roam freely on the expressways and oj gets away with murder while cops are punished for beating a repeat offender in rodney king.... why shouldnt they ban lap dances too... :huh: ...hey if they wanted them bad enough they can drive 3 hours north to vegas and get hookers legaly....... ;)

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