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Robin Ventura should be fired today


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 02:43 PM)
Just say NO to Renteria. Give me Leyland. Go beg him for gawdsakes.


JR basically did that after Bevington was let go. Met with him personally and offered him the job. He said no. Partly because of the way the Sox treated his friend Gene Lamont.


That door closed a long time ago.



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Fire him tomorrow. Prove to your fanbase that losing is no longer accepted. Tell the players they are next if things don't get turned in the next 50 days or so. This time it would actually mean something with Ventura out the door.


If no changes tomorrow, the public campaign for Rick Hahn's job should begin. The front office & coaching staff can't blame the players every year, at this point there needs to be some accountability on their end as well.

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QUOTE (GhostofDickeyKerr @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 03:38 PM)
I don't care about what the fans think. In fact, it's your fault that I do not have the wherewithal to invest in truly superb players. You should be more willing to spend your limited resources on an inferior product. Simply put, you are all bad fans.





LOL, that's about right. Also signed, Don Cooper

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 03:47 PM)
Fire him tomorrow. Prove to your fanbase that losing is no longer accepted. Tell the players they are next if things don't get turned in the next 50 days or so. This time it would actually mean something with Ventura out the door.


If no changes tomorrow, the public campaign for Rick Hahn's job should begin. The front office & coaching staff can't blame the players every year, at this point there needs to be some accountability on their end as well.



Is Rick Hahn allowed to fire him?

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 04:06 PM)
Is Rick Hahn allowed to fire him?


My guess it that there is probably a nugget of truth there, don't forget there were times where Kenny wanted to fire Ozzie and Greg Walker, and couldn't. It also isn't unprecidented when you look at what happened with Anahiem last year.

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I'd like to know what Robin said following the loss today in his presser. Oh, wait a minute - I'd likely just fall asleep. Nevermind.


Honestly, I wish after a run like this - that Ventura would flip a table at the conference and just say, "No interview. I've got work to do. Let's talk after the game Tuesday."

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 04:03 PM)
My guess it that there is probably a nugget of truth there, don't forget there were times where Kenny wanted to fire Ozzie and Greg Walker, and couldn't. It also isn't unprecidented when you look at what happened with Anahiem last year.


Agreed. On a decision of that nature JR has to give his blessing. For example he OK'd letting go Tony LaRussa (and has admitted publicly many times afterwards that was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made as owner. The others? OK'ing the trade of Jerry Koosman and hiring Hawk as G.M.)



Edited by Lip Man 1
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  Lip Man 1 said:
Agreed. On a decision of that nature JR has to give his blessing. For example he OK'd letting go Tony LaRussa (and has admitted publicly many times afterwards that was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made as owner. The others? OK'ing the trade of Jerry Koosman and hiring Hawk as G.M.)




You mean Jerry Coozeman?

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Each day they let this continue is another day they lose more fans. This is pathetic baseball and has been for the last several seasons. Now, with the Cubs playing championship level baseball on the Northside, is not the time to dick around and try not to hurt poor Robin's feelings. We don't need to see how this next homestand goes, we have 6 years of putrid history to gauge Robin's abilities.


I've never really been one to consider JR an awful owner. I think he's always done a decent job balancing the business side of his franchises with investing in payroll to at least be somewhat competitive. With that said, what is going on now with Robin Ventura and Gar Forman is really making me second guess how good of an owner he is.

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QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 06:01 PM)
Each day they let this continue is another day they lose more fans. This is pathetic baseball and has been for the last several seasons. Now, with the Cubs playing championship level baseball on the Northside, is not the time to dick around and try not to hurt poor Robin's feelings. We don't need to see how this next homestand goes, we have 6 years of putrid history to gauge Robin's abilities.


I've never really been one to consider JR an awful owner. I think he's always done a decent job balancing the business side of his franchises with investing in payroll to at least be somewhat competitive. With that said, what is going on now with Robin Ventura and Gar Forman is really making me second guess how good of an owner he is.


He's old and more than likely should not be making business decisions for either team at this point. Look at what happened once the Cubs got new ownership a few year back. The same thing needs to happen with the Sox. They need to clean house in the FO and get the right people in place to right the ship. JR, KW, and Robin should all be gone. I'd be willing to give Hahn another shot, because I feel like KW micromanages the crap out of him.

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Here's the thing with Hahn...though.


He's the flip side of AJ Preller, whose success in the Rangers' front office was almost entirely wrapped up in international scouting, running the minor league system/new trends in coaching and player evaluation and development.


What evidence do we have that Hahn really knows how to pull that off? Because if he was mentored by Hahn and JR over all those years, their approach has been the completely, exact opposite of what the organization SHOULD have been doing?


So, because Hahn is very good at "negotiating contracts," that makes him the best qualified to create and manage an entirely new ecosystem, a "White Sox Way" or whatever you want to call it? Is keeping someone who is too close to see "the forest for the trees" involved in turning things around really the best approach here? It's certainly the most LOYAL, but we've seen where that's getting the Bulls and Sox these days. Dysfunction.

Edited by caulfield12
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