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screw jeff kent!

Cy Young Porzio

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This thread started off strange - a lament that the Astros signed someone who would make it tough on the cubs. As if anyone f***ing cares. And if the cubs are so great, why not say, 'it doesn't matter who they sign, we'll beat them anyway' but is was typical cubs s***, 'oh poor little us, the other teams are so strong how can we win..."


Then we have a defense of sam-me the steroid freak - as if every Sox fan didn't see the modern medical miracle take place - and then sam-me's steroid bulk is attributed to exercise? It is physiologally impossible to change your body shape without steroids, but then, cubbie fans live in fantasy world anyway so they believe what they will.


And now we are seeing the totally sexist bulls*** -

"b****" and "pussy" and other language by someone who testicles are not producing enough male hormone to realize that it is really inappropriate to use such sexist language.


So I am really wondering why this thread is on a Sox board to begin with. A cubs fan who comes crying in here about who the Astros sign is someone who craves abuse.


Can't wait to see what names I will now get called by the cubs fan - they have no sense of time nor place nor intelligent discourse.

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Aww no it's not....them damn Dolphins....kick the living s*** out of everyone in their path, but fall down and let the Bills stomp on them all day long.


I knew right when Lucas went out that it was all over, with or without the snow. But I hear that was quite fun.


However, with my Bills virtually out of the AFC East race(they'd need New York to beat the Pats this weekend and Minnesota to win tomorrow[which I think will be a very tough game for Miami....only Carter and Fiedler know what it's like in that dome...speaking of which...why in the hell do the Dolphins have the Vikings' 3rd string QB from 1998 as their starter now?]...anyways, the Bills would have to win on Sunday and then they'd have to beat the Bengals[and that game scares me....if Dillon has a huge day and Kitna plays well, the Bills could be in trouble...not that I care about the Bills season right now, but a friend of mine is a Bengals fan...don't know how or why...he is though] and they'd have to hope the Jets lose and the Pats and Dolphins tie, because they go by head to head record first, don't they? Regardless, the Bills shots are slim to none of making the playoffs), all I can hope for is that they make it a season sweep of the NFC North by beating the Pack IN LAMBEAU FIELD....I hope Favre has an offday and the defense steps up big time. It would be sweet as hell to see Bledsoe and the Bills end Favre's perfect record at Lambeau when it is 34 degrees or colder....and they sure as hell could do it too.


If the Packers don't get homefield advantage throughout and the Bucs do, and it is because the Bills beat the Packers in week 16, this season will be one of the better ones in the last decade.


And I'm still wondering...how the hell do you lose 4 straight Super Bowls and still have that many damn fans show up? Those Bills fans are mighty faithful people.


Oh well....I really don't mind the Phins....as long as the Packers lose, I'm gonna be a happy man/boy. God I hate the Pack.


But that's not as interesting as to who the best RFer in Chicago is....oh wait, I already know the answer to that. :D

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Nothing surprises me so much as a Dave Wannstedt coached team in 1st place in December.


There are many quarterbacks in the NFL, but none of them play in Miami. I have no idea how the Dolphins are doing it.


The Bills have always been ok by me except when we play them. Not like the hated Jets and the hated Baltimore Colts of the ancient past. I must admit to a growing affection for the Pats, but only because of Tom Brady, who I loved at Michigan. I don't swear at Ty Law anymore like I used to, who I have never forgiven for causing UM lose to Colorado in 1994. And I must be getting old, in that I used to understand the NFL tiebreakers but don't anymore.


My favorite Bills game was THE victory over Houston. Damn, am I old, that was a long time ago now. And I have always felt sorry for Scott Norwood.

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Originally posted by cwsox

My favorite Bills game was THE victory over Houston.  Damn, am I old, that was a long time ago now.  And I have always felt sorry for Scott Norwood.


Would that be the Bills/Oilers game when the Oilers were winning by a s***load and the Bills came back and beat them with like a last second FG from Christie to win the game barely?

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That playoff game (was it 35-7 or something at one point?) would be the game...


You will recognize my vehicles in he Comiskey parking lot this season - they are ones with the "Bomb Iraq? No!" bumper stickers. Next to the "My Son is a Marine" bumper stickers.

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Originally posted by cwsox

This thread started off strange - a lament that the Astros signed someone who would make it tough on the cubs.  As if anyone f***ing cares.  And if the cubs are so great, why not say, 'it doesn't matter who they sign, we'll beat them anyway' but is was typical cubs s***, 'oh poor little us, the other teams are so strong how can we win..."


Then we have a defense of sam-me the steroid freak - as if every Sox fan didn't see the modern medical miracle take place - and then sam-me's steroid bulk is attributed to exercise?  It is physiologally impossible to change your body shape without steroids, but then, cubbie fans live in fantasy world anyway so they believe what they will.


And now we are seeing the totally sexist bulls*** -

"b****" and "pussy" and other language by someone who testicles are not producing enough male hormone to realize that it is really inappropriate to use such sexist language.


So I am really wondering why this thread is on a Sox board to begin with.  A cubs fan who comes crying in here about who the Astros sign is someone who craves abuse.


Can't wait to see what names I will now get called by the cubs fan - they have no sense of time nor place nor intelligent discourse.


Alright a b****-or a female dog, i guess you can see that as sexist with your close physical appearance to one, but a pussy does not only mean a vagina, it can also mean wuss or sissy which i dunno how you get being a sexist remark. Anyways i could really care less what some f*** thinks of me being sexist or not i dont know and you and most likely never will so i really dont care. I NEVER said the Cubs were some great team i expect to win the world series and they DO need all the help i can get which you would know if you could read you illiterate SOB. Working out can make you muscles look larger, steroids dont neccessarily make you stronger, only increase muscle mass, which yo would know by getting an education instead of doing like you and playing with your dads cock all day, you gotta still do work to use the new mass capabilities. They will test him and he will show no signs of drugs so you can think whatever youwant but ur not gonna be saying crap when you see your wrong.

if this was just a sox board then i wonder why this is the "off topic board" and everyone else posts whatever they want. If you cant handle anyone elses opinion but your own then dont look in here. b****!

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

So, uh, I hate to ask this(actually I really don't), but who is the best RFer in Chicago?




I wonder what 95% of the answers will be....:huh


Sammy Sosa is the 2nd best offensive player in the majors. Say what you want, but the Sox would be nuts if they didnt' want his production and moved him to left.


Maggs is amazing too and Maggs is developing, its also hard to go against Sammy.


I do think the Cubs would be best off by trading him if he will always continue to tell management what to do.

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Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

By the way the cubs signed Estes, another guy that bum KW could've gotten his hands on.


For $3 million a year? He was s***ty last year...I'd rather have Ritchie back at $3 million a year than Estes.


He's got good stuff and has had previous success, but is too inconsistent and, for the most part, has never been successful in his career. Why any team would want to take a $3 million risk is beyound my knowledge.


Go ahead and see if Estes is any better than a #6 starter....I doubt he is. You should have saved that money and used it on the bullpen....the sCrUBS will have a fine starting rotation as it is, but their bullpen will be s***ty, even with Remlinger in it, unless they sign or trade for other pitchers.


For starters, they need a closer. Alfon'six'a ain't gonna do s*** closing. He f***ing sucks.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn
Originally posted by witesoxfan

So, uh, I hate to ask this(actually I really don't), but who is the best RFer in Chicago?




I wonder what 95% of the answers will be....:huh


Sammy Sosa is the 2nd best offensive player in the majors. Say what you want, but the Sox would be nuts if they didnt' want his production and moved him to left.


Bonds is first, A-Rod is second, and Vlad is 3rd....you could make an argument that Soriano is 4th, but I don't think so....assuming this isn't done statistically.


So he is atleast 4th in the majors offensively.


Not only that, but Maggs has much more upside than Sosa does and he is just as potent with the bat. He hits the cutoff man when necessary and plays his position quite well. He doesn't strike out 120 times a year and he steals bases every once in a while. He isn't a selfish player and he doesn't speak negatively about his team. The worst thing he has ever said about the Sox is that they may trade him at some point, possibly to the Yankees. He doesn't blow kisses to the camera(though Jose "Manos" Valentin does), he doesn't sprint out to RF before every game and he doesn't flip out on teammates for turning his music down.


Compare that to Sosa, and you wonder why people say Maggs is the better RFer. Regardless of what their stats tell you, Maggs is the better RFer in Chicago for his team, and that's what matters most in baseball. Not the stats for your own good, but the stats for the team.


Maggs has won more divisions that Sosa has in his career....what does that tell you about Sammy? Maggs has had the same number of .500 seasons on the South Side as Sosa has had on the North Side....and Sosa has played on the North Side 9 1/2 years, while Maggs has played about 5 years on the South Side...and in 98, the Sox won 80 games, so Maggs has more 80 win seasons on the South Side than Sosa has on the North Side....in 4 1/2 less years.


I'm sorry if you fail to realize this, but from the way I see it, Ordonez has been the better player for his team in his 5 years than Sosa has been for his team in his 9 1/2 years....meaning Maggs has been and is the better player of the two.


That's MHO anyways.

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this debate isn't worth reading so I'll summarise my assumptions.



Idiots: Sosa has home runs he is the best...


Sane People: Ask any GM, fan, dog, cat, Small Child who they would want to have, pretty f***ing obvious.


Idiots: He doesn't do roids, he is Superman...


Sane People: Shut the f*** up.



Not only is Magglio the best baseball player in Chicago, he is one of the better in the Game, get a f***ing clue for the last time.:puke

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I actually hope they don't test Sammy for steroids. There are many ways to get around the test and believe me, Sammy would do all of them so he doesn't ruin his "reputation". And once he tests negative Cubbyville is going to be throwing it in our faces until he is wrongfully voted into the Hall of Fame. *shudder*

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Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

i dont think sammy is the best one either, but one of the best, guys like vlad guerrero is prolly the best out there, bonds is damn good, and i like larry walker, then i would say comes sammy


I won't waste more of my time arguing with you but.......No! Not even close.

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