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Guest hotsoxchick1

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Michelle...the pm issue has been solved. You don't have to worry about getting anymore from him.


And as far as WSC...I'm thinking long and hard what exactly to do. For the time being he won't be posting here. I've given him umpteen warnings for this stuff. I don't know how you can give a guy more slack...but I think for a while at least, he won't be posting...soley reading.


Now lets go Bears...beat that Bye Team to go 1-2 :D

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I have made my opinion very clear in this thread, and have tried not to choose sides in arguments that I am not a part of thus far, but some things have been taken out of context.


Though I do not know CW or much about him, insulting his integrity is uncalled.


He is not choosing WSC over a friend, he is merely protecting WSC, and WSC needs it.  If somebody in a wheelchair cursed out one of my friends, and my friend flipped the wheelchair over, I would not help him beat the s*** out of the handicapped person, I would instead stop my friend, and probably be pissed off that he did something so stupid. 


In this case BMR, you actually hurt him mentally, not physically.  I think most everyone can agree that the things you said to him were uncalled for.


Perhaps CW is choosing what is right over a friend, not WSC over a friend.


HSC, you have to understand that WSC has spoken of his depression and his home life alot on this board, and has even spoken of his religious upstart.  Don't make stupid comments about a friend over something like this.  CW, is doing whats best for the kid, which is also the best for all of us.  We are better if we are not picking on a depressed 14, even if he acted like an idiot.

He f***s with my friend and the same thing will happen again. I love this site but my friends come first. Simple as that.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Michelle...the pm issue has been solved.  You don't have to worry about getting anymore from him. 


And as far as WSC...I'm thinking long and hard what exactly to do.  For the time being he won't be posting here.  I've given him umpteen warnings for this stuff.  I don't know how you can give a guy more slack...but I think for a while at least, he won't be posting...soley reading. 


Now lets go Bears...beat that Bye Team to go 1-2  :D

well thank you jas....the email and pm thing really pissed me off... weve always been respectful with eachother in that manner and have met some great people because of behind the sceenes contact here to share ball games with ect.....its a nice tool to get in contact with others if you dont want to post it on the boards....i have always said you guys do a wonderful job keeping things flowing here and keeping us with the latest gadgets and such to communicate with ..... that being said... whatever wsc problem is i hope for his sake he gets it fixed or his parents are at least unselfish enough to help him....with that being said im done with this.....


now as for those bears.. yea right jas lmmfao... as if they are going anywhere this year??? get real.....lol.. my new cheer... GO GIANTS..... :headbang shockey.. :headbang

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Forbid me for jumping topics here, but because heather said sex I have reason to mention it.  Did anyone hear about two ladies who got COMPLETELY naked in the crowd during last nights game.  One of my buds were telling me that on The Score  some White Sox insider was saying two ladies dropped their pants, took off their shirts and showed the world their goods.  This was in the family section too.  The guy went on to say that every member of the press had their faces planted on the windows looking down. 


Im sorry if someone else mentioned this, and if im the first to bring it up just wait for it to be mentioned in tomorrows' newspapers.

Behind home plate..? That's the only "friends & family" section I am aware of. Somehow, I can't imagine Demetrious and Rob letting this happen. Michelle.. you were there.. give us the scoop.

:nono no such thing in our section (130) last nite steff... i had all my clothes on..... ;)

Its been confirmed by The Critic in pale house talk that it happened. Under the thread ESPN News he mentions "the death penalty for the girls gone wild at the game." It has to be the same thing I was referring to.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Forbid me for jumping topics here, but because heather said sex I have reason to mention it.  Did anyone hear about two ladies who got COMPLETELY naked in the crowd during last nights game.  One of my buds were telling me that on The Score  some White Sox insider was saying two ladies dropped their pants, took off their shirts and showed the world their goods.  This was in the family section too.  The guy went on to say that every member of the press had their faces planted on the windows looking down. 


Im sorry if someone else mentioned this, and if im the first to bring it up just wait for it to be mentioned in tomorrows' newspapers.

Behind home plate..? That's the only "friends & family" section I am aware of. Somehow, I can't imagine Demetrious and Rob letting this happen. Michelle.. you were there.. give us the scoop.

:nono no such thing in our section (130) last nite steff... i had all my clothes on..... ;)

Its been confirmed by The Critic in pale house talk that it happened. Under the thread ESPN News he mentions "the death penalty for the girls gone wild at the game." It has to be the same thing I was referring to.

well like i said we were there behind home and didnt see anything.. it could have happened in the bleachers but i didnt see any comotion out that way either.. who knows.......

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I am missing football games to talk on this thread partly because I want to defend what I believe is right, secondly because I want to fight what I believe is wrong and thirdly because I feel some sad things have occurred here, and I am sure if we could go back this thread would have never turned out the way it did

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you lost a friend over a 14 year old.


WSC was wrong, and you shouldn't regret saying that he is wrong, but I am sure you wish this thing had been handled in a manner that didn't spark an arguement of such magnitude that friends were lost

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you lost a friend over a 14 year old.


WSC was wrong, and you shouldn't regret saying that he is wrong, but I am sure you wish this thing had been handled in a manner that didn't spark an arguement of such magnitude that friends were lost

CW get over it............

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now to clarify something here.... first off i dont give two s***s what wsc had to say about me .. the thing i did however give a s*** about with his running amuck here is that he jammed pack the pm box ... and (by my fault for having it on the profile) jammed my email box.... i have since changed that because he had my email addy so i had to rearrange some of my PERSONAL s*** due to him being allowed to get away with this s*** all the time and being coddled like a little baby.... i do not give a s*** about his home life or mental state of mind  as i said everyone has problems in their lives and this place is an escape of sorts..... i never knew about his personal s*** it till last nite becuase i usually skip over his stupid s*** threads he starts anyhow.....my two main b****es about this whole thing are one.. he got into the pm and email box, and two.... the f***in threads being closed down all the time suck.... and its a waste of time because the new ones pop up.........thats it... period.....the rest of the stuff is mute......i dont care.......

My comments that people were taking what an internet message board had to say very seriously was not about you HSC, but rather WSC who on other occassions has shown that what is said here has lots of impact.


If he jammed your PM box and your e-mail then that is a total crock. However, I don't really see how telling him "You're a punk with no friends" really alleviates any of those problems. Maybe it's just me and my common sense speaking but if you had s*** with him, it could have been brought up to Jas, Murcie J, Heads, CW etc. and fixed before it mushroomed into something like this with a lot of people pissed at each other.

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you lost a friend over a 14 year old.


WSC was wrong, and you shouldn't regret saying that he is wrong, but I am sure you wish this thing had been handled in a manner that didn't spark an arguement of such magnitude that friends were lost

CW get over it............


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My comments that people were taking what an internet message board had to say very seriously was not about you HSC, but rather WSC who on other occassions has shown that what is said here has lots of impact.


If he jammed your PM box and your e-mail then that is a total crock.  However, I don't really see how telling him "You're a punk with no friends" really alleviates any of those problems.  Maybe it's just me and my common sense speaking but if you had s*** with him, it could have been brought up to Jas, Murcie J, Heads, CW etc. and fixed before it mushroomed into something like this with a lot of people pissed at each other.

i agree

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My comments that people were taking what an internet message board had to say very seriously was not about you HSC, but rather WSC who on other occassions has shown that what is said here has lots of impact.


If he jammed your PM box and your e-mail then that is a total crock.  However, I don't really see how telling him "You're a punk with no friends" really alleviates any of those problems.  Maybe it's just me and my common sense speaking but if you had s*** with him, it could have been brought up to Jas, Murcie J, Heads, CW etc. and fixed before it mushroomed into something like this with a lot of people pissed at each other.

Nothing was getting done about it before, something got done about it this time. That speaks louder than any opinion.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
you lost a friend over a 14 year old.


WSC was wrong, and you shouldn't regret saying that he is wrong, but I am sure you wish this thing had been handled in a manner that didn't spark an arguement of such magnitude that friends were lost

lost a friend...not by my choice.. that friend made his alliance crystal clear......wsc kept with the persistant pm and email and that crossed the line for me and made me back lash at him .. i had made that point very clear as to being the top of my aggervation.. and the so called friend still backed the little assholes actions, so you tell me is that what a friend does for another friend ?? if he wanted to stick his nose in and be a friend he would have told the little mother f***er to back off and stop pm and email....not come to his aid cause i called him a few names.....this arguement would have not gotten this far had wsc been stopped a long time ago from running amuck all over the place........period........now i would ask you to not speculate into my wishes... ill state those on my own thank you very much.......

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I've thought about this for a while. We seem to have a lot of personal attacks on people. Jason and I have had many multi-hour conversations on what to do about it. None of us like banning any of the posters that have had something to bring to the board. I, personally, have no second thoughts about banning some one who is just here to to troll, but I am hesitant to do it to anyone who's had any sort of rational thought on here. I think that all of the posters fighting in this and other threads have something really great to bring to this board that no place else has. We should feel lucky to have such people here, and I don't want to see any of them leave, much less have friendships ruined because of something said on an internet message board.


I have to agree with some of the posters that all this is is a message board. It shouldn't really hold that much importance in a person's life. I kind of think some of this has to do with the Sox playing like crap, and that some people just need to post something to vent, but some of the threads just need to die a natural death. As far as closing threads goes, I have closed myabe five since becoming an admin. I agree that we should allow a lot of posting that wouldn't be tolerated at other places. I could care less if someone said that I am worthless as far as what I bring to the message board. I don't really care about that. But if something was said about me, or my family, or any of the posters here that is obviously slanderous in nature, I will have somewhat of a short leash.


Unlike at some other message boards where someone will be banned for not holding the moderators with some sort of glory, I will not go on a banning rampage until every person I don't like is gone. I would probably warn someone, and then if it became a reocurring problem, I might put them on moderation. I don't know if this is even close to how any of the other administrators might handle this, but this is a way that I am thinking of.


When he started this up, I'm sure Jason never thought this board would turn into what it is today - a collection of some of the finest baseball minds that have knowledge of everything from the first pick in last year's Rule V Draft to what the name of Mark Buehrle's hunting dog is. He's in college and he devotes most of his time not in class or studying to this board, as do many of the people that help with the site.


I think that there can be some way to handle this situation if people just imnput some ideas on how it can be handled. We can do this. We are Sox fans (Which makes us pretty bright in the first place) who share a common love for this team. That's what this message board was started for. And 99.9% of the posters come here for that reason. Very few people are here to start trouble, but innoncent posters seemed to get dragged through the mud for their beliefs and who they are.


Let's just see if we can't find a way to keep this place as the best damn place to talk Sox baseball, and a place to form and strengthen new friendships.


:headbang Go Sox


:headbang Go Soxtalk





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lost a friend...not by my choice.. that friend made his alliance crystal clear......wsc kept with the persistant pm and email and that crossed the line for me and made me back lash at him .. i had made that point very clear as to being the top of my aggervation.. and the so called friend still backed the little assholes actions, so you tell me is that what a friend does for another friend ?? if he wanted to stick his nose in and be a friend he would have told the little mother f***er to back off and stop pm and email....not come to his aid cause i called him a few names.....this arguement would have not gotten this far had wsc been stopped a long time ago from running amuck all over the place........period........now i would ask you to not speculate into my wishes... ill state those on my own thank you very much.......

Did CW [or any other mod] know about the PM/e-mail stuff BEFORE the whole debocle went down? Cuz I read the thread before and don't remember seeing anything in it about that. I didn't know about the PM/e-mail stuff until you recently said something in this thread about it HSC. Cuz I'd like to think that if Jas and Co. knew about all that, that they'd tell him to cut it the f*** out.

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Did CW [or any other mod] know about the PM/e-mail stuff BEFORE the whole debocle went down?  Cuz I read the thread before and don't remember seeing anything in it about that.  I didn't know about the PM/e-mail stuff until you recently said something in this thread about it HSC.  Cuz I'd like to think that if Jas and Co. knew about all that, that they'd tell him to cut it the f*** out.

DUde you were all for bashing wsc yesterday, now youve changed your tune? Either stay consistant or stay outta it. :huh: I dont think the thread needs more gasoline.

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you lost a friend over a 14 year old.


WSC was wrong, and you shouldn't regret saying that he is wrong, but I am sure you wish this thing had been handled in a manner that didn't spark an arguement of such magnitude that friends were lost

lost a friend...not by my choice.. that friend made his alliance crystal clear......wsc kept with the persistant pm and email and that crossed the line for me and made me back lash at him .. i had made that point very clear as to being the top of my aggervation.. and the so called friend still backed the little assholes actions, so you tell me is that what a friend does for another friend ?? if he wanted to stick his nose in and be a friend he would have told the little mother f***er to back off and stop pm and email....not come to his aid cause i called him a few names.....this arguement would have not gotten this far had wsc been stopped a long time ago from running amuck all over the place........period........now i would ask you to not speculate into my wishes... ill state those on my own thank you very much.......



There is a way to block certain posters from PM-ing you. Click on "My Controls". In the left hand column, look under the heading of "Messenger" gor something that says: "PM Buddies/Block List". Click on that. Input a poster's name and choose whether you want to allow messages from them.


That's one way to take care of it.


Or, just say something to Jas, Ian, Mario, Mark, Vince or I and we can take care of the problems behind the scenes or whatever.


Part of being an admin is being the regular posters b****. It's our job to make this place enjoyable.

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I've thought about this for a while. We seem to have a lot of personal attacks on people. Jason and I have had many multi-hour conversations on what to do about it. None of us like banning any of the posters that have had something to bring to the board. I, personally, have no second thoughts about banning some one who is just here to to troll, but I am hesitant to do it to anyone who's had any sort of rational thought on here. I think that all of the posters fighting in this and other threads have something really great to bring to this board that no place else has. We should feel lucky to have such people here, and I don't want to see any of them leave, much less have friendships ruined because of something said on an internet message board. I have to agree with some of the posters that all this is is a message board. It shouldn't really hold that much importance in a person's life. I kind of think some of this has to do with the Sox playing like crap, and that some people just need to post something to vent, but some of the threads just need to die a natural death. As far as closing threads goes, I have closed myabe five since becoming an admin. I agree that we should allow a lot of posting that wouldn't be tolerated at other places. I could care less if someone said that I am worthless as far as what I bring to the message board. I don't really care about that. But if something was said about me, or my family, or any of the posters here that is obviously slanderous in nature, I will have somewhat of a short leash. Unlike at some other message boards where someone will be banned for not holding the moderators with some sort of glory, I will not go on a banning rampage until every person I don't like is gone. I would probably warn someone, and then if it became a reocurring problem, I might put them on moderation. I don't know if this is even close to how any of the other administrators might handle this, but this is a way that I am thinking of. When he started this up, I'm sure Jason never thought this board would turn into what it is today - a collection of some of the finest baseball minds that have knowledge of everything from the  first pick in last year's Rule V Draft to what the name of Mark Buehrle's hunting dog is. He's in college and he devotes most of his time not in class or studying to this board, as do many of the people that help with the site. I think that there can be some way to handle this situation if people just imnput some ideas on how it can be handled. We can do this. We are Sox fans (Which makes us pretty bright in the first place) who share a common love for this team. That's what this message board was started for. And 99.9% of the posters come here for that reason. Very few people are here to start trouble, but innoncent posters seemed to get dragged through the mud for their beliefs and who they are. Let's just see if we can't find a way to keep this place as the best damn place to talk Sox baseball, and a place to form and strengthen new friendships.


:headbang Go Sox


:headbang Go Soxtalk





Not being nitpicky, but make paragraphs! It's hard on the eyes reading s*** all together like that..

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Guest hotsoxchick1
My comments that people were taking what an internet message board had to say very seriously was not about you HSC, but rather WSC who on other occassions has shown that what is said here has lots of impact.


If he jammed your PM box and your e-mail then that is a total crock.  However, I don't really see how telling him "You're a punk with no friends" really alleviates any of those problems.  Maybe it's just me and my common sense speaking but if you had s*** with him, it could have been brought up to Jas, Murcie J, Heads, CW etc. and fixed before it mushroomed into something like this with a lot of people pissed at each other.

apu how long has he been allowed to run amuck??? i understand what your sayin but ... hes been temp banned before and then came back.. and kept at the same ol s***.. i made it a point to skip over his threads he starts because i know what they contain.. but on the main board he started some s*** and then it spilled into the off topic boards and the pm and email...i corrected the email on my own by changing things (was my fault on that to begin with since i had it on my profile).....anyhow its done and over with as far as im concerned.. jason fixed the pm thing and i fixed the email thing........he wont be buggin me anymore thats for sure......and thats all i care about...... ;)

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I've thought about this for a while. We seem to have a lot of personal attacks on people. Jason and I have had many multi-hour conversations on what to do about it. None of us like banning any of the posters that have had something to bring to the board. I, personally, have no second thoughts about banning some one who is just here to to troll, but I am hesitant to do it to anyone who's had any sort of rational thought on here. I think that all of the posters fighting in this and other threads have something really great to bring to this board that no place else has. We should feel lucky to have such people here, and I don't want to see any of them leave, much less have friendships ruined because of something said on an internet message board. I have to agree with some of the posters that all this is is a message board. It shouldn't really hold that much importance in a person's life. I kind of think some of this has to do with the Sox playing like crap, and that some people just need to post something to vent, but some of the threads just need to die a natural death. As far as closing threads goes, I have closed myabe five since becoming an admin. I agree that we should allow a lot of posting that wouldn't be tolerated at other places. I could care less if someone said that I am worthless as far as what I bring to the message board. I don't really care about that. But if something was said about me, or my family, or any of the posters here that is obviously slanderous in nature, I will have somewhat of a short leash. Unlike at some other message boards where someone will be banned for not holding the moderators with some sort of glory, I will not go on a banning rampage until every person I don't like is gone. I would probably warn someone, and then if it became a reocurring problem, I might put them on moderation. I don't know if this is even close to how any of the other administrators might handle this, but this is a way that I am thinking of. When he started this up, I'm sure Jason never thought this board would turn into what it is today - a collection of some of the finest baseball minds that have knowledge of everything from the  first pick in last year's Rule V Draft to what the name of Mark Buehrle's hunting dog is. He's in college and he devotes most of his time not in class or studying to this board, as do many of the people that help with the site. I think that there can be some way to handle this situation if people just imnput some ideas on how it can be handled. We can do this. We are Sox fans (Which makes us pretty bright in the first place) who share a common love for this team. That's what this message board was started for. And 99.9% of the posters come here for that reason. Very few people are here to start trouble, but innoncent posters seemed to get dragged through the mud for their beliefs and who they are. Let's just see if we can't find a way to keep this place as the best damn place to talk Sox baseball, and a place to form and strengthen new friendships.


:headbang Go Sox


:headbang Go Soxtalk





Not being nitpicky, but make paragraphs! It's hard on the eyes reading s*** all together like that..

lol you read it all? I couldnt, so i just skimmed. Same reason. Too long, no break. But I appreciate his thoughts.

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