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I would hate AJ Pierzeyunaberaisnki if he were on the Sox. I might even start going full-time Giants.

No way we'd ever sign that prick, Mohr, Mientkiewicz, Hocking, and a few others who have been huge asses. I haven't heard Jones, Guzman, or Stewart say a word, so as of now there fine. If they say anything out of line, f*** them

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Carl really has grown on me to. I really wasnt to please with him coming here, just didnt have a good feeling with him, but it seems like he really knows how to win. To bad he is with 24 other Heartless Dickheads.

The team you saw for the last 50 games or so will be different next season, lot of big contracts are gonna be sliced off.

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when has everett ever stayed with a team for longer than he was signed...never so i doubt he will be back. but i want him to stay too.

Why not a first? I think he will start to rub off on the guys if he can stay. Texas had nothing but good things to say about him. We say nice things about him too. I think it all goes back to that incident he had with the umpire when he was with the Red Sox.

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Get the rest of them out of here. (Yes, I know you cant just wipe everyone out, but i think you guys know what i mean.)

Oh yes you can, and don't be surprised if some big names aren't here next season. I don't have any inside gossip, but I can tell you, they'd love to get Konerko's big contract off the books. Gordon, and Sullivan prob won't be back.

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I really want a house cleaning. I dont about alot of the rest of you, but alot of people are saying we can win with this core of players next year. I dont buy it. We have seen choke jobs that are  unimaginable this year. I say keep are outfield, and are 3b and 2b. Get the rest of them out of here. (Yes, I know you cant just wipe everyone out, but i think you guys know what i mean.)

The guys I think are musts are Lee, Everett, Crede, Rowand, Graffanino, Marte, Flash, Buerhle, Garland, Loz, and Alomar. I'd love to see Mags, Frank, and a few other stay, but we haven't been winning as they've been our leaders, you can only stay on one course for so long.

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For a hose cleaning, you need some big names out. Frank, Paulie, Mabye Maggs. I think Rowand could be a 1B. I see him in that role,but mabye not. Anyway, Obviously, you get rid of those names, its going to take a while to get back to the playoffs, but its not like were seeing them alot around here anyway, so lets see what happens.

I was kinda getting at Frank, Maggs, Paulie, etc could leave. Sorry if I didn't write that well.

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That is pretty sweet Kip, nice job.



Also, beastly, I wouldn't recommend making a Magglio one....he might not be around long enough to appreciate it.

Well all I can say is if the White Sox trade Magglio or let him go via free agency they are just stupid. But you never know with Kenny Williams "Klueless Wonder" as I like to put it is doing up there in the press booth.

A new poster that knows "the real" Kenny Williams is in over his head :lol: .


Welcome :headbang

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